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21111 results

PoseMMR: A Collaborative Mixed Reality Authoring Tool for Character Animation

Conference Proceeding
Pan, Y., & Mitchell, K. (2020)
PoseMMR: A Collaborative Mixed Reality Authoring Tool for Character Animation. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). , (759-760).
Augmented reality devices enable new approaches for character animation, e.g., given that character posing is three dimensional in nature it follows that interfaces with highe...

Signalling new opportunities? An analysis of UK job adverts for degree apprenticeships

Journal Article
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., & Bratton, A. (in press)
Signalling new opportunities? An analysis of UK job adverts for degree apprenticeships. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning,
Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the degree apprenticeship labour market and employers’ strategies for apprenticeship recruitment using job advertisem...

Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Polla, G., & Heidl, B. (2017)
Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(7), 578-592.
Purpose This paper seeks to unlock the career transitions of hospitality managers through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. It seeks to understand how Schein’s Career ...

“If she wants to eat…and eat and eat…fine! It's gonna feed the baby”: Pregnant women and partners' perceptions and experiences of pregnancy with a BMI >40kg/m2

Journal Article
Keely, A., Cunningham-Burley, S., Elliott, L., Sandall, J., & Whittaker, A. (2016)
“If she wants to eat…and eat and eat…fine! It's gonna feed the baby”: Pregnant women and partners' perceptions and experiences of pregnancy with a BMI >40kg/m2. Midwifery, 49, 87-94.
Introduction: women with a raised BMI are more likely to gain excessive weight in pregnancy compared to women with a BMI in the normal range. Recent behaviour change intervent...

A multi-institutional exploration of the social mobility potential of degree apprenticeships

Journal Article
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Fabian, K., Zarb, M., Paterson, J., Barr, M., & Berg, T. (2021)
A multi-institutional exploration of the social mobility potential of degree apprenticeships. Journal of Education and Work, 34(4), 488-503.
This mixed-method study at six universities asked degree apprentices about their trajectories into the apprenticeship, to better understand the social mobility potential of ap...

Facilitating computing students' transition to higher education

Conference Proceeding
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2019)
Facilitating computing students' transition to higher education. In UKICER: Proceedings of the 1st UK & Ireland Computing Education Research Conference.
Students who progress to higher education from further education colleges are faced with academic, social, and logistical challenges during their transition. In general, they ...

User perceptions in workplace productivity and strategic FM delivery

Journal Article
Tucker, M., & Smith, A. (2008)
User perceptions in workplace productivity and strategic FM delivery. Facilities, 26(5/6), 196-212.
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of user perceptions within an organisational context, and more specifically, how user perceptions are evidenced ...

Chronic pancreatitis: pathophysiology and patient care

Journal Article
Smith, G., & Fawcett, T. (2006)
Chronic pancreatitis: pathophysiology and patient care. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 4(7), 20-26
Chronic pancreatitis represents a continuous and prolonged inflammatory and fibrosing process in the pancreas resulting in permanent exocrine and often also endocrine dysfunct...

Investigating the association of self-regulated learning skills and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese and Scottish adolescents

Journal Article
Pitkethly, A. J., Lau, P. W. C., & Maddison, R. (2019)
Investigating the association of self-regulated learning skills and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese and Scottish adolescents. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17(6), 670-684.
Zimmerman's self-regulated learning (SRL) model focusses on how individuals are able to make improvements through a cyclical and systematic method of learning how to adapt to ...

Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students.

Conference Proceeding
Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication

Smith, D., & Webster, B. Addressing professional competency barriers that restrict bilateral international mobility of undergraduate veterinary nursing students. Manuscript submitted for publication
This paper is primarily aimed at addressing some of the issues that relate to student mobility in the area of veterinary nurse education across the world. Mobility of veterin...


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


1303 results

Enhancing the authenticity and sustainability of the visitor heritage experiences through 3D printing technology

2014 - 2015
This project proposes to offer an alternative approach to the contemporary heritage souvenir experience through the utilization of 3D scanning and printing and online, remote interfaces between the mu...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £33,250

Improving outcomes for children and families affected by paternal substance misuse: a feasibility study of the Parents Under Pressure programme for fathers

2017 - 2019
The impact of parental drug misuse on children and families is a major public health problem [4]. Parental drug misuse is closely associated with poor parenting, poor child development and increased r...
Funder: National Institute for Health Research | Value: £318,594

Research visit @ University of Bielefeld

2017 - 2017
Research exchange with the Bielefeld Dialogue Systems group
Funder: The Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance | Value: £2,475

Script Development with Gridiron 'Leaving Planet Earth' Production

2012 - 2013
The Grid Iron Theatre Company is developing an innovative new work to be staged a the Edinburgh International Arena (EICA). The company would like assistance with the development of an initial script...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Optimising Hepatitis C Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs: Developing a GP-led Patient Pathway.

2019 - 2021
Approximately 37,000 people are infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Scotland, with over 85% of infections in people who inject, or have injected drugs (PWID). Treatment for HCV is simple, to...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £206,464

AI-based privacy-preserving biometric authentication with mass-market smart devices

2021 - 2024
Increasingly our identity is key to our online security, and where online services must integrate with these, in order to provide increased levels of trust. But there are now many constraints in how b...
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £65,756

Let's Play Wester Hailes: Community Produced Video Games of Edinburgh

2021 - 2022
This project aims to engage children and young people with the computer games industry. Working with WHALE Arts we will build games and upload them onto bespoke arcade machines. The games created wi...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £25,708

Gender Imbalance in Digital Technology

2021 - 2021
This project will examine what tertiary education institutions are doing to help tackle the gender imbalance in their Digital Technology courses. It will focus on the area of positive female role mode...
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £12,760

Exploring judgement and decision making noise in arboricultural risk assessment: What information do people use when making risk judgements, how does this influence decisions, and is this consistent a...

