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247 results

A critical review of the biological mechanisms underlying the in vivo and in vitro toxicity of carbon nanotubes: The contribution of physico-chemical characteristics

Journal Article
Johnston, H. J., Hutchison, G. R., Christensen, F. M., Peters, S., Hankin, S., Aschberger, K., & Stone, V. (2010)
A critical review of the biological mechanisms underlying the in vivo and in vitro toxicity of carbon nanotubes: The contribution of physico-chemical characteristics. Nanotoxicology, 4(2), 207-246.
This critical review of the available human health safety data, relating to carbon nanotubes (CNTs), was conducted in order to assess the risks associated with CNT exposure. D...

Hypomorphic conditional deletion of E11/Podoplanin reveals a role in osteocyte dendrite elongation.

Journal Article
Buttle, D. J., Pitsillides, A. A., Staines, K. A., Javaheri, B., Hohenstein, P., Fleming, R., …Farquharson, C. (2017)
Hypomorphic conditional deletion of E11/Podoplanin reveals a role in osteocyte dendrite elongation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 232(11), 3006-3019.
The transmembrane glycoprotein E11/Podoplanin (Pdpn) has been implicated in the initial stages of osteocyte differentiation. However, its precise function and regulatory mecha...

Drosophila melanogasterGlutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Is Regulated by a Modifier Subunit with a Mechanism of Action Similar to That of the Mammalian Form

Journal Article
Fraser, J. A., Saunders, R. D. C., & McLellan, L. I. (2002)
Drosophila melanogasterGlutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Is Regulated by a Modifier Subunit with a Mechanism of Action Similar to That of the Mammalian Form. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(2), 1158-1165.
Glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) plays an important role in regulating glutathione homeostasis. In mammals, it comprises a catalytic (GCLC) and modifier (GCLM) subunit. The exi...

Revising Nightingale's legacy

Journal Article
Dancer, S. (2020)
Revising Nightingale's legacy. Journal of Hospital Infection, 105(2), 344-345.
The recent editorial from this Journal does well to highlight the benefits of hand hygiene once again [ 1 ]. It is entirely appropriate to support the need for clean hands, es...

Cartilage to bone transitions in health and disease

Journal Article
Staines, K. A., Pollard, A. S., McGonnell, I. M., Farquharson, C., & Pitsillides, A. A. (2013)
Cartilage to bone transitions in health and disease. Journal of Endocrinology, 219(1), R1-R12.
Aberrant redeployment of the 'transient' events responsible for bone development and postnatal longitudinal growth has been reported in some diseases in what is otherwise inhe...

The Ex Vivo Organ Culture of Bone

Book Chapter
Staines, K. A., Brown, G., & Farquharson, C. (2019)
The Ex Vivo Organ Culture of Bone. In Bone Research Protocols (199-215). New york, USA: Humana Press.
The ex vivo organ culture of bone provides many of the advantages of both the whole organism and isolated cell strategies and can deliver valuable insight into the network of ...

Steroid signalling in the ovarian surface epithelium

Journal Article
Rae, M. T., & Hillier, S. G. (2005)
Steroid signalling in the ovarian surface epithelium. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16(7), 327-333.
Human ovarian surface epithelium (HOSE) undergoes serial injury-repair with each ovulation, which is probably why most ovarian epithelial cancers arise there. Considering the ...

Identification of a dominant negative functional domain on DAPK-1 that degrades DAPK-1 protein and stimulates TNFR-1-mediated apoptosis.

Journal Article
Lin, Y., Stevens, C., & Hupp, T. (2007)
Identification of a dominant negative functional domain on DAPK-1 that degrades DAPK-1 protein and stimulates TNFR-1-mediated apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282(23), 16792-16802.
DAPK-1 is a stress-activated tumor suppressor protein that plays a role in both proapoptotic or antiapoptotic signal transduction pathways. To define mechanisms of DAPK-1 prot...

MAPK Activation Is Essential for Waddlia chondrophila Induced CXCL8 Expression in Human Epithelial Cells

Journal Article
Storrie, S., Longbottom, D., Barlow, P. G., & Wheelhouse, N. (2016)
MAPK Activation Is Essential for Waddlia chondrophila Induced CXCL8 Expression in Human Epithelial Cells. PLOS ONE, 11(3),
Background Waddlia chondrophila (W. chondrophila) is an emerging agent of respiratory and reproductive disease in humans and cattle. The organism is a member of the order Chla...

Listeria monocytogenes relA and hpt Mutants Are Impaired in Surface-Attached Growth and Virulence

Journal Article
Taylor, C. M., Beresford, M., Epton, H. A. S., Sigee, D. C., Shama, G., Andrew, P. W., & Roberts, I. S. (2002)
Listeria monocytogenes relA and hpt Mutants Are Impaired in Surface-Attached Growth and Virulence. Journal of Bacteriology, 184(3), 621-628.
We describe here the identification and characterization of two Listeria monocytogenes (Tn917-LTV3) relA and hpt transposon insertion mutants that were impaired in growth afte...
34 results

Do iron-oxide nanoparticles contribute to Parkinsons Disease pathology?

2021 - 2022
Anthropogenic iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) detected in ultrafine particulate matter caused by traffic and industrial emissions have increased substantially over time, constituting one of the most ...
Funder: RS Macdonald Charitable Trust | Value: £1,500

Acceptability of extragenital Chlamydia testing

2017 - 2018
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted infection in Scotland, and has significant long‐term consequences to reproductive health. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the g...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £27,998

Investigating new therapies for osteoarthritis: a collaboration between ENU and Guangzhou Medical University, China

2018 - 2022
Investigating new therapies for osteoarthritis: a collaboration between ENU and Guangzhou Medical University, China Osteoarthritis is the most important ageing-related disease, estimated to affect 13...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £30,000

Biochemical Society Summer Vacation Scholarship

2017 - 2017
Nrf2, a transcriptional activator of cell protection genes, is an emerging target for neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Nrf2 activity is reduced in dementia patients and...
Funder: Biochemical Society | Value: £1,600

Exploiting micofluidic devices for physiologically relavent drug screening against human pathogens

2022 - 2022
Undergraduate student summer project (8 weeks)
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £2,160

Does the gut microbiome play a role in polycystic ovary syndrome?

2017 - 2018
Does the gut microbiome play a role in polycystic ovary syndrome?
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £12,250

Sex-specific disease aetiology from developmental steroid insults: mechanistic understanding and biomarker development towards disease prevention

2017 - 2021
Risks of developing many adult illnesses are set down as we develop in the womb, hence the environment we experience during fetal life needs to be ‘just right’. Understanding how the fetal environmen...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £636,509

An investigation of commonly used IBD drugs on autophagy pathway activity and potential therapeutic benefit for the treatment of paediatric IBD

2014 - 2017
Recent genetic discoveries, principally identification of NOD2 and ATG16L1 as susceptibility loci, strongly implicate a dysregulated host response to enteric bacteria and the autophagy pathway in the ...
Funder: Crohn's in Childhood Research Association | Value: £68,577

Ranking novel immune-modulating therapeutics for progression to clinical development

2018 - 2019
Ranking novel immune-modulating therapeutics for progression to clinical development
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,987

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) developmental model

2010 - 2014
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is common: more than one in 1 in 15 young women has this condition. There are many associated health problems including abnormal periods, miscarriages, infertility, ex...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £130,956