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48 results

Walking, Observing and Making – Rethinking Plastics in Edinburgh

Presentation / Conference
Tao, C. X., Vettese, S., & Anastasiadou, C. (2024, March)
Walking, Observing and Making – Rethinking Plastics in Edinburgh. Paper presented at Eighteenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Valencia, Spain
Plastic is a widely used material with great longevity, if designed, utilised, and re-used properly. However, the average usable lifespan for single-use plastic products is as...

The shifting sands of UK secondary music curricula: problematising relationships between aural training and music literacy

Journal Article
Donn, R., Stillie, B., & Moir, Z. (2024)
The shifting sands of UK secondary music curricula: problematising relationships between aural training and music literacy. Music Education Research, 26(1), 58-70.
This article, which is intended as a contribution to wider conversations around music literacy, explores current conceptions of music literacy within the UK, using the area of...

Co-creating The Learning and Teaching Journey with Postgraduate Research Students Who Teach

Journal Article
Dencer-Brown, A., Carlson-Webster, T., Piccio, B., Anderson, C., Adewale, O., & Taylor, S. (2023)
Co-creating The Learning and Teaching Journey with Postgraduate Research Students Who Teach. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(3), 97-110.
Post-graduate research students (PGRs) often have teaching roles during their studies with little formal training or support (Lueddeke, 1997). Previous support at Edinburgh Na...

Belonging to the university or being in the world: From belonging to relational being

Journal Article
Graham, C., & Moir, Z. (2022)
Belonging to the university or being in the world: From belonging to relational being. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 19(4),
In a world characterised by supercomplexity, in which higher education (HE) is in the grip of neoliberal market forces (Barnett, 2000), it is incumbent upon participants in th...

A Reflective Case Study on using Team Academy principles to integrate a university-based business incubator service into the mainstream curriculum

Book Chapter
Wu, W., Tan, H., & Miller Judd, P. (2022)
A Reflective Case Study on using Team Academy principles to integrate a university-based business incubator service into the mainstream curriculum. In B. Urzelai, & E. Vettraino (Eds.), Team Academy in Diverse Settings. (1). London: Routledge.
The fast-changing world requires graduates equipped with the entrepreneurial skills necessary to solve real-world challenges. University based business incubators have largely...


Book Chapter
Køhlert, F. B. (2022)
Pedagogy. In E. La Cour, S. Grennan, & R. Spanjers (Eds.), Key Terms in Comics Studies (233). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bleeding Free – advocacy and activism in the production of a student led documentary on period poverty and menstrual health education

Presentation / Conference
MacLeod, K. (2021, October)
Bleeding Free – advocacy and activism in the production of a student led documentary on period poverty and menstrual health education. Paper presented at Menstruation in the Media (in collaboration with Menstruation Research Network), Sheffield Halam University
This paper will discuss the a university produced social impact documentary, Bleeding Free, produced by an advocacy and impact collective, Bleedin Saor . The collective (meani...

Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries

Book Chapter
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (2021)
Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. In L. Hunt, & . D. Chalmers (Eds.), University Teaching in Focus: A Learning-centred Approach. (2). Australia: Routledge
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (in press). Case study: Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. In L. ...

Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries

Presentation / Conference
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (2021, June)
Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. Paper presented at Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference 2020, Manchester
This paper focuses on students’ use of a novel programme-focused feedback tool we have developed and utilised across Product Design at Edinburgh Napier University. In the cont...

Bleeding Free

Digital Artefact
MacLeod, K., Morgan, L., & Cochrane, R. (2021)
Bleeding Free. [Digital video]
A documentary film about period poverty and menstrual health. The film focuses on the importance of free access to period products and how this improves the life chances for w...
4 results
5 results

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr Zack Moir Elected to the Board of Directors of the Prestigious Association for Popular Music Education

26 June 2019
Dr Zack Moir from Music has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Association for Popular Music Education, which is an international organisation with a mission to promote and advance...

University Academic Publishes New Edited Volume on Popular Music Education

3 April 2019
Dr Zack Moir, lecturer in music, has just published his new edited volume ’The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Education: Perspectives and Practices’, which features chapters from three other mem...

Music students take on trans-atlantic music composition project with students in New Jersey

28 January 2019
Zack Moir and Bryden Stillie from music have, in collaboration with Andy Krikun from Bergen Community College in New Jersey, USA, launched an international songwriting/composition project. Each of the...

Lecturer in Music is Editor of Recently 'Routledge Research Companion to Popular Music Education'

24 January 2017
Dr Zack Moir from music is one of the editors of the recently published 'Routledge Research Handbook of Popular Music Education', which is a new edited volume containing contributions from a wide rang...