Chan Hwang See
chan hwang see

Dr Chan Hwang See BEng(Hons) PhD CEng FIET SMIEEE FHEA

Associate Professor


Chan H. See received a first class B.Eng. Honours degree in Electronic, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. degree from the University of Bradford, UK. Currently, He is an Associate Professor in School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University, UK. Previously, he was head of Electrical Engineering & Mathematics within the School of Engineering and the Built Environment from 2019 to 2022. Prior to joining Napier, he was a Senior Lecturer (Programme Leader) in School of Engineering, University of Bolton, UK. He led the development of the new BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Programme and two Degree Apprenticeships, i.e. Electrical/Electronic Technical Support Engineer and Embedded Electronic Systems Development Engineer, as well as to set up new electrical & electronic laboratories within the National Centre for Motorsport Engineering (NCME). All these programmes are accredited by the IET under his leadership. His teaching covers embedded systems, instrumentation Systems, Communication Electronics, Mobile and microwave communications, and Wireless Sensors and IoT.
His research interests cover Internet of Things (IoTs), wireless sensor network system design, acoustic/microwave sensors, antennas, microwave wireless power transfer, computational electromagnetics, and microwave circuits. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 150 conference papers. He is a co-author for one book and five book chapters. He was named in the recent 2022 and 2023 edition of the Stanford University list of World Top 2% Scientists.
Dr. See was awarded a IEEE Malaysia AP/MTT/EMC Joint Chapter- Best Paper Award in 2020. He was also a recipient of two Young Scientist Awards from the International Union of Radio Science (URSI, US) and Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC, Japan) in 2008 and 2010, respectively. He was awarded a certificate of excellence for his successful Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Yorkshire Water on the design and implementation of a wireless sensor system for sewerage infrastructure monitoring in 2009. Dr. See is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Senior member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET). He is also a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a full member of the EPSRC Review College, an Associate Editor for IEEE Access and an Editor for Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Scientific Reports, Peerj Computer Science, PLOS ONE and Wireless Power Transfer journals. According to Web of Science, he has completed over 500 verified reviews and over 250 verified editor records.

Selected publications as follows:

1. A.Zirdour, M. Ayad, M. Alibakhshikenari, C.H. See et al. “Wideband Endfire Antenna Array for 5G mmWave Mobile Terminals,” in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 39926-39935, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3375811
2. M. H. Jwair et al., "Intelligent Metasurface Layer for Direct Antenna Amplitude Modulation Scheme," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 77506-77517, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3297264.
3. M.Alibakhshikenari et al., “Dual-Polarized Highly Folded Bowtie Antenna with Slotted Self-Grounded Structure for Sub-6 GHz 5G Applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagations, vol.70, no. 4, pp.3028-3033, April 2022. doi: 10.1109/TAP.2021.3118784.
4.M.Alibakhshikenari et al., “Singular Integral Formulations for Electrodynamic Analysis of Metamaterial-Inspired Antenna Array,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagations Letters, vol.20, no.2, pp.179-183, 2021
5. C.H. See et al., “An Acoustic Sensor for Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Screen Condition Monitoring in a Drainage Infrastructure”, Sensors 2021, 21(2), 404,
6. I.M. Danjuma et al., “Design and Optimization of a Slotted Monopole Antenna for Ultra-wide Band Body Centric Imaging Applications”, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol.4, no.2, pp. 140-147, June 2020.
7. N.Soin, P.Zhao, A. Kumar, L.Shi et. al ,“Expanding the portfolio of tribo-positive materials: aniline formaldehyde condensates for high charge density triboelectric nanogenerators,” Nano Energy, vol.67, pp.1-13, Jan. 2020.
8. C.Zebiri et al., “Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications with Non-Uniform Defected Ground Plane and Offset Aperture-Coupled Cylindrical Dielectric Resonators,” IEEE ACCESS, vol.7, no. 1, pp.166776-166787, Dec. 2019
9. C.H. See et al., “Design of Mobile Band Subsurface Antenna for Drainage Infrastructure Monitoring”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.13, no. 13, pp.2380-2385, Nov. 2019
10. C.H.See et al., “Link Budget Maximization for a Mobile-Band Subsurface Wireless Sensor in Challenging Water Utility Environments”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol.65, no.1, pp.616-625, Jan.2018, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2017.2719602
11. A.F. Mirza, C.H. See, et al., “ An Active Microwave System for Near Field Imaging,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.17, no.9, pp.2749-2758, May 2017
12. H. Plihal et al., “A novel method for rapid inspection of sewer networks: Combining acoustic and Optical means,” Urban Water Journal, vol.13, no.1, pp.3-14, January 2016.
13. F. Zhu et al., “Ultra-Wideband Dual-Polarized Patch Antenna with Four Capacitively Coupled Feeds,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.62, no.5, pp.2240-2249, May 2014.
14. F. Zhu et al., “Multiple Band-Notched UWB Antenna with Band-Rejected Elements Integrated in the Feed Line,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation , vol.61, no.8, pp.3952-3960, August 2013
15. C.H. See et al. ,“A Low-Profile Ultra-Wideband Modified Planar Inverted-F Antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.61, no. 1, pp.100-108, Jan. 2013
16. C.H. See et al., “The Design of a Resistively Loaded Bowtie Antenna for Applications in Breast Cancer Detection Systems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.60, no.5, pp.2526-2530, May 2012.
17. C.H. See et al. ,“A Low Power Wireless Sensor Network for Gully Pot Monitoring in Urban Catchments”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.12, no. 5, pp.1545-1553, May 2012.
18. C.H. See et al., “Wideband Printed MIMO/Diversity Monopole Antenna for WiFi/WiMAX Applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.60, no.4, pp.2028-2035, April 2012
19. C.H.See et al., “A Broadband Dual Planar Inverted F-Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX and Lower-band UWB Wireless Applications”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol.5, no.6, pp.644-650, 2011.
20. C.H.See et al., “A Planar Inverted F-L Antenna (PIFLA) with a Rectangular Feeding Plate for Lower-band UWB Applications”, IEEE Antenna Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.9, pp.149-151,2010.
21. C.H.See et al., “A Crescent-shaped Multiband Planar Monopole Antenna for Mobile Wireless Applications”, IEEE Antenna Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.9, pp.152-155, 2010.
22. R. A. Abd-Alhameed et al., "A Wire-Grid Adaptive Meshing Program for Microstrip Patch Antenna Designs Using a Genetic Algorithm", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol.51, no.1, pp. 147-151, Feb 2009
23. C.H. See et al., “Dual-Frequency Planar Inverted F-L-Antenna (PIFLA) for WLAN and Short Range Communication Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.56, No.10, pp.3318-3320, Oct. 2008
24. C.H. See et al., “Computation of Electromagnetic Fields in Assemblages of Biological Cells Using a Modified Finite Difference Time Domain Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.55, no.9, pp.1986-1994, Sept. 2007.

