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322 results

Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place.

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H. & Abell, A. (2005)
Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place. In Jezzard, H. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th International Online Meeting, 39-44
This paper presents a summary of results that derive from research into the emerging information job market. The project was conducted by TFPL between February and June 2006, ...

E-Consultation, Controversy and Youth

Book Chapter
Macintosh, A., Smith, E., & Whyte, A. (2005)
E-Consultation, Controversy and Youth. In M. Cunningham, & P. Cunningham (Eds.), Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, 730-737. IOS Press
This paper presents the results of a completed research study the aim of which was to identify ICT tools suitable for engaging with young people in dialogue on a complex polic...

KM, culture and compromise: Devising practical interventions to promote knowledge sharing in corporate environments

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2005, March)
KM, culture and compromise: Devising practical interventions to promote knowledge sharing in corporate environments. Paper presented at European Business Information Conference, Seville, Spain
The attached document summarises the main points to be covered by Hazel Hall in the first part of breakout session B2. Setting the context: how research informs practice. In...

Managing social capital as knowledge management – some specification and representation issues.

Journal Article
Davenport, E., Graham, M., Kennedy, J., & Taylor, K. (2005)
Managing social capital as knowledge management – some specification and representation issues. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40, 101-108. doi:10.1002/meet.1450400113
‘Classic’ accounts of social capital have emerged in accounts of stable networks or institutional environments. These conditions do not apply in the case of many firms – a cas...

Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies.

Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2005, January)
Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies. Paper presented at Social Informatics Workshop: Extending the Contributions of Professor Rob Kling to the Analysis of Computerization Movements, CRITO, The Beckman Center, UC Irvine, USA, March 11-12,

Young People and e-Democracy: Creating a Culture of Participation

Conference Proceeding
Masters, Z., Masters, Z., Macintosh, A., & Smith, E. (2004)
Young People and e-Democracy: Creating a Culture of Participation. In R. Traunmuller (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Electronic Government. , (15-22).
Research originally suggested that new technologies, particularly the Internet, provided a useful mechanism for engaging young people - an otherwise largely disenfranchised gr...

The sickness of an information society: R.H.Tawney and the post-industrial condition.

Journal Article
Duff, A. (2004)
The sickness of an information society: R.H.Tawney and the post-industrial condition. Information, Communication and Society. 7, 403-422. doi:10.1080/1369118042000284632. ISSN 1369-118X
R. H. Tawney is frequently cited as one of the most distinguished social theorists of the twentieth century, and his position in the British school of ethical, democratic soci...

Applying user testing data to UEM performance metrics.

Conference Proceeding
Chattratichart, J., & Brodie, J. (2004)
Applying user testing data to UEM performance metrics. In CHI EA '04 CHI '04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1119-1122. doi:10.1145/985921.986003
The lack of standard assessment criteria for reliably comparing usability evaluation methods (UEMs) is an important gap in HCI knowledge. Recently, metrics for assessing thoro...

The Past, Present, and Future of Information Policy: Towards a normative theory of the information society

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2004)
The Past, Present, and Future of Information Policy: Towards a normative theory of the information society. Information, Communication and Society, 7(1), 69-87.
The profile of information policy in academic and policy-making circles has been rising in recent decades, a function, presumably, of the expansion of an 'information society'...

Borrowed theory: applying exchange theories in information science research.

Journal Article
Hall, H. (2003)
Borrowed theory: applying exchange theories in information science research. Library and Information Science Research, 25(3), 287-306.
This article discusses the applicability of “borrowing” theory originally developed in other disciplines to information science research, and, in particular, the analytical co...


100 results

AI Visual

2023 - 2024
The project is initiated by a company called 20 Photos, founded by Jo Tennant, a professional photographer. The company has developed a concept that involves curating photos into a story that is beau...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £34,000

Hardware acceleration toolchain for medical diagnostic devices on skin conditions

2023 - 2025
Abstract: Artificial neural network (ANN) empowered machine vision in embedded platforms has huge potential to be used in clinic environments for medical diagnostics. However, cost-effective artificia...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £167,647

Towards multilingual audio-visual speech enhancement in real noisy environments

2023 - 2025
Speech enhancement aims to improve the overall quality and intelligibility of speech degraded by noise sources in real-world noisy environments. In recent years, researchers have proposed audio-visual...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £12,000

Information literacy and society: a comprehensive review

2023 - 2023
This project will bring out how people learn to understand why and how they need information, and how they gather, process and use information, by reviewing research from 2005 to the present. The word...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,990

On the executability and malicious retention of adversarial malware samples generated using adversarial learning.