2022 - 2023
Aim: To explore the effect of “noise” on judgements that underpin tree risk assessment and how these affect decisions, to inform the development of a holistic tree risk assessment tool/measure/guideli...
Funder: Arboricultural Association | Value: £2,500

Scottish Gaelic Generation for Exhibitions

2022 - 2023
Developing resources and prototype systems for Natural Language Generation in Scottish Gaelic for cultural and artistic exhibits.
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £5,000


Research Areas


Qualification level

871 results

Enhancing storm surge resilience for coastal habitat: A framework to support sustainable development

2016 - 2021
In most countries, population, poor management of water policies, infrastructure and coastal develop...
Ms Anitha Karthik | Director of Studies: Prof Luca Mora | Second Supervisor: Prof Sean Smith

Improving communication around end of life care within the critical care environment.

2021 - date
Mrs Jane Whitehorn | Director of Studies: Dr Janet Hanley | Second Supervisor: Dr Stephen Smith

Hardware architectures for infrared pedestrian detection and tracking systems

2007 - 2013
Infrared pedestrian detection systems struggle with real-time processing performance. Known solutions are limited to either...
Robert Walczyk | Director of Studies: Dr David Binnie | Second Supervisor: Alistair Armitage

A study of the powder processing, tribological performance and metallurgy of aluminium-based, discontinuously reinforced metal matrix composites

1998 - 2002
The principal objectives of the research reported in thi...
Colin Mitchell | Director of Studies: Alan Davidson | Second Supervisor: Janos Hajto

Investigation of the applicability of the SOLO taxonomy in the qualitative content analysis of asynchronous online discussion

2006 - 2011
Despite a growing research base in support of higher order thinking process...
Christina Mainka | Director of Studies: Dr Sandra Cairncross | Second Supervisor: Keith Smyth

Participation Space Studies: a socio-technical exploration of activist and community groups? use of online and offline spaces to support their work

2011 - 2016
Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation ...
Dr Ella Taylor-Smith | Director of Studies: Dr Colin Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Obstacles and opportunities in implementing large-scale agile project management: Re-positioning activity theory as an analytical tool

2015 - 2022
Dr Pritam Chita | Director of Studies: Dr Peter Cruickshank | Second Supervisor: Dr Colin Smith

An approach to cross-domain situation-based context management and highly adaptive services in pervasive environments

2008 - 2012
The concept of context-awareness is widely used in mobile and pervasive computing t...
Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Prof Sally Smith

The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism

2015 - 2019
My main area of research interest is the role of exercise and ageing on vitamin D metabolism. Scotland is identified as a vitamin D deficient nation...
Dr Hannah Margaret Lithgow | Director of Studies: Dr Mel Leggate | Second Supervisor: Prof G Florida-James

Realist evaluation of an Integrated Pregnancy and Parenting Support Service (IPPSS) for mothers with drug and alcohol problems in Scotland

2016 - date
Dr Alix Aitken-Arbuckle | Director of Studies: Dr Elaine Carnegie | Second Supervisor: Dr Anne Whittaker


Research Areas


309 results

ExtraCECI Project Awarded over £1.4 million by the Medical Research Council

30 April 2024
RESEARCH QUESTION: Is the Extra community-based enhanced care intervention (ExtraCECI) effective and cost-effective in improving quality of life and person-centred outcomes for people living with HIV/...

Films by Napier academics Paul Gray and Ita Jansen screen at Cameo

28 April 2024
Films by Edinburgh Napier academics are screening at Cameo as part of the Folk Film Gathering.

Film by Napier academic wins the Grand Prize at the Arizona International Film Festival

27 April 2024
The film Itu Ninu by Itandehui Jansen, Programme Lead for the MA Film at Edinburgh Napier University, has just received the Grand Prize at the Arizona International Film Festival.

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

9 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Invited to participate in the launch of the innovative green room in Kuwait

26 March 2024
As the PI of the externally funded project, Islam has participated in the launch of the innovative green room at Kuwait College for Science and Technology with the British and Australian Ambassadors.

Meet the jewel in the crown of Edinburgh Napier University’s health training: its Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre where the latest technologies are used to help train nursing and midwifery students.

21 March 2024
Recruitment Study in a high-tech environment If you’re thinking about a career in nursing or midwifery, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Edinburgh Napier University has the latest...

Call for papers: Special issue of Research in International Business and Finance (CABS 2, SSCI Q1, ABDC B, Impact Factor 6.5). “Integrating Inclusive Finance and Sustainability: Pathways to Carbon Neutrality and Nature-Positive Futures"

15 March 2024
Special issue in Research in International Business and Finance (CABS 2, JCR Q1, ABDC B, Impact factor: 6.5, 6th out of 111 finance journals based on impact factor): Integrating Inclusive Finance and ...

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Napier academic guest edits Special Issue on East-West divisions in Europe

20 February 2024
Dr Cristian Surubaru has guest edited a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) on the topic of the East-West divide within the European Union (2024, Volume 31, Issue 3). H...

Universities join forces to accelerate health technology innovation

20 February 2024
A first-of-its-kind research collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University and Heriot-Watt University is bringing together engineering and nursing students to develop cutting-edge health technolog...


Research Areas