Online Research Profile:
2. Google Scholar
3. ResearchGate
4. Scopus
5. Publons
6. Web of Science ResearcherID
Available: P-6029-2015,
7. AD Scientific Index



Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • “Communications” Topical Advisory Panel Member of MDPI Sensors Journal,
  • MDPI Sensors Journal, Conference Board Committee Member


Conference Organising Activity

  • Technical Programme Commitee: 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference
  • Technical Programme Committee Member for SCOReD 2021 Conference in Malaysia
  • Technical Programme Committee for 2nd International Multi-disciplinary Conference-Integrated Sciences and Technologies,2021
  • Technical reviewer member for European Conference on Antenna and Propagation (EuCAP), 2015 to 2022
  • Technical reviewer member for the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2012
  • Technical reviewer member for International Workshop on Energy Efficient and Reconfigurable Transceiver, 2010 to 2017
  • Technical reviewer member for the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2008


Editorial Activity

  • Editorial Board Member for Sensors Journal
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue “Innovative Sensors and IoT for AI-Enabled Smart Healthcare”, MDPI Sensors,
  • Editorial Board Member of Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • Associate Editor for Nature Scientific Reports
  • Associate editor for Frontiers in Antennas and Propagation Journal
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue “Antenna Design for Future Transceivers”, Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
  • MDPI Antenna Topic Board Editor
  • Academic Editor for PLOS One Journal
  • Guest Editor (Lead) for Special Issue in MDPI Future Internet Journal- "6G Wireless Communication Systems: Applications, Opportunities and Challenges II"
  • Academic Editor for Wireless Power Transfer (Hindawi) Journal
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue “RF/Microwave Circuits for 5G and Beyond”, Electronics, MDPI,
  • Editor for PeerJ Computer Science Journal
  • Guest Editor for Special Issue in MDPI Sensors Journal- "AI-Enabled Low Power Implantable and Wearable Medical Devices"
  • Guest Editor (Lead) for Special Issue in MDPI Future Internet Journal- "6G Wireless Communication Systems: Applications, Opportunities and Challenges"
  • MDPI Electronics Journal Topic Editor
  • Guest Editor (Lead) for Special Issue in MDPI Electronics Journal- "Design and Theoretical Study of New Antennas"
  • Guest Editor for International Journal of Antennas and Propagation- Special Issue "Antennas for Emerging 5G Systems”
  • Associate Editor for IEEE Access Journal


