Welcome to the Business School Research Integrity resource page.

Below you will find resources to help you consider RI in your research.

*Please note that all research involving human participants and personal data will require RI opinion (for UG and TPG this is usually considered through the Dissertation modules and the supervision process. Please see your respective module Moodle page for guidance on RI process).

It is essential that any researcher who is considering an application for research integrity approval reads the University Code of Practice for Research Integrity 2022 prior to completing the ethics application.

Training modules on Research Integrity Code of Practice processes are available via Moodle Community using your Edinburgh Napier University ID: 

Does my study require ethical review?

If you are uncertain whether your study requires ethical review or not, please contact either the Convenor of the TBS Research Integrity Committee - j.mcmillan@napier.ac.uk or g.kerr@napier.ac.uk (deputy convenor) - prior to completing the full ethics application.

It is important to consult the Four Step Flowchart to check what should be done in advance of submitting an ethics application to the Research Integrity Committee, the key steps for completing and submitting ethics application and the importance of including all relevant supporting documentation with the application.

Staff and post-graduate research (PGR) students need to complete an online application provided in the Worktribe Ethics Application Facilities. To access the Worktribe system, please log in with your ENU username and password at: https://napier-research.worktribe.com/. To help create the ethics application please use the ethics applicant user guide, which can be found on the Worktribe Training page. Worktribe training videos are also available to provide guidance on how to complete the online application.

Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students should first discuss their proposed methodology with their supervisor. If the student proposes to conduct primary research, students should obtain prior approval from their supervisor before commencing any research. If the supervisor deems the student’s proposed research methods as necessitating TBS Research Integrity Committee review and approval, the student should complete a word version of the *TBS Application Form as linked in Key Documents below and send the completed application to the Administrator of TBS Research Integrity Committee. 

Key Documents

  1. TBS Application Form (*for UG and PGT students use only. Please contact TBS Research Integrity Committee Administrator for this form. Staff and PGR students must use Worktribe)
  2. TBS Research Integrity Committee document checklist 
  3. Risk Assessment Form (*for face-to-face research. Please contact University Health and Safety for this form)
  4. Research Integrity Amendment Request Form (UG and PGT students please contact TBS Research Integrity Committee Administrator for this form. Staff and PGR students must use Worktribe)
  5. If you are a research student, once you have received approval for your research from the Committee, you will need to download and complete the Oath of Confidentiality form.
  6. External Funding Data Management Plan Template
  7. DMP template for internal funded / student / literature project template

Please use the weblinks in the document checklist for all supporting forms that are available on the Research Integrity and Research Governance internal webpages so that you use the most up to date templates. A list of University approved tools for managing data can be found on our internal webpages.

Next Steps

  1. Review the University Code of Practice for Research Integrity 2022
  2. Review the Four Step Flow Chart
  3. Complete and submit a full application with supporting documentation to Worktribe (all staff and PGR students) or the Committee Administrator (UG and PGT students, where the supervisor deems necessary) 
The Committee aim to initially review the application within ten working days. The Committee can:
  • Reject the application on the basis that it violates one or more of the University research principles, or
  • Request the applicant to amend/resubmit the application, taking into account feedback from committee members, or
  • Approve the application in its current form.

For further advice and information undertaking research during the Covid-19 pandemic please go to the Research Integrity webpages.

Useful Resources 

Edinburgh Napier University Data Protection Training

Edinburgh Napier University Research Governance/Integrity information

Research Innovation Enterprise blog

UKRIO Training information 

UK Data Service website

UK Data Service YouTube channel

UK Reproducibility Network website

UK Reproducibility Network YouTube channel