Clare Taylor
Clare Taylor

Dr Clare Taylor

Senior Lecturer


I am a Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology in the School of Applied Sciences. I am an active academic citizen supporting colleagues to embed inclusive practice in microbiology and life sciences.

Main areas of focus:

*Equality, diversity and inclusion in life sciences and higher education*
As an inclusive practitioner I work with a range of colleagues and external organisations to understand and reduce inequalities and barriers to inclusion, with a particular focus on microbiology and life sciences as well as higher education.

*Promoting evidence-based policy making*
I have worked with several organisations to improve the understanding of science for the benefit of policy makers.

*Public engagement with research*
I am passionate about engaging people with research in microbiology especially on topics related to public health including vaccination and antibiotic resistance. I have performed on these topics at Edinburgh Festival Fringe and have taken part in a range of different activities to diverse audiences.

Previous work has focused on understanding host-pathogen interactions of the intracellular bacteria Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes, with a view to developing novel microbial diagnostic tools and designing novel approaches to antimicrobial therapy.




Advisory panels and expert committees or witness

  • Appointed Board Member and Trustee of Scottish Policy & Research Exchange (SPRE)
  • Invited expert - Roundtable on Inequity in the STEM workforce: Could an Employers’ Coalition for STEM Diversity drive systemic change in the sector?
  • Invited expert - Roundtable for UK R&D Roadmap - R&D People and Culture Strategy
  • Invited expert - All Party Parliamentary Group roundtable - How does UK Government advance and inhibit equity and inclusive cultures within the STEM workforce?
  • Invited member of Advisory Board of UKRI Future Leader Fellowships Development Network
  • Invited member of Challenge Panel for BEIS/UKRI Review of Research Bureacracy
  • Invited contributor - Scottish stakeholder roundtable with UKRI CEO Dame Ottoline Leyser
  • Invited expert - All Party Parliamentary Group roundtable - Equity in STEM education - where now?
  • Invited expert - BAME Roundtable for First Minister's Advisory Council on Women & Girls
  • Member Royal Society of Biology Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group
  • Invited expert - Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Roundtable on UK-Canada Microbiome research


Conference Organising Activity

  • Invited Member of Organising Committee FEMS Congress 2023
  • Invited panel member - Race Equity Networks. Panel session at EDIS Symposium 2021
  • Invited member Organising Committee World Microbiology Forum 2021 (Joint virtual meeting of Federation of European Microbiology Societies and American Society for Microbiology
  • Invited Chair - SfAM workshop: Poster lightning talks at FEMS Congress 2019
  • Invited chair - STEM in Africa panel session at FEMS Congress 2019
  • Member of Organising Committee FEMS Congress 2021
  • Invited chair - LGBT+ in STEM panel session at FEMS Congress 2019
  • Invited Chair - Symposium: Exploiting bacteria for biomedical applications at FEMS Congress 2019
  • Conference Organizer - Applications of Plant Pathology: From Field to Clinic
  • Member of Programme Committee - FEMS Congress 2019
  • Invited Meeting Chair - Antimicrobial Resistance: Novel Therapeutics and Drug Discovery, London, UK


Editorial Activity

  • Editor (Medical Microbiology) for All Life journal
  • Editorial Board Member Fine Focus Journal
  • Features Editor Microbiologist magazine


External Examining/Validations

  • External Examiner, Undergraduate Microbiology, University of Bradford


Fellowships and Awards

  • Beltane Public Engagement Fellowship
  • Fellow – Higher Education Academy
  • Scottish Crucible Fellowship


Grant Funding Panel Member

  • Society for Applied Microbiology Grants Panel
  • British Council Researcher Links/Newton Fund


Grant Reviewer

  • Invited grant reviewer NERC
  • Invited grant reviewer MRC
  • Invited grant reviewer BBSRC
  • Invited grant reviewer - Wellcome Trust