Fellowships and Awards

  • Certificate of Excellence for a International conference paper
  • IEEE AP/MTT/EMC Malaysia Joint Chapter: Best Paper Award 2020
  • Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • Jenkinson Research Awards Winner
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy
  • International Young Scientist Award
  • URSI International Young Scientist Award
  • KTP Certificate of Excellence


Grant Reviewer

  • EPSRC Full College membership
  • Dutch Research Council (NWO) Proposal
  • EPSRC Associate College Membership
  • EPSRC (Call: Properity Partnerships: EPSRC, Business & University) Proposal
  • EPSRC (Call: Software for the future) Proposal
  • EPSRC Standard Proposal


Invited Speaker

  • MiNT-SRC International Seminar Series 4 in Malaysia: Design of Sensors and Antennas in Challenging Water Utility Environments


Media Activity

  • Shortlisted for Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2023: Innovation of the Year
  • Scientific Comments on a published article (electricity generator backpack) in


Membership of Professional Body

  • Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), US
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng) from Engineering Council, UK


Research Degree External Examining

  • Title: Wearable Devices for Supporting Frail Individuals to Live Independently, PhD, Queen Margaret University, UK
  • Title: Spatially Optimum, Bandwidth- and Energy-Efficient Antenna Array Topologies for Future Wireless Networks, PhD, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Respiratory Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensors, MRES, University of Chester, UK
  • Design and implementation of a wheelchair ergometer for interactive, entertaining rehabilitation and data capture, MRES, University of Hull, UK
  • Efficient Surrogate Model-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Electromagnetic Design Automation with Applications, PhD, Wrexham Glyndwr University and University of Chester
  • Novel Multi-Polarised Mobile communication Antennas Using Classical and Efficient Design Automation Approaches, PhD, Wrexham Glyndwr University, UK


Visiting Positions

  • Visiting Research Fellow in School of Engineering, University of Bolton
  • Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford, UK



318 results

Dementia Friendly Buildings—Approach on Architectures

Journal Article
Ghamari, M., Suvish, Dehkordi, A. A., See, C. H., Sami, A., Yu, H., & Sundaram, S. (2025)
Dementia Friendly Buildings—Approach on Architectures. Buildings, 15(3), Article 385.
Dementia's escalating incidence, coupled with its economic burden, highlights the need for architectural designs and forms that benefit people living with dementia. This resea...

Orbital angular momentum with the approach of using in sub-6GHz 5G mobile communications for wireless applications

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khorasani, S. A., Zakeri, H., Moradi, G., Alibakhshikenari, M., See, C. H., & Limiti, E. (2024, June)
Orbital angular momentum with the approach of using in sub-6GHz 5G mobile communications for wireless applications. Presented at 6th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Budapest, Hungary
This paper discusses the effect of the orbital angular momentum on the fifth generation of mobile communication. A new generation of mobile requires advanced antenna systems c...

Wideband Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for 5G mmWave Mobile Applications

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zidour, A., Alibakhshikenari, M., Ayad, M., See, C. H., & Limiti, E. (2024, June)
Wideband Hybrid Dielectric Resonator Antenna Array for 5G mmWave Mobile Applications. Presented at 6th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Budapest, Hungary
In this paper, a wideband hybrid dielectric resonator antenna (HDRA) array design is presented for fifth-generation (5G) millimeter wave (mmWave) applications. The hybrid ante...

Low-Profile and SWB Phased Array Antenna with Semi-Circular Loop Resonators for 5G/6G Systems

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Basherlou, H. J., Parchin, N. O., Alibakhshikenari, M., See, C. H., Kouhalvandi, L., Abd-Alhameed, R., & Limiti, E. (2024, June)
Low-Profile and SWB Phased Array Antenna with Semi-Circular Loop Resonators for 5G/6G Systems. Presented at 2024 6th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Budapest, Hungary
Phased array antennas with broadband and super-wideband (SWB) capabilities, featuring extensive scanning and end-fire radiations, are imperative to meet the evolving demands o...

Advancing sustainable building through passive cooling with phase change materials, a comprehensive literature review

Journal Article
Ghamari, M., See, C. H., Hughes, D., Mallick, T., Reddy, K. S., Patchigolla, K., & Sundaram, S. (2024)
Advancing sustainable building through passive cooling with phase change materials, a comprehensive literature review. Energy and Buildings, 312, Article 114164.
Phase Change Materials (PCMs) present cutting-edge technology with substantial promise for advancing sustainable and energy-efficient cooling in buildings. These materials can...

Wide-Scan/High-Gain Phased Array Antenna for 5G/6G Cellular Networks

Conference Proceeding
Basherlou, H. J., Ojaroudi Parchin, N., Alibakhshikenari, M., Kouhalvandi, L., & See, C. H. (in press)
Wide-Scan/High-Gain Phased Array Antenna for 5G/6G Cellular Networks.

