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99 results

The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis

Journal Article
Appleton, L., & Hall, H. (in press)
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Documentation,
The research was undertaken to explore the role of the UK public library as a public sphere, and the ways in which this role relates to the epistemic, community, and political...

Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education

Journal Article
Helgason, I., Encinas, E., Mitrovic, I., & Smyth, M. (2022)
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 5-7.
As guest editors of this special edition we are delighted to present this selection of papers responding to our call about Speculative and Critical Design in education. The re...

Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions

Journal Article
Lehmann, L., Powers, S. T., & van Schaik, C. P. (2022)
Four levers of reciprocity across human societies: concepts, analysis and predictions. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4, Article e11.
This paper surveys five human societal types – mobile foragers, horticulturalists, pre-state agriculturalists, state-based agriculturalists and liberal democracies – from the ...

Lost in translation: Qualitative data collecting and translating challenges in multilingual settings in information systems research

Journal Article
Demeke, W., & Ryan, B. (2021)
Lost in translation: Qualitative data collecting and translating challenges in multilingual settings in information systems research. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal, 16(2), 105-118
In this paper under-researched methodological issues in information systems research of multilingual interview data collection and translation using translators explored. Obse...

Workplace information literacy: Measures and methodological challenges

Journal Article
Widén, G., Ahmad, F., Nikou, S., Ryan, B., & Cruickshank, P. (2021)
Workplace information literacy: Measures and methodological challenges. Journal of Information Literacy, 15(2),
This paper focuses information literacy (IL) from a methodological perspective, addressing quantitative IL measures, suitable for evaluating the role of IL in supporting work...

When to (or not to) trust intelligent machines: Insights from an evolutionary game theory analysis of trust in repeated games

Journal Article
Han, T. A., Perrett, C., & Powers, S. T. (2021)
When to (or not to) trust intelligent machines: Insights from an evolutionary game theory analysis of trust in repeated games. Cognitive Systems Research, 68,
The actions of intelligent agents, such as chatbots, recommender systems, and virtual assistants are typically not fully transparent to the user. Consequently , users take the...

Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online

Journal Article
Haynes, D., & Robinson, L. (in press)
Delphi Study of Risk to Individuals who Disclose Personal Information Online. Journal of Information Science,
A two-round Delphi study was conducted to explore priorities for addressing online risk to individuals. A corpus of literature was created based on 69 peer-reviewed articles ...

The value of mass-digitised cultural heritage content in creative contexts

Journal Article
Coleman, S., Terras, M., Thornton, P., Smyth, M., Schafer, B., Drost, S., …Speed, C. (2021)
The value of mass-digitised cultural heritage content in creative contexts. Big Data and Society, 8(1),
How can digitised assets of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums be reused to unlock new value? What are the implications of viewing large-scale cultural heritage data a...

Talking to imagined citizens? Information sharing practices and proxies for e-participation in hyperlocal democratic settings

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., & Hall, H. (2020)
Talking to imagined citizens? Information sharing practices and proxies for e-participation in hyperlocal democratic settings. Information Research, 25(4),
Introduction. Prior research in Information Science often uses constructs from Social Exchange Theory to explain online information sharing. Exchange theories have a strong fo...

An Exploration of the Professional and Leader Identity of IT Professionals Transitioning to a Permanent Hybrid Role: A Longitudinal Investigation

Journal Article
Smith, S., Garavan, T., Munro, A., Ramsay, E., Smith, C., & Varey, A. (2021)
An Exploration of the Professional and Leader Identity of IT Professionals Transitioning to a Permanent Hybrid Role: A Longitudinal Investigation. Information Technology and People, 34(2), 789-811.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the role of professional and leader identity and the maintenance of identity, through identity work as IT professionals trans...