9 results

Building resilience and future proofing events education

Conference Proceeding
Jaimangal-Jones, D., Jackson, C., & Robertson, M. (2021)
Building resilience and future proofing events education
This session explores issues surrounding the design and delivery of Event Management programmes, specifically those related to their resilience and futureproofing. It addresse...

Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study

Conference Proceeding
Lees, G., Morrison, A., & Robertson, M. (2014)
Duplication of Purchase Law in Sport Event Markets: New Zealand case study. In S. Rundle-Thiele, K. Kubacki, & D. Arli (Eds.), ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014, Proceedings (218-225
The paper seeks to further understand the sport market structure. In doing so it considers whether New Zealand sport event markets follow the Duplication of Purchase Law or wh...

The Impact of Negatively-valenced Influencing Behaviour

Conference Proceeding
Azer, J., & Alexander, M. (2018)
The Impact of Negatively-valenced Influencing Behaviour. In SERVSIG-2018-Proceedings, (845-850
Influencing behavior as a form of Customer Engagement Behavior (CEB) has the potential to affect other customers’ attitude and behavioral outcomes and likewise the value and p...

The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, E. (2017)
The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions. In PhD Workshop Research Proposals. , (113-118
As a sector reliant on the creation of memorable experiences, visitor attractions (VAs) have increasingly turned to interactive technology as a platform for engaging and commu...

From destination management organisations to destination organisations in Scotland and Denmark: multi-level governance versus localism

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C., & Halkier, H. (2014)
From destination management organisations to destination organisations in Scotland and Denmark: multi-level governance versus localism. In S. Gyimóthy, M. Möckel, & A. Budeanu (Eds.), The Values of Tourism (111
Although a lot of previous research on destination management had focused on the relevance of destination marketing organisations in improving destination competitiveness (Pik...

What next for tourism policy in the post-Brexit EU?

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C. (2019)
What next for tourism policy in the post-Brexit EU?. In Tourman 2019 Conference Proceedings (193-195
Tourism is a major socio-economic activity in the European Union that has traditionally been, cast as a means of promoting European identity and progressing the EU’s aims for...

Relationships between travel habits and European identity formation.

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C. & Panyik, E. (2014)
Relationships between travel habits and European identity formation
For the first time in the history of the EU, the Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force in 2009, established direct legal base for Community measures with supporting competen...

Negatively-valenced customer engagement behavior: forms and drivers

Conference Proceeding
Azer, J., & Alexander, M. (2017)
Negatively-valenced customer engagement behavior: forms and drivers. In 5th The Naples Forum on Service: Service Dominant Logic, Network & Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating Three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda. , (7
Purpose – This study aims at conceptualising forms and drivers of negatively-valenced Customer Engagement Behavior (CEB). Despite a growing portfolio of conceptual and empiric...

Exploring the interrelationships between regional consciousness, migration and tourism in regional integration schemes

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C. (2010)
Exploring the interrelationships between regional consciousness, migration and tourism in regional integration schemes