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59 results

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector

Skelton, F., & Haddow, C. (2022)
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector. Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum
Executive summary This report presents findings from two research projects exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on third sector justice organisations and workers in ...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Justice Voluntary Sector

Presentation / Conference
Skelton, F., & Haddow, C. (2022, June)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Justice Voluntary Sector. Paper presented at British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Surrey, UK
Third sector organisations (TSOs) have a long history of complementing work done by statutory agencies in criminal justice, to the extent that that TSOs no longer sit outside ...

The effects of dual-task interference in predicting turn-ends in speech and music

Journal Article
Fisher, N. K., Hadley, L. V., Corps, R. E., & Pickering, M. J. (2021)
The effects of dual-task interference in predicting turn-ends in speech and music. Brain Research, 1768,
Determining when a partner’s spoken or musical turn will end requires well-honed predictive abilities. Evidence suggests that our motor systems are activated during perception...

Female Narcissism: Assessment, Aetiology, and Behavioural Manifestations

Journal Article
Green, A., MacLean, R., & Charles, K. (2022)
Female Narcissism: Assessment, Aetiology, and Behavioural Manifestations. Psychological Reports, 125(6), 2833-2864.
Despite putative gender differences in the expression of narcissism, prominent theories have virtually dismissed the role of females in the development and manifestation of na...

The importance of detailed context reinstatement for the production of identifiable composite faces from memory

Journal Article
Fodarella, C., Marsh, J. E., Chu, S., Athwal-Kooner, P., Jones, H. S., Skelton, F. C., …Frowd, C. D. (2021)
The importance of detailed context reinstatement for the production of identifiable composite faces from memory. Visual Cognition, 29(3), 180-200.
Memory is facilitated by reflecting upon, or revisiting, the environment in which information was encoded. We investigated these “context reinstatement” (CR) techniques to imp...

Bilingualism: The foreign language effect does not extend to rational decision making

Journal Article
Curley, L., Carruthers, L., & Piotrowska, B. (2020)
Bilingualism: The foreign language effect does not extend to rational decision making. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 17(1),
This research investigated if the foreign language effect extended to rationality. Four groups (English speaking monolingual group; Polish speaking monolingual group; Bilingua...

Is the definition of task-irrelevant contextual information black and white?

Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Munro, J., Lages, M., MacLean, R., & Murray, J. (2020)
Is the definition of task-irrelevant contextual information black and white?. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 65(2), 668-670.
Author's response to "Commentary on: Curley LJ, Munro J, Lages M, MacLean R, Murray J. Assessing cognitive bias in forensic decisions: a review and outlook. J Forensic Sci doi...

Constructing identifiable composite faces: The importance of cognitive alignment of interview and construction procedure

Journal Article
Skelton, F. C., Frowd, C. D., Hancock, P. J. B., Jones, H. S., Jones, B. C., Fodarella, C., …Logan, K. (2020)
Constructing identifiable composite faces: The importance of cognitive alignment of interview and construction procedure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26(3), 507-521.
We investigated the impact of congruency between the witness interview and method used to construct a composite face. Experiment 1, using a typical feature-by-feature composi...

When They See Us: Why did the Central Park Five give false confessions?

Digital Artefact
Watson, F. (2019)
When They See Us: Why did the Central Park Five give false confessions?. [Newspaper article]

Voicing the Victims of Narcissistic Partners: A Qualitative Analysis of Responses to Narcissistic Injury and Self-esteem Regulation

Journal Article
Green, A., & Charles, K. (2019)
Voicing the Victims of Narcissistic Partners: A Qualitative Analysis of Responses to Narcissistic Injury and Self-esteem Regulation. SAGE Open, 9(2),
Addressing an under-researched aspect of narcissism, this study investigated subclinical ‘grandiose’ and ‘vulnerable’ narcissism within the context of domestic violence. Comm...
9 results

Novel Methods of Sensory Analysis for Whisky Flavour

2022 - 2025
Reviewing and trialling sensory analysis methods that are new or used in other industries to help create more accurate and rapid methods for the Scotch Whisky industry.
Funder: The Scotch Whisky Research Institute | Value: £54,072

A detailed exploration of crossmodal associations with odour

2022 - 2023
Odours play a critical role in everyday experiences including eating behaviour, relationships, and mental health. A loss of the sense of smell can therefore have devastating effects on one’s life. The...
Funder: British Academy | Value: £9,908

Investigating the Effect of Alcohol Concentration on the Perception of Flavour in Spirits and Reduced Alcohol Beverages

2021 - 2022
This project is an MRes project jointly supervised by ENU and the Scotch Whisky Research Institute (SWRI). The project will investigate how reducing alcohol concentration influences the perception of ...
Funder: The Scotch Whisky Research Institute | Value: £2,537

The impact of COVID-19 on the justice voluntary sector

2021 - 2022
The aim of the project is to explore the experiences of third sector criminal justice organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to understand how organisations and the sector as a whole have...
Funder: The Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum | Value: £7,952

Programme Leadership: Strengthening Resilience, Supporting Learning Communities.

2021 - 2022
The key purpose of this sector-wide activity is to deepen community and collaboration between programme leaders across the Scottish university sector and beyond. This will be achieved through a serie...
Funder: The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education | Value: £3,000

A Qualitative exploration of Scottish-Pakistanis experiences of policing.

2020 - 2024
In providing an understanding of the experiences of Scottish Pakistanis, findings will be of significant benefit to policy makers and practitioners, and will assist policing organisations in Scotland ...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £13,221

Exploring experiences of miscarriages of justice

2019 - 2023
The proposed research will explore victims’ experiences of miscarriages of justice. It will investigate the narratives that individuals who have been wrongfully imprisoned have to share about their li...
Funder: British Academy | Value: £7,952

Formal evaluation of evolutionary facial composite systems

2019 - 2022
Formal evaluation of Evolutionary facial comoposite systems for SPA and police Scotland. Project will evaluate the efficacy of two systems for specialist operator use. Evaluation will determine pot...
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £11,945

Law enforcement and public health: Assessing risk and vulnerability

2017 - 2018
The aim of the project is to conduct a systematic review and host round-table discussions to explore the use of police discretion when making decisions in relation to individuals' vulnerability.
Funder: Scottish Institute for Policing Research | Value: £7,986