11 results

Simulating Experiences of Displacement and Migration: Developing Immersive and Interactive Media Forms Around Factual Narratives

Journal Article
Blake, J. N. (2019)
Simulating Experiences of Displacement and Migration: Developing Immersive and Interactive Media Forms Around Factual Narratives. International Journal of E-Politics, 10(1), 49-60. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijep.2019010104
Immigration is a highly politicised and emotive area of public discourse. During the peak of the so-called ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Europe, a number of EU politicians and mass medi...

The Victorian Barmaid and the British Press: How She Was Defined and Represented in Late-Nineteenth-Century Media, and How She Utilized the Press to Fight for Better Pay and Working Conditions

Journal Article
Boughey, A. (2019)
The Victorian Barmaid and the British Press: How She Was Defined and Represented in Late-Nineteenth-Century Media, and How She Utilized the Press to Fight for Better Pay and Working Conditions. Journalism history, 45(1), 77-93. https://doi.org/10.1080/00947679.2019.1574180
This article explores how British print media in the late-nineteenth century portrayed and represented the Victorian barmaid, utilizing newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and...

Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study

Journal Article
Kocic, A., & Milicev, J. (2019)
Possible models of local news provision by radio in Scotland – a mixed methods study. Journal of Digital Media & Policy, 10(2), 183-201. https://doi.org/10.1386/jdmp.10.2.183_1
Scotland does not have any public service radio on a local level, except for a few bulletins or programmes offered by BBC Radio Scotland on an opt-out basis. Scottish commerci...

Desde la diplomacia respaldada por la fuerza a la fuerza respaldada por la diplomacia: una mirada comparativa en las conversaciones de Bosnia y Kosovo

Journal Article
Kocic, A. (2017)
Desde la diplomacia respaldada por la fuerza a la fuerza respaldada por la diplomacia: una mirada comparativa en las conversaciones de Bosnia y Kosovo. Balkania : revista de estudios balcánicos, 187-208
Este documento analiza de cerca las conversaciones de paz de Bosnia y Kosovo e intenta analizar por qué el primero fue un éxito y el segundo un fracaso en términos de poner fi...

Pushing at the Boundaries: Investigative Journalism and its Relationship to the Hacking Scandal

Book Chapter
O'Neill, E. (2012)
Pushing at the Boundaries: Investigative Journalism and its Relationship to the Hacking Scandal. In The Phone Hacking Scandal: Journalism on Trial, (224-237). abramis
This chapter studies the genre of investigative journalism and probed its relationship with the so-called 'phone hacking' scandal.

Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?

Blake, J. (2017)
Brexit has started: so what should Remain Vote Scotland do to protect its interests?. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland
This Scotsman newspaper article is based on research by James Blake - examining the impact of Brexit on the creative industries - and other reports from members of the RSE You...

Fanzines: enthusiastic production through popular culture

Book Chapter
Atton, C. (2015)
Fanzines: enthusiastic production through popular culture. In C. Atton (Ed.), Routledge companion to alternative and community media (437-444). Routledge
No abstract available.

A New Model for a University Press

Presentation / Conference
Gray, A. (2017, June)
A New Model for a University Press. Paper presented at International Publishing By the Book 4, Florence, Italy
Publication of pedagogical research via staff/student collaboration.

The Absent Presence of Progressive Rock in the British Music Press, 1968-1974

Journal Article
Anderton, C., & Atton, C. (2020)
The Absent Presence of Progressive Rock in the British Music Press, 1968-1974. Rock Music Studies, 7(1), 8-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/19401159.2019.1651521
The upsurge of academic interest in the genre known as progressive rock has taken much for granted. In particular, little account has been taken of how discourses surrounding...

The UK War Books Boom, 1926-33

Frayn, A., & Houston, F. (2021)
The UK War Books Boom, 1926-33. [Dataset]. https://doi.org/10.17869/enu.2021.2810868
Data for article 'The War Books Boom in Britain, 1928–1930'. For submission to First World War Studies, Oct 2021. Data collected Jan 2020-Aug 2021 from various sources articu...


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1 results