Bernardino D'Amico
Bernardino DAmico

Dr Bernardino D'Amico - Laurea Arch PhD FHEA

Associate Professor


After obtaining his Laurea Magistrale (Master's degree) in Architecture in 2010 from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Bernardino took up an internship at CMMKM. He was working as an architectural engineer on various research-driven projects, such as, where he was responsible for the structural design of a series of prototypes, including ReSonant String Shell, a timber acoustic shell for outdoor chamber music concerts. He was also involved in a joint research collaboration between the department of Construction and Mathematical Methods in Architecture (University of Naples Federico II) and the department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (University of Chieti-Pescara G. D’Annunzio, Italy) where he carried out theoretical and laboratory test-based investigations on a novel lightweight cold-formed steel beam. In October 2012 he joined the School of Engineering and the Built Environment of Edinburgh Napier University, as a PhD candidate, to develop computer-aided methods for the design of free-form grid-shell structural systems.

Bernardino's research interests lie in the general realm of design, analysis and fabrication of sustainable buildings and structures with focus on Computational Structural Design and Optimization.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Member of the departmental Student Staff Liaison Committee
  • Member of the School Research Degree Committee


Editorial Activity

  • Guest editor for "Sustainability" journal - MDPI (Low Energy Architecture and Low Carbon Cities: exploring links, scales, and environmental impacts)
  • Guest editor for "Structures" journal - Elsevier (Special Issue on sustainable structures: whole-life analysis, environmental impacts, and material efficiency)


External Examining/Validations

  • Master's degree external examination, Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology (CEM) University of Cambridge.
  • PhD external examination, ETH Zurich
  • PhD internal examination, ENU -- candidate: Mike Bather
  • External PhD supervision, DIARC, University of Naples Federico II
  • PhD external examination, University of Colorado Boulder
  • PhD external examination, Polytechnic University of Bari


Fellowships and Awards

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
  • Winner of the RISE award for Design, Innovation and Creativity
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Queen's Anniversary Prize 2015, Innovation in Timber Engineering and Wood Science.
  • Member of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, (IASS).


Grant Reviewer

  • Review for the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) the public fund of the Government of Chile to promote basic scientific and technological research.
  • Review for the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) the main public funding agency in the Czech Republic supporting all areas of basic research.
  • Review for the TRAIN@Ed Fellowship, part of the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND scheme
  • Reviewing activity for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the national research council of the Netherlands
  • Review activity for Edinburgh Napier University internal funding competition (AY 2018/2019).


Invited Speaker

  • Embodied Carbon Symposium invited speaker, PennState University (USA)
  • Guest lecture: Buildings, construction & climate change – Polytechnic of Turin
  • Guest lecture: Timber Construction and Climate Change — VPM Architectural Workshop, Acireale, Italy (2021)
  • Guest Lecture: Numerical form-finding of “compression-only” structures — Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne (2014)


Research Degree External Examining

  • PhD supervision (DoS) joint ENU and Dongguan University of Technology.
  • PhD Viva Chair, Edinburgh Napier University. Student candidate: Mohamed Jama Mohamed



  • Peer review of SEBE research outputs for REF 2021
  • Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer award 2016
  • Reviewer for more than 20 internationally leading research journals --- Full details at:



60 results

Net Zero Emissions Buildings, Shifting the Focus from Energy Efficient to Whole Life Carbon Emission: A Review Study

Conference Proceeding
Building construction and operation are significant contributors to global world emissions. Therefore, reducing emissions in this sector is an essential step in global efforts...

MONOPOLI: a customizable model to provide forecasts of Covid-19 infections around the world using alternative non-pharmaceutical intervention policy scenarios, human movement data, and regional demographics

Book Chapter
Arehart, C. H., Arehart, J. H., David, M. Z., D'Amico, B., Sozzi, E., Dukic, V., & Pomponi, F. (in press)
MONOPOLI: a customizable model to provide forecasts of Covid-19 infections around the world using alternative non-pharmaceutical intervention policy scenarios, human movement data, and regional demographics. In B. Sriraman (Ed.), Handbook of Visual, Experimental and Computational Mathematics - Bridges through Data (1-29). Cham: Springer.
During the global COVID-19 pandemic, policy makers, public health practitioners, medical experts, and laypersons have sought data that would enable evidence-based decisions ab...

Net zero in buildings and construction: use and misuse of carbon offsets

Book Chapter
D'Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2024)
Net zero in buildings and construction: use and misuse of carbon offsets. In R. Azari, & A. Moncaster (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Carbon in the Built Environment. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
The climate change burden associated with buildings and construction is increasingly globally recognised by the many stakeholders involved. For decades there has been an unnec...

The Extent to Which Hemp Insulation Materials Can Be Used in Canadian Residential Buildings

Journal Article
Liu, C. H. J., Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (2023)
The Extent to Which Hemp Insulation Materials Can Be Used in Canadian Residential Buildings. Sustainability, 15(19), Article 14471.
The embodied carbon of building materials is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Hemp is widely acknowledged as the most used vegetal insulation in bu...

Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100

Journal Article
Arehart, J., Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Srubar, W. (2022)
Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, Article 106583.
This study uses material flow analysis to estimate the material stocks and flows and associated upfront embodied carbon emissions for gravity building structural systems in th...

Special issue on Sustainable Structures: Whole-life analysis, environmental impacts, and material efficiency

Journal Article
D'Amico, B., & Pomponi, F. (2022)
Special issue on Sustainable Structures: Whole-life analysis, environmental impacts, and material efficiency. Structures, 38, 225.

Environmental benefits of material-efficient design: a hybrid life cycle assessment of a plastic milk bottle

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Li, M., Saint, R., Lenzen, M., & D'Amico, B. (2022)
Environmental benefits of material-efficient design: a hybrid life cycle assessment of a plastic milk bottle. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 1044-1052.
Over a million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute, 20,000 every second. While there is agreement that single-use plastics should be phased out, records o...

Life cycle assessment of 61 ducted gas heating upgrades in Australia

Journal Article
Peukes, I., Pomponi, F., & D'Amico, B. (in press)
Life cycle assessment of 61 ducted gas heating upgrades in Australia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation,
Operational energy use in buildings, accounts for 28% of global energy demand. One method to reduce operational energy is upgrading old appliances to more efficient ones. In A...

Enhancing the practicality of tools to estimate the whole life embodied carbon of building structures via machine-learning models

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Luque Anguita, M., Lange, M., D'Amico, B., & Hart, E. (2021)
Enhancing the practicality of tools to estimate the whole life embodied carbon of building structures via machine-learning models. Frontiers in Built Environment, 7, Article 745598.
The construction and operation of buildings account for significant environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy demand, resource consumption and wa...

Decoupling density from tallness in analysing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of cities

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Saint, R., Arehart, J. H., Gharavi, N., & D'Amico, B. (2021)
Decoupling density from tallness in analysing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of cities. npj Urban Sustainability, 1(1), Article 33.
The UN estimate 2.5 billion new urban residents by 2050, thus further increasing global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and energy demand, and the environmental impacts cause...

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