18 results

The Materiality of Wearable Computers – Craft and Authentic User Experience

Journal Article
Kettley, S., & Smyth, M. (2004)
The Materiality of Wearable Computers – Craft and Authentic User Experience. Design Journal, 7(2), 32-41. https://doi.org/10.2752/146069204789354381
This paper presents work undertaken as part of an ongoing research programme into wearable computers and the processes for designing personal digital artifacts that exhibit au...

An investigation into virtual representations of real places.

Conference Proceeding
Arnspang, J., Benyon, D., Fahle, M., Granum, E., Madsen, C., Pajdla, T., …Weinshall, D. (2002)
An investigation into virtual representations of real places. In Proc. Fifth Annual International Workshop on Presence, 66-78
The paper describes the main themes of a recently funded research project under the European Communitys Future and Emerging Technologies Presence initiative. The aim of the re...

Informing the design of the future urban landscape.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2010)
Informing the design of the future urban landscape. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 438-440. doi:10.1145/1858171.1858259
The urban spaces of the future will be saturated with both visible and hidden media that gather and transmit information. How we as physical beings connect with, interpret and...

The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas.

Journal Article
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Mitrovic, I., & Zaffiro, G. (2011)
The city in cinema: how popular culture can influence research agendas. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 110-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2011.12.033
Where can researchers find inspiration for the transformative applications, concepts and infrastructures that they believe will characterise the next decade? One approach to p...

Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design?

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Speed, C., & Brynskov, M. (2011)
Critical Design: Is It Just Designers Doing Ethnography or Does It Offer Something More for Interaction Design?. In P. Campos, N. Graham, J. Jorge, N. Nunes, P. Palanque, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011. , (685-686). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23768-3_115
The panel will discuss the contribution of Critical Design to the field of Interaction Design and reflect on the insights that it provides on interaction.

Experiental design: connecting design to HCI.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Varey, A. (2003)
Experiental design: connecting design to HCI. In CHI Workshop - Exploring the Relationship between Design and HCI

Imagining urban interactions: strategies for exploring future design landscapes.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M. & Helgason, I. (2010)
Imagining urban interactions: strategies for exploring future design landscapes. In Proceedings of British HCI
For designers, attempting to respond to unknown design spaces can be a daunting task. This paper describes a series of workshops that presented rapid ethnographic design metho...

Plotting affect and premises for use in aesthetic interaction design: towards evaluation of the everyday.

Conference Proceeding
Kettley, S., & Smyth, M. (2007)
Plotting affect and premises for use in aesthetic interaction design: towards evaluation of the everyday. In N. Bryan-Kinns, A. Blanford, P. Curzon, & L. Nigay (Eds.), People and computers XX Engage : proceedings of HCI 2006, 17-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84628-664-3
This short paper presents an experimental approach to the difficulty of evaluating interactive systems as artefacts for everyday life. The problem arises from the event-like n...

Designing for embodied interaction: experiencing artefacts with and through the body.

Smyth, M. (2006)
Designing for embodied interaction: experiencing artefacts with and through the body. In D. Sutton, R. McKenzie, & S. Brind (Eds.), The State of the Real, 140-150. IB Tauris & Co Ltd

Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research.

Smyth, M. (2009)
D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.). Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research. Centre for Interaction Design
Every day in countless interactions you and I use media to immerse ourselves in virtual environments of information, gaming, video, and social networking. For these moments we...