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23319 results

Investigating Boundary Issues Arising from Congestion Charging in a Bottleneck Scenario

Book Chapter
Ge, E. Y., Ge, Y., & Stewart, K. (2010)
Investigating Boundary Issues Arising from Congestion Charging in a Bottleneck Scenario. In New Developments in Transport Planning, (303-326). Edward Elgar.
No abstract available.

A software tool for evaluating navigation.

Conference Proceeding
McCall, R., & Benyon, D. (1997)
A software tool for evaluating navigation. In Proceedings of WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet 1999, 1723
Traditional methods of usability evaluation ignore some aspects related to navigation. In contrast the navigation in information space paradigm sees the user as situated withi...

Contextual grounding in CVE design.

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2001)
Contextual grounding in CVE design. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14, (30-38). ISSN 1054-7460
A proper respect for eventual context of use is crucially important for the success of virtual environments destined for real-world organisations, yet is frequently absent fro...

Financial liberalisation in Mauritius and the finance-growth nexus.

Jouan, J. K. Financial liberalisation in Mauritius and the finance-growth nexus. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The purpose of the thesis is to explore the empirical relevance of the theory of financial liberalisation in the Mauritian context. After confronting the conflicting views in ...

Engaging residents as stakeholders of the visitor attraction.

Journal Article
Garrod, B., Fyall, A., Leask, A., & Reid, E. (2012)
Engaging residents as stakeholders of the visitor attraction. Tourism Management, 33, 1159-1173.
While local residents are widely recognised to play a pivotal role in the development and management of destinations, their role in the context of visitor attractions has larg...

PhotoPal: companionship, sharing and the digital echo.

Conference Proceeding
Mival, O., O'Keefe, B., Bradley, J., Roa-Seiler, N., & Benyon, D. (2008)
PhotoPal: companionship, sharing and the digital echo. In Proceedings of CHI Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos Workshop
This short paper introduces the research of the 14 partner, EU Framework 6 project, COMPANIONS. It focuses on the development of PhotoPal, a multimodal system harnessing the c...

J. Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon and exploration

Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2012)
J. Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic Gibbon and exploration. Scottish Literary Review, 4, 131-150
The article presents the literary works of James Leslie Mitchell using the pseudonym Lewis Grassic Gibbon. It discusses Mitchell's adventurous spirit as reflected in the trave...

Prediction of in-hospital mortality and length of stay using an early warning scoring system: clinical audit

Journal Article
Paterson, R., MacLeod, D., Thetford, D., Beattie, A., Graham, C., Lam, S., & Bell, D. (2006)
Prediction of in-hospital mortality and length of stay using an early warning scoring system: clinical audit. Clinical Medicine, 6(3), 281-284.
This aim of this study was to assess the impact of the introduction of a standardised early warning scoring system (SEWS) on physiological observations and patient outcomes in...

Ownership and control in the bus industry: the case of Hungary.

Journal Article
Nelson, J. D., Saleh, W., & Prileszky, I. (1997)
Ownership and control in the bus industry: the case of Hungary. Journal of Transport Geography, 5(2), 137-146.
In Hungary, the impending expiry of existing operating licences for both urban and interurban bus services is leading to considerable pressure for change in the current system...

Putting Foucault to work in tourism research

Journal Article
Wight, A. C. (2019)
Putting Foucault to work in tourism research. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(1), 122-133.
This paper reflects on Foucault's Archaeology of Knowledge as a methodological approach in tourism research. It offers lessons from recent research focused on critiquing herit...


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


1688 results

Future Flyer 3 a Day-in-the-life-of HEART

2022 - 2025
In FFC Phase 3, the consortium will develop and mature a range of innovative capabilities to demonstrate a ‘Day-in-the-life-of’ a deployed HEART network, within a commercially relevant target area. Th...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £433,649

Modern Studies teaching development work

2023 - 2024
This Knowledge Exchange project is funded by the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice research (the SCCJR). Our team comprises Dr Rebecca Foster (ENU, project lead), Dr Estelle Clayton (ENU), Karyn M...
Funder: The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research | Value: £1,662

Statistical and machine learning approaches for the characterisation of soils

2023 - 2024
This Fellowship application aims to develop DEM simulation approaches to enable the large-scale simulation of industrial and engineering applications effectively, realistically and reliably. This will...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £57,000

Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT

2022 - 2024
Our 2-year interdisciplinary project will investigate how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £94,392

Novel Methods of Sensory Analysis for Whisky Flavour

2022 - 2025
Reviewing and trialling sensory analysis methods that are new or used in other industries to help create more accurate and rapid methods for the Scotch Whisky industry.
Funder: The Scotch Whisky Research Institute | Value: £54,072

ENABLE Breaking Barriers Skills Development

2021 - 2022
To provide a short 8 week business study course for people with learning disabilities. The course requires to have accreditation.

