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197 results

Nonoperative management of simple back pain (type 1)

Book Chapter
Moffett, J. K., & Frost, H. (2002)
Nonoperative management of simple back pain (type 1). In C. Blustrode, J. Buckwalter, A. Carr, L. Marsh, J. Fairbank, J. Wilson-Macdonald, & G. Bowden (Eds.), Oxford textbook of orthopedics and trauma (512-514). Oxford: Oxford University Press
No abstract available.

Functional restoration programs for chronic low back pain (types 2 and 5)

Book Chapter
Frost, H., & Shackleton, C. (2002)
Functional restoration programs for chronic low back pain (types 2 and 5). In C. Bulstrode, J. Buckwalter, A. Carr, L. Marsh, J. Fairbank, J. Wilson-MacDonald, & G. Bowden (Eds.), Oxford textbook of orthopedics and trauma (520-521). Oxford: Oxford University Press
No abstract available.

Pulsed Shortwave – Effective, useless or harmful?

Journal Article
Frost, H. (2002)
Pulsed Shortwave – Effective, useless or harmful?. Physiotherapy, 88(10), 638.
No abstract available.

Multi-centred Randomised Controlled Trial of Advice versus Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain. Trial methods and lessons learnt.

Journal Article
Lamb, S., Frost, H., Carver, T., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2002)
Multi-centred Randomised Controlled Trial of Advice versus Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain. Trial methods and lessons learnt. Physiotherapy, 88(7), 433.
Publication is an abstract only.

Variation in patient-reported osteoarthritic knee pain prior to knee replacement surgery

Journal Article
Frost, H., & Lamb, S. (2002)
Variation in patient-reported osteoarthritic knee pain prior to knee replacement surgery. Rheumatology, 41(suppl 2), 122.
Publication is an abstract only. Osteoarthritis (Abstracts Nos. 329-351)

Rates and Reasons for Non-adherence to Home Physiotherapy in Paediatrics

Journal Article
Chappell, F., & Williams, B. (2002)
Rates and Reasons for Non-adherence to Home Physiotherapy in Paediatrics. Physiotherapy, 88(3), 138-147.
Background and purpose Little evidence is currently available on adherence to home physiotherapy within paediatrics. This study aims to provide an indication of the likely siz...

A randomized controlled trial of exercise to improve mobility and function after elective knee arthroplasty. Feasibility, results and methodological difficulties

Journal Article
Frost, H., Lamb, S. E., & Robertson, S. (2002)
A randomized controlled trial of exercise to improve mobility and function after elective knee arthroplasty. Feasibility, results and methodological difficulties. Clinical Rehabilitation, 16(2), 200-209.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of comparing two types of exercise regime aiming to improve mobility and function following knee arthroplasty. DESIGN: A single-blind rand...

Reliability and responsiveness of the shuttle walking test in patients with chronic low back pain

Journal Article
Taylor, S., Frost, H., Taylor, A., & Barker, K. (2001)
Reliability and responsiveness of the shuttle walking test in patients with chronic low back pain. Physiotherapy Research International, 6(3), 170-178.
ABSTRACT Background and Purpose. Walking is an important functional activity and the shuttle walking test has been shown to be a useful test for patients with chronic airways ...

Integrating three perspectives of goals in asthma: the patient, the health professional and the evidence to improve asthma morbidity

Journal Article
Steven, K., Pagliari, C., Williams, B., Hoskins, G., & Pinnock, H. (2001)
Integrating three perspectives of goals in asthma: the patient, the health professional and the evidence to improve asthma morbidity. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 78

How Much Function Do Functional Restoration Programmes Restore?

Journal Article
Frost, H., & Lamb, S. (2000)
How Much Function Do Functional Restoration Programmes Restore?. Physiotherapy, 86(9), 496.
No abstract available.
11 results

Developing remote exercise support and rehabilitation for patients after spontaneous coronary artery dissection - a feasibility study

2024 - 2026
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is increasingly recognised as an important cause of myocardial infarction (MI), particularly among younger women and has been linked participating in stre...
Value: £176,214

Chair of Transport & Health

2024 - 2025
This will allow me to continue and extend some of the work that I do, to promote and support policy and practice which results in an increase in total physical activity time, mainly as a result in an ...
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £28,407

Assessing the implementation of the Public Health Scotland Physical Activity Referral Standards: A process evaluation

2022 - 2025
Physical inactivity is a major public health problem and increasing population physical activity levels is a Scottish Government priority. In Scotland, 49% of men and 58% of women were not active enou...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £298,277