2023 - 2023
A SICSA Sponsored Research Theme Event Machine Learning (ML) models have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial examples designed to fool ML models to classify them as benign rather than malicious...
Funder: The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance

Software-Hardware Ecosystems for AI Edge Devices (SHE)

2022 - 2023
AI hardware solutions are only useful if they’re compatible with all other layers of the technology stack, including the solutions and use cases in the services layer. Researchers in AI hardware can t...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £32,700

Gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships

2022 - 2025
The aim is to understand the myriad sources of gender stereotyping that impact on young people’s choices around apprenticeships and work-based learning (WBL). First, by a policy and literature review ...
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £57,117

Visualisation of Metadata in 2D/3D Digital Cuneiform Artefacts

2022 - 2023
Cuneiform is an ancient writing system that was first used in around 3400 BC (Finkel & Taylor, 2015). Distinguished by its 3D imprinted, wedge-shaped reed marks on clay tablets, cuneiform script is o...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,909


2022 - 2025
As we live in a data-driven era, the emergence of interdisciplinary, geographically dispersed, data repositories, is inevitable. The fact that these repositories do not necessarily abide with existing...
Funder: UK Research and Innovation | Value: £310,843

The Sound Beneath Our Feet

2022 - 2022
This project will develop an immersive audio installation in which to experience sonified seismic data from volcanic activity. The environment will foster new ways of experiencing data from both scien...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,915


Qualification level

12 results

User centred approaches to supporting digital literacies and online information systems use

2022 - date
Drew Feeney | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Gemma Webster

Multi-modal ubiquitous Quantum Self monitoring – a driver of mental health improvements in the prison environment

2022 - date
Tomasz Stupnicki | Director of Studies: Dr Gemma Webster | Second Supervisor: Dr Christine Haddow

Natural Language Interfaces to support career decision-making of young people

2021 - date
Exploring how natural language interfaces can be used to support young people with career decision making, including ethics...
Marianne Wilson | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Evaluation of engagement with hyperlocal e-participation systems by citizens and representatives

2019 - 2021
This work is concerned with the information practices associated with hyperlocal representation. The fin...
Dr Peter Cruickshank | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Dr Kendall Richards

Intermediated Reality

2016 - 2020
Real-time solutions to reducing the gap between virtual and physical worlds for photorealistic interactive Augmented Reality (AR) are presented. First, a method of texture deforma...
Dr Llogari Casas Cambra | Director of Studies: Prof Kenny Mitchell | Second Supervisor: Dr Kevin Chalmers

Reputation management in a digital world: The role of online information in the building, management, and evaluation of personal reputations

2013 - 2019
This PhD is concerned with the role of online information in...
Dr Frances Ryan | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Alistair Lawson

Participation Space Studies: a socio-technical exploration of activist and community groups? use of online and offline spaces to support their work

2011 - 2016
Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation ...
Dr Ella Taylor-Smith | Director of Studies: Dr Colin Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Framework for evaluation of e-health platform and services

2010 - 2015
Methodologies for evaluation of e-Health platforms are still lacking. This research proposes an e-Health evaluation framework that aims to pro...
Dr Owen Lo | Director of Studies: Prof Bill Buchanan | Second Supervisor: Prof Christoph Thuemmler

Autopoietic organisation of knowledge, creativity and innovation: a case study of the automotive manufacturer Daimler AG

2007 - 2012
Abstract Creativity and innovation are very important capabilities within an org...
Dr Jan Auernhammer | Director of Studies: George Stonehouse | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall

The knowledge trap: an intranet implementation in a corporate environment

1999 - 2004
Prof Hazel Hall | Director of Studies: Prof Lissie Davenport | Second Supervisor: Ann Macintosh
36 results

Marketing strategy, paid marketing, CRM, copywriting: it's all in a day's work for Edinburgh marketing consultant Kirsty Kirkhope

8 November 2021
Insights on developing digital marketing strategy and tactics, client-side and agency-side.

Alistair Duff Interviewed: "Coronavirus, the Information Age & 1984!"

8 June 2020
The Asia Scotland Institute has released a vidcast with Professor Alistair Duff, Professor of Information Policy at Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh. Professor Duff addresses the extent to which...

Prof Al Duff Featured in Sunday Express

5 October 2019
A revolt is needed to protect our privacy, leading professor claims Professor Alistair Duff insists the rise of technology such as facial recognition (FRT), CCTV and smart devices is robbing us of ou...

Expert Testimony to Scottish Parliament

30 September 2019
Prof Al Duff appeared as an expert witness before the Scottish Parliament's Justice Committee. Testifying on behalf of privacy pressure group NO2ID Edinburgh, he answered MSP question about the bill f...

Hazel Hall to receive the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award

11 July 2019
The Association for Information Science and Technology announced Professor Hazel Hall as the winner of the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award.

Centre for Social Informatics researchers report on the long-term value of networking grants

15 February 2018
The Journal of Documentation has recently accepted a journal article by Centre for Social Informatics researchers that considers the long-term value and impact of AHRC network grant funding.

Professor Hazel Hall wins SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

12 January 2018
Professor Hazel Hall has won the SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

Prof Alistair Duff Speaks at Holyrood FoI 2017 Conference

6 December 2017
SACI professor of information policy Alistair Duff was invited onto the afternoon panel at the annual Freedom of Information Conference run by Holyrood events. The other panellists were Alastair Brian...

Professor Isto Huvila visits the Centre for Social Informatics

26 November 2017
Professor Isto Huvila of Uppsala University, Sweden visited Scotland in November 2017. As part of his programme he spent some time with colleagues in the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Nap...

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ASIST2017 in Washington DC

30 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics participated at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2017) in Washington DC on 30th October 2017.