Matthew Dutton
Matthew Dutton

Dr Matthew Dutton



Matthew is a lecturer and researcher based in the Business School.

Matthew's research interests are in employability, health, welfare reform and the welfare to work agenda. Matthew's current research is on the role of personalisation in the health and social care sector and measuring the impact of research in society.

Matthew has been the principal investigator on a range of research projects for the Scottish Government, UK Government, Northern Ireland Executive and European Commission. Recent government research reports have included a four year longitudinal study on the role of the Third Sector in the delivery of public services and a review of employability provision for jobseekers.

Matthew has co-authored more than 30 reports on welfare reform, employability provision and policy on supporting the long-term back to the labour market. Matthew has also published in peer-reviewed journals including Work, Employment and Society, Policy Studies and Social Policy and Administration. Matthew is the Chair of the University Ethics Committee.

Matthew currently lectures on research methods and public policy for undergraduate and postgraduate students. He also delivers workshops and tutorials on research methods.

Matthew is also a PhD, DBA and MSc supervisor . If you are interested in pursuing a PhD theses in an area of Matthew's research, contact the Employment Research Institute. Matthew's lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students on research methods.

Matthew has a first degree in history and political philosophy. His PhD analysed the role of self-employment in rural peripheral areas to address economic decline. Matthew has taught in social and economic disciplines at a variety of universities.

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Research Areas




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Chair - Business School Research Integrity Committee
  • Business School Athena Swan SAT Lead
  • Presentation of research to the Ministerial PACE Partnership
  • Witness to the Scottish Parliament Work, Wages and Wellbeing Committee


Conference Organising Activity

  • Tackling Inequality in the Labour Market
  • University Athena Swan committee
  • Third Sector Research Conference


Invited Speaker

  • Presentation of research on Workforce Resilience
  • Keynote Speech on Developing the Young Workforce
  • Public Boards and Corporate Diversity Programme
  • Evaluating the Economic Impact of the Glasgow Living Wage
  • Presentation to the Poverty Commission
  • Presenation to Scottish Government on Third Sector Research Findings


Media Activity

  • Act Now or Miss Gender Targets



50 results

A Scottish Living Wage

McQuaid, R., Raeside, R., Canduela, J., & Dutton, M. (2008)
A Scottish Living Wage. Glasgow: Poverty Alliance
This report by the Employment Research Institute, Napier University, Edinburgh, for the Poverty Alliance has two objectives: first, to set out a methodology for identifying a ...

Inter-agency Cooperation and New Approaches to Employability

Journal Article
Lindsay, C., McQuaid, R. W., & Dutton, M. (2008)
Inter-agency Cooperation and New Approaches to Employability. Social Policy and Administration, 42(7), 715-732.
This article examines the role of inter-agency cooperation, which is one form of ‘partnership’, in new approaches to employability in the UK. The article articulates a ‘model ...

The Economic Impacts of the Emirates Airline Edinburgh Sevens/ Final IRB World Series, 31st May – 1st June 2008

McQuaid, R., Dutton, M., Raeside, R., & Canduela, J. (2008)
The Economic Impacts of the Emirates Airline Edinburgh Sevens/ Final IRB World Series, 31st May – 1st June 2008. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Rugby Union
This report presents the results of a brief study into the contribution of the Emirates Airline Edinburgh Sevens World Series, at Murrayfield, Edinburgh on 31st May and 1st Ju...

Small and medium sized businesses and disadvantaged parents: overcoming training recruitment and retention barriers. Final report.

McQuaid, R. W., Dutton, M., Bergmann, A., Richard, A. & Lindsay, C. (2008)
Small and medium sized businesses and disadvantaged parents: overcoming training recruitment and retention barriers. Final report.
The project involved new research, investigating barriers preventing SMEs from recruiting from disadvantaged groups (especially unemployed/inactive parents, who represent an u...

New approaches to employability in the UK: combining ‘human capital development’ and ‘work first’ strategies?

Journal Article
Lindsay, C., McQuaid, R. W., & Dutton, M. (2007)
New approaches to employability in the UK: combining ‘human capital development’ and ‘work first’ strategies?. Journal of Social Policy, 36, 539-560.
This article analyses recent developments in policies to promote the employability of unemployed and economically inactive people in the UK. It discusses the extent to which t...

Small and medium sized businesses and disadvantaged parents: overcoming training recruitment and retention barriers.

McQuaid, R. W., Dutton, M. & Bergmann, A. (2006)
Small and medium sized businesses and disadvantaged parents: overcoming training recruitment and retention barriers.
The project involved new research, investigating barriers preventing SMEs from recruiting from disadvantaged groups (especially unemployed/inactive parents, who represent an u...

Inter-agency cooperation and activation in Europe - evidence from three states

Presentation / Conference
Lindsay, C., McQuaid, R., & Dutton, M. (2006, January)
Inter-agency cooperation and activation in Europe - evidence from three states. Paper presented at Delni Aspen, Brussels
New forms of inter-agency co-operation have gained increasing prominence in the development and delivery of activation strategies. This article compares different models of in...

Working together? Research into the role of inter-agency co-operation in improving employability

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., Lindsay, C., Dutton, M. & McCracken, M. G. (2006)
Working together? Research into the role of inter-agency co-operation in improving employability. Labour Market Bulletin. 20, 163-169
This report presents the findings of research commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DELNI) and conducted by the Employment Research Ins...

Overcoming barriers to equality and diversity on boards in Scotland.

Dutton, M. & Raeside, R. (2013)
Overcoming barriers to equality and diversity on boards in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government
The Employment Research Institute (ERI) was commissioned by the Scottish Government to identify ways in which equalities groups can be better represented at board level in the...

Best practice in inter-agency cooperation on employability

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., Lindsay, C., Dutton, M. & McCracken, M. G. (2006)
Best practice in inter-agency cooperation on employability. Labour Market Bulletin. 20
This article reports the summary of findings of research commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning on best practice in inter-agency co-operation on employabil...

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