Impacts of School Street closures on the local highway network

2020 - 2022
This project is to extend understanding of wider impacts of temporary street closures. It will consider any re-distributional effects of street closures around schools and it is under consideration wh...
Funder: The Road Safety Trust | Value: £13,600

Implementation, at Scale, of a Model to support NICE Guidelines for the Management of Osteoarthritis (OA) in Primary Care

2019 - 2021
Musculoskeletal pain in adults over the age of 45 is the number one cause of disability world-wide and osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common cause of pain and disability (Global Burden of Disease 201...
Funder: University of Dundee | Value: £34,899

The influence of aerobic exercise training to attenuate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity and vascular dysfunction in breast cancer and leukaemia patients

2018 - 2021
This project will be based in the Sport, Exercise and Health Research theme within the School of Applied Sciences, and is led by Dr. Mark Ross, Miss Karen Campbell and Professor Geraint Florida-James ...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £58,079

Pollution Exposure and Cardiovascular Health

2018 - 2019
The project aims to ascertain pollution exposure on Edinburgh main roads and greener routes, and also determine the health effects of active commuting via these routes
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £4,550

Participation in Mountain Biking - effects on aspects of psychological wellbeing of young participants

2018 - 2018
Participation in Mountain Biking - effects on aspects of psychological wellbeing of young participants
Funder: Scottish Cycling | Value: £4,999

Exploring the use of activity tracking and mobile phone based feedback integrated with health care records to increase activity levels and reduce sedentary behaviour in people with type 2 diabetes

2018 - 2024
The benefits of exercise and reduced sedentary behavior on health and wellbeing are important for the whole population, but for those with type 2 diabetes they have particular benefits in enhancing bl...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £11,072

Assessing the efficacy of a Physical Activity and Health Behaviour Change interventions alongside the use of an activity tracking device and platform to change physical activity behaviour in cancer pa...

2016 - 2018
This is a research and evaluation of Macmillan Move all project in collaboration with Paths for all partnership.
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £19,885
10 results

Exploration of healthcare professionals' beliefs and attitudes to referring patients with a long-term condition to a physical activity programme

2017 - 2021
Dr Bruce Forrest | Director of Studies: Dr Coral Hanson | Second Supervisor: Prof Lis Neubeck

The influence of perceived levels of physical activity on engagement with cardiac rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome

2017 - 2022
Dr Sheona Mchale | Director of Studies: Prof Lis Neubeck | Second Supervisor: Dr Coral Hanson

Evaluating ALBA: A pragmatic evaluation of a behaviour change intervention designed to increase physical activity to improve mental wellbeing

2016 - 2020
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for impr...
Dr Nicola Peddie | Director of Studies: Dr Tony Westbury | Second Supervisor: Prof Austyn Snowden

An investigation into the nature of psychological resilience in junior athletes

2015 - 2017
A mixed method approach to understanding the nature of psychological resielince in junior athletes, reviewing and proposi...
Dr Hollie Fountain | Director of Studies: Prof Russell Martindale | Second Supervisor: Dr Tony Westbury

Understanding the lived experience of how individuals aged between 33 and 62 years of age diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) feel they obtain emotional support post percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)

2015 - 2017
Dr Sheona Mchale | Director of Studies: Prof Susan Dawkes | Second Supervisor: Prof Graeme Smith

The role of exercise and age on vitamin D metabolism

2015 - 2019
My main area of research interest is the role of exercise and ageing on vitamin D metabolism. Scotland is identified as a vitamin D deficient nation...
Dr Hannah Margaret Lithgow | Director of Studies: Dr Mel Leggate | Second Supervisor: Prof G Florida-James

The combined effect of high intensity intermittent training and vitamin D supplementation of insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese males and females

2014 - 2016
Dr Hannah Margaret Lithgow | Director of Studies: Dr Mel Leggate | Second Supervisor: Prof G Florida-James

The influence of age, aerobic fitness, cardiovascular risk factors and cytomegalovirus on angiogenic T cells and endothelial progenitor cells

2011 - 2016
Dr Mark Ross | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Eva Malone

Ambulatory physiological assessment: an ergonomic approach to the dynamic work environment and temporal variability in heart rate variability, blood pressure and the cortisol awakening response.

2011 - 2015
Dr Tom Campbell | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Tony Westbury

Sleep disruption, immune cell redeployment and endocrine response following an acute bout of exercise

2007 - 2016
Dr Lesley Ingram-Sills | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Eva Malone