Invited Speaker

  • Chair & speaker - What you need to know about science policy at SfAM, Webinar
  • Preparing a paper presenting results of multidisciplinary research - Webinar for All Life journal. Sponsored by the School of Public Health of Nanjing Medical University, China
  • From Roots to Routes: Disrupting the Status-Quo at Engage 2019 Public Engagement Conference
  • Exploiting intracellular bacteria for medical biotechnology at FEMS Congress 2019
  • Invited Panel Member - Too much evidence or not enough? Evidence week, UK parliament
  • Invited Panel Member - Intersectionality in STEM, Equate Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
  • Invited speaker - The Antimicrobial Crisis: #AlternativeFact or #ActualFact, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  • The Dorothy Jones Memorial Lecture: The Jekyll & Hyde Paradigm: an update on Listeria monocytogenes
  • Women! Science is not for You! Café Scientifique, St Andrews
  • Invited speaker - New Lecturer Research Award Lecture, Dublin, Ireland


Media Activity

  • COVID-19 commentary for BBC News (TV and radio)
  • TV appearance: STV Scotland Tonight discussing Sir Tim Hunt & sexism in science
  • TV appearance: STV Edinburgh: Edinburgh Festival 2015 - Women! Science is Still Not for You!
  • News media commentator for various media outlets and Science Media Centre
  • TV appearance & consultancy for BBC4 After Life: The Strange Science of Decay


Membership of Professional Body

  • Member EDIS (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Science & Health) Coalition
  • Elected member of RSE Young Academy of Scotland
  • Chair, Policy Sub-committee (SfAM)
  • General Secretary Society for Applied Microbiology
  • Council member - Federation of European Microbiology Societies
  • Executive Committee member and Trustee Society for Applied Microbiology


Public/Community Engagement

  • Cell Block Science at HMP Shotts
  • Chair - Q&A with Dame Sally Davies
  • Writer & performer - You can keep your chickens, Mr Trump - Skeptics at Edinburgh International Science Festival
  • Writer & performer - Women! Science is not for You! at Edinburgh Festival Fringe
  • Writer & performer - Anti-vaxxers are anti-social, Edinburgh Festival Fringe
  • Co-ordinator and creator of Fun Palace Wester Hailes , WHALE Arts
  • Writer & performer - The Antibiotic Apocalypse Threatens Us All! Edinburgh Festival Fringe
  • The Ticking Time Bomb of Antimicrobial Resistance: What can we do and where should we go next? Exhibition at Royal Society of Edinburgh.
  • Workshop delivery - 'Doing Publics', Beltane Annual Gathering, Edinburgh
  • Performer Edinburgh Festival Fringe - Women! Science is Still Not for You!
  • Performer - Bright Club, The Stand Comedy Club
  • Performer - Bright Club for Explorathon 2015, The Stand Comedy Club
  • Performer Edinburgh Festival Fringe - Women! Science is Not for You!
  • Winner - I'm a Scientist, Get me Out of Here! Live!
  • I Love Microbes - interactive exhibition at British Science Festival


Research Degree External Examining

  • External examiner - PhD (University of Manchester
  • External examiner - PhD (University of Manchester)
  • External Examiner - PhD (University of Manchester)



  • Peer Reviewer of manuscripts for Journals: Microbiology; FEMS Microbiology Letters; Nanotoxicology; BMC Microbiology; British Journal of Pharmacology



20 results

Recovery of MRSA and Clostridium difficile in an ICU ward

Journal Article
Ram, A., Gibb, A. P., Templeton, K., Holmes, A., Swann, D., & Taylor, C. M. (2011)
Recovery of MRSA and Clostridium difficile in an ICU ward. BMC proceedings, 5, 185-185.
Introduction / objectives The role of the hospital environment as a reservoir of infection is poorly understood. Therefore, baseline levels of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Stap...

Copper Homeostasis in Salmonella is atypical and Copper-CueP Is a major periplasmic metal complex

Journal Article
Osman, D., Waldron, K. J., Denton, H., Taylor, C. M., Grant, A. J., Mastroeni, P., …Cavet, J. S. (2010)
Copper Homeostasis in Salmonella is atypical and Copper-CueP Is a major periplasmic metal complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 25259-25268.
Salmonella enterica sv. typhimurium (S. enterica sv. Typhimurium) has two metal-transporting P1-type ATPases whose actions largely overlap with respect to growth in elevated c...