Gain-Enhanced/End-Fire Phased Array Antenna for Future Cellular Networks

Conference Proceeding
Basherlou, H. J., Ojaroudi Parchin, N., Manjakkal, L., See, C. H., Amar, A., & Salama, A. (in press)
Gain-Enhanced/End-Fire Phased Array Antenna for Future Cellular Networks.

A Novel RFID Tag's Antenna for Mounting on Metallic Objects

Conference Proceeding
Gharbia, I., Aldelemy, A., Elmegri, F., Ismail, . A. S., Darwish, M., See, C. H., & Abd-Alhameed, R. A. (in press)
A Novel RFID Tag's Antenna for Mounting on Metallic Objects.

MIMO Smartphone Antenna with CPW-Fed Stepped Resonators for sub 6 GHz Cellular Networks

Conference Proceeding
Basherlou, H. J., Ojaroudi Parchin, N., manjakkal, L., See, C. H., Amar, A. S. I., & Eldamak, A. R. (in press)
MIMO Smartphone Antenna with CPW-Fed Stepped Resonators for sub 6 GHz Cellular Networks.

Novel Aperture Antenna Array Design for Indoor Localisation UWB Radar Technologies

Conference Proceeding
Ahmed, I., Aldelemy, A., Ismail, A. S., See, C. H., Ghareeb, M. F., Nafea,, S., …Abd-Alhameed, R. A. (in press)
Novel Aperture Antenna Array Design for Indoor Localisation UWB Radar Technologies.

Pre-Napier Funded Projects

  • KTP: Wireless sensors for detecting obstructive sleep apnoea, £170,000, 2018-2020, Co-I, Passion For Life Healthcare (UK) Limited, University of Bolton
  • Feasibility Study of using Zigbee based Wireless sensor network for Agriculture Application, £5000, 2017, PI, University of Bolton and Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Nigeria
  • KTP: Development of smart fire protection products capable of sensing and reporting their local environment wirelessly, £93,988, 2016-2017, Co-I, TBA Textiles Limited, University of Bolton
  • TSB Innovative Voucher: Feasibility Study for Sediment Sensors in Storm Water Sediment Interceptor Systems, £5000, 2014, Co-I, Hydro international Ltd,
  • Industrial Research Project: UHF balanced antenna design for a wireless transceiver, £20,000, 2014-2015, PI, WIMAC Ltd
  • Industrial Contract: "EPA US Demonstration Project- Portable Acoustic Sensor", £30,000, 2013, Co-I, University of Bradford
  • Industrial contract: “Sewerbatt System Demonstration Project”, £30,000, 2012, Co-I, University of Bradford
  • Industry funded Research Project: UHF and mobile antennas designs for a wireless lighting system, £30,000, 2012-2014, PI, WIMAC Ltd
  • Innovative voucher Yorkshire Forward: Feasibility Study of Charging Methods for the B&W Scooter, £5,000, 2010, Co-I, University of Bradford
  • Travel Grant: International Young Scientist Award: Japan Toyama, 2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, £3,000, Oct. 2010, PI, University of Bradford
  • Industry funded research contract: Antenna Designs for Subsurface Underground Communication Systems, £30,000, 2010-2011, PI, IETG Ltd.
  • URSI Young Scientist Award:Travel grant, USA Chicago URSI General Assembly, £3,000, Aug.2008, PI, URSI (Union of Radio Science)
  • Industrial Contract: Underground embedded antenna for sewer monitoring system, £5000, 2006, Co-I, University of Bradford
  • Industrial Contract: Feasible study of using wireless sensor technology for sewerage system monitoring, £27,200, 2005-2006, Co-I, University of Bradford

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Sensor design and implementation for underground applications. PhD
  • MIMO antenna design using Metamaterial, PhD
  • Dielectric antenna design for wireless communication applications, PhD
  • Harmonic rejection antenna design using GA, PhD
  • investigation, design and implementation of frequency tuneable antennas for mobile handset and UWB applications, PhD
  • Modelling the non-uniform current distribution on wire antennas, PhD
  • Analysis and solutions for RFID tag and RFID reader deployment in wireless communications applications, PhD
  • UWB Antenna design for breast cancer detection, PhD
  • Design of small compact wideband and ultra-wideband antennas for wireless communications applications, PhD
  • Design, model and implementations of EBG and defected ground planes, PhD
  • Antenna array design using genetic algorithms for mobile base stations, PhD
  • Design and modelling of dielectric resonator Antennas for mobile handsets, MPhil
  • Quadrifilar antennas for satellite mobile personal handset, PhD
  • Design and modelling of Sub-surface Radar for detection of breast cancer, MPhil