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154 results

Revising Nightingale's legacy

Journal Article
Dancer, S. (2020)
Revising Nightingale's legacy. Journal of Hospital Infection, 105(2), 344-345.
The recent editorial from this Journal does well to highlight the benefits of hand hygiene once again [ 1 ]. It is entirely appropriate to support the need for clean hands, es...

Measuring environmental contamination in critical care using dilute hydrogen peroxide (DHP) technology: An observational cross-over study

Journal Article
Oon, A., Reading, E., Ferguson, J., Dancer, S., & Mitchell, B. (2020)
Measuring environmental contamination in critical care using dilute hydrogen peroxide (DHP) technology: An observational cross-over study. Infection, Disease & Health, 25(2), 107-112.
Background The environment has an important role in the transmission of healthcare associated infections. This has encouraged interest in novel methods to improve hygiene in h...

Design of a New Peptide Substrate Probe of the Putative Biomarker Legumain with Potential Application in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ex vivo

Journal Article
Mathur, S., Turnbull, A., Akaev, I., Stevens, C., Agrawal, N., Chopra, M., & Mincher, D. (2020)
Design of a New Peptide Substrate Probe of the Putative Biomarker Legumain with Potential Application in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ex vivo. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 26, 1965-1980.
The lysosomal endoprotease legumain (asparaginyl endoprotease) has been proposed as a putative biomarker in prostate tumours, in which the enzyme is markedly overexpressed. Ov...

Hand antisepsis without decreasing efficacy by shortening the rub-in time of alcohol-based handrubs to 15 seconds

Journal Article
Harnoss, J., Dancer, S., Kaden, C., Baguhl, R., Kohlmann, T., Papke, R., …Kramer, A. (2020)
Hand antisepsis without decreasing efficacy by shortening the rub-in time of alcohol-based handrubs to 15 seconds. Journal of Hospital Infection, 104(4), 419-424.
Background A previous study among neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses showed that the antibacterial efficacy of alcohol-based handrubs (ABHR) can be achieved in 15 s in...

Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study

Journal Article
Brown, S., Paterson, C., Dougall, N., Cameron, S., & Wheelhouse, N. (2019)
Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 19(1),
Background Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the genital...

Tracking Staphylococcus aureus in the intensive care unit using Whole-Genome Sequencing

Journal Article
Dancer, S. J., Adams, C. E., Smith, J., Pichon, B., Kearns, A., & Morrison, D. (2019)
Tracking Staphylococcus aureus in the intensive care unit using Whole-Genome Sequencing. Journal of Hospital Infection, 103(1), 13-20.
Background: Staphylococcus aureus remains an important bacterial pathogen worldwide. This study utilized known staphylococcal epidemiology to track S. aureus between different...

The inflammatory bowel disease drug azathioprine induces autophagy via mTORC1 and the unfolded protein response sensor PERK

Journal Article
Hooper, K. M., Casanova, V., Kemp, S., Staines, K. A., Satsangi, J., Barlow, P. G., …Stevens, C. (2019)
The inflammatory bowel disease drug azathioprine induces autophagy via mTORC1 and the unfolded protein response sensor PERK. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 25(9), 1481-1496.
Background Genetic studies have strongly linked autophagy to Crohn's disease (CD) and stimulating autophagy in CD patients may be therapeutically beneficial. The aim of this s...

Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction

Journal Article
Wattegedera, S. R., Doull, L. E., Goncheva, M. I., Wheelhouse, N., Watson, D. M., Pearce, J., …Entrican, G. (2019)
Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction. Frontiers in Immunology, 9,
Successful mammalian pregnancies are a result of complex physiological, endocrinological and immunological processes that combine to create an environment where the mother is ...

Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes

Journal Article
Flach, E. J., Dagleish, M. P., Feltrer, Y., Gill, I. S., Marschang, R. E., Masters, N., …Wheelhouse, N. M. (2018)
Ferlavirus-related deaths in a collection of viperid snakes. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(4), 983-995.
Between June and October 2013 26 snakes of six viperid species kept in two adjoining rooms died (n = 16) or were euthanized on medical (1) or welfare grounds (9). Two were fro...

Four Steps to Clean Hospitals: Look; Plan; Clean; and Dry

Journal Article
Dancer, S. J., & Kramer, A. (2019)
Four Steps to Clean Hospitals: Look; Plan; Clean; and Dry. Journal of Hospital Infection, 103(1), e1-e8.
Background Now that cleaning and decontamination are recognised as integral to infection control, it is timely to examine the process in more detail. This is because cleaning ...
36 results

Tackling bottlenecks to the use of Johne’s Disease data and adding value to increase farmer and vet engagement in Johne’s disease control

2022 - 2023
Tackling bottlenecks to the use of Johne’s Disease data and adding value to increase farmer and vet engagement in Johne’s disease control
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £24,699

Development of a scale-up process for production of Kombucha

2022 - 2023
Gut Feelings main commercial product is Kombucha, a fermented tea produced by natural microbial fermentation and assumed to contain a variety of microbes that link to health benefits. It is produced u...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,960

Virulence of diverse Listeria monocytogenes strains in an invertebrate infection model

2022 - 2022
Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is a bacterium which is found throughout the environment and is the cause of listeriosis, a major food-borne disease. While annual case numbers are relatively...
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £2,160

Management of post-weaning diarrhoea and the implications for AMR in response to the upcoming ban on zinc supplementation in pigs

2022 - 2023
Management of post-weaning diarrhoea and the implications for AMR in response to the upcoming ban on zinc supplementation in pigs
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £4,170

Quantifying AMR in the River Almond Catchment Area

2021 - 2025
Aim To Quantifying AMR Pollution and identify the major sources of point and diffuse AMR pollution in the River Almond Catchment Area in order to provide a baseline for future risk assessment and inte...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £52,080

Scotland-India Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment Network (SIAMREN)

2020 - 2021
This project focuses upon the creation and growth of a network of researchers within Scotland and India who have common research interests in the challenges presented by the emergence of antimicrobial...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh

The prevalence of antibiotic resistance pathogen E. coli in Scottish surface waters

2019 - 2023
The alarming rise in resistance to antibiotics is now widely accepted as being one of the most serious public health crises we face today. The use and overuse of antibiotics in human and animal medici...
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £129,161

The role of NamA in L. monocytogenes virulence gene expression

2019 - 2020
Student Placement Scholarship 2019. Provides up to 8 weeks of paid laboratory experience for an undergraduate student.
Funder: Society of Applied Microbiology | Value: £2,500

UK-India AMR Partnership Workshop

2019 - 2019
joint UK-India AMR in the environment from antimicrobial manufacturing waste - partnership workshop.
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £2,500

Part 2 Novel insights, tools and measures to mitigate emerging risks by yeasts in the food chain II

2018 - 2020
This project is to understand the mechanisms responsible for the virulence of food-related yeasts on humans, and to provide tools and recommendations to prevent the release of yeast strains that pose ...
Funder: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | Value: £6,390