Regulation of capsule expression

Book Chapter
Taylor, C., & Roberts, I. S. (2010)
Regulation of capsule expression. In . M. Wilson (Ed.), Bacterial Adhesion to Host Tissues: Mechanisms and Consequences, (115-138). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
No abstract available.

Differential expression from two iron-responsive promoters in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium reveals the presence of iron in macrophage-phagosomes

Journal Article
Taylor, C. M., Osman, D., & Cavet, J. S. (2009)
Differential expression from two iron-responsive promoters in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium reveals the presence of iron in macrophage-phagosomes. Microbial Pathogenesis, 46(2), 114-118.
The metal status of macrophage-phagosomes during Salmonella infection is largely unknown. In this study, we have precisely calibrated the metal-specificities of two metal-resp...

Characterization of relA and codY mutants of Listeria monocytogenes: identification of the CodY regulon and its role in virulence

Journal Article
Bennett, H. J., Pearce, D. M., Glenn, S., Taylor, C. M., Kuhn, M., Sonenshein, A. L., …Roberts, I. S. (2007)
Characterization of relA and codY mutants of Listeria monocytogenes: identification of the CodY regulon and its role in virulence. Molecular Microbiology, 63(5), 1453-1467.
Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive intracellular parasite and the causative organism of human listeriosis. In this article we demonstrate that L. monocytogenes encodes ...

Mutations in the waaR Gene of Escherichia coli Which Disrupt Lipopolysaccharide Outer Core Biosynthesis Affect Cell Surface Retention of Group 2 Capsular Polysaccharides.

Journal Article
Taylor, C. M., Goldrick, M., Lord, L., & Roberts, I. S. (2006)
Mutations in the waaR Gene of Escherichia coli Which Disrupt Lipopolysaccharide Outer Core Biosynthesis Affect Cell Surface Retention of Group 2 Capsular Polysaccharides. Journal of Bacteriology, 188(3), 1165-1168.
On the basis of increased resistance to K5 capsule-specific bacteriophage, a waaR transposon mutant defective in the biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide outer core was isolated...

Bacterial Capsules: A Route for Polysaccharide Engineering

Roberts, I., & Taylor, C. (2005)
Bacterial Capsules: A Route for Polysaccharide Engineering. In Handbook of Carbohydrate Engineering, 479-494. Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group). doi:10.1201/9781420027631.ch16
No abstract available.

Capsular Polysaccharides and Their Role in Virulence

Book Chapter
Taylor, C. M., & Roberts, I. S. (2004)
Capsular Polysaccharides and Their Role in Virulence. In W. Russell, & H. Herwald (Eds.), Concepts in Bacterial Virulence; Contributions to Microbiology, 55-66. Karger Publishers.
No abstract available.

Generation of “Neoheparin” from E. coli K5 Capsular Polysaccharide

Journal Article
Lindahl, U., Li, J., Kusche-Gullberg, M., Salmivirta, M., Alaranta, S., Veromaa, T., …Casu, B. (2005)
Generation of “Neoheparin” from E. coli K5 Capsular Polysaccharide. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 48(2), 349-352.
Heparin remains a major drug in prevention of thromboembolic disease. Concerns related to its animal source have prompted search for heparin analogues. The anticoagulant activ...

Listeria monocytogenes relA and hpt Mutants Are Impaired in Surface-Attached Growth and Virulence

Journal Article
Taylor, C. M., Beresford, M., Epton, H. A. S., Sigee, D. C., Shama, G., Andrew, P. W., & Roberts, I. S. (2002)
Listeria monocytogenes relA and hpt Mutants Are Impaired in Surface-Attached Growth and Virulence. Journal of Bacteriology, 184(3), 621-628.
We describe here the identification and characterization of two Listeria monocytogenes (Tn917-LTV3) relA and hpt transposon insertion mutants that were impaired in growth afte...

Current Post Grad projects

Previous Post Grad projects

Non-Napier PhD or MSc by Research supervisions

  • Co-supervisor of PhD with GlaxoSmithKline and Heriot Watt University