Swarmchestrate - Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Things Continuum

2024 - 2026
The next-generation of intelligent cyber-physical and IoT systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming an essential part of our environment. With the ever-growing number of intelligent...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £357,303

Investigating and improving induction training for CS work-based learning workplace mentors, especially to ensure inclusion

2023 - 2024
This study investigates and induction training for Computing work-based learning workplace mentors, especially to ensure inclusion. Through the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC) the ...
Funder: Council of Professors and Heads of Computing | Value: £4,925

Visualisation of Metadata in 2D/3D Digital Cuneiform Artefacts

2022 - 2023
Cuneiform is an ancient writing system that was first used in around 3400 BC (Finkel & Taylor, 2015). Distinguished by its 3D imprinted, wedge-shaped reed marks on clay tablets, cuneiform script is o...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,909

Commercialisation of Homegrown Wood Fibre

2023 - 2025
To enhance the utilisation of the current English Forest resource for built environment delivery and correspondingly influence future forest strategies by demonstrating what is possible and scalable. ...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £4,200


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


Qualification level

1334 results

Adaptive video game sound based on inherent skill level utilising selective attention

2022 - 2025
In video games, selective attention can be utilised to increase a player’s engagement by adapting the sound design ...
Mr. Ethan Robson | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Dr Balandino Di Donato

The meeting journey: Supporting the design of interaction within co-located, collaborative device ecologies

2013 - 2019
I am currently working on a PhD programme in the Centre for Interaction Design, supervised by...
Aurelien Ammeloot | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Oli Mival

Visualising Multiple Overlapping Classification Hierarchies

1998 - 2002
The revision or reorganisation of hierarchical data sets can result in many possible hierarchical classifications composed of the same or ove...
Dr Martin Graham | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Prof David Benyon

City narratives in music: creating musical works that reflect urban realities relating to Valletta

2013 - 2019
"The research explores elements of community, identity, and cultural realities. It explores the way of...
Alexander Vella Gregory | Director of Studies: Mr. Ken Dempster | Second Supervisor: Dr Katrina Burton

Performance monitoring and modelling of micro-, midi- and macro-wind turbines

2007 - 2012
This thesis investigates the potential of using wind turbine to offset electricity demand for dwellings or public building....
Ahmad Makkawi | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Naren Gupta

Self-rated health and health inequalities by area deprivation in British nurses

2015 - date
The PhD project will explore the relationship between area deprivation and self-reported health in UK Nurses. I aim to as...
Mr William Ball | Director of Studies: Dr Iain Atherton | Second Supervisor: Dr Richard Kyle

Risk-Modelling at the Pre-Proposal Stages of eGovernment Services

2002 - 2007
eGovernment is a relatively new, but rapidly expanding, domain; mainly due to the perceived outcomes that it may bring to the public ad...
Adrianos Evangelidis | Director of Studies: Ann Macintosh | Second Supervisor: Prof Lissie Davenport

Sustainable festivals and events - an enquiry of leadership and futures

2015 - 2017
As a societal phenomenon, festivals and planned events are discussed in a wide policy context. They have entered a broader discus...
Dr Martin Robertson | Director of Studies: Prof Anna Leask | Second Supervisor: Prof Jane Ali-Knight

Investigation of driving cycles as tools to assess travel demand management in Edinburgh and Abu Dhabi

2008 - 2013
Traffic congestion today is a major problem in almost all of the metropolitan areas of the world. ...
Ahmed Zaidi | Director of Studies: Prof Wafaa Saleh | Second Supervisor: Kevin Cullinane

A framework for the transformation of the creative industries in a digital age

2011 - 2015
The cultural and creative industries face a constantly changing context, characterised by the speed of the development and...
Hannah Rudman | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall


Research Areas


310 results

New college courses for students with intellectual disabilities announced

9 February 2024
Dr. Spassiani lead the design, development and implementation of the Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice Programme at Trinity College Dublin in 2015. This is a ground breaking inclusive desig...

Napier libraries project targets the STEM gender gap

23 January 2024
Edinburgh Napier University is launching a new project geared towards opening pathways into engineering education for girls and other groups that are underrepresented in the industry. ENU is launchin...

Presentation to Jazz Congress 2024 - Lincoln Center, New York

11 January 2024
Presentation of findings from the AHRC/NEA funded project JazzDAP - New directions in digital jazz studies. Together with colleagues, Haftor Medbøe will be disseminating our work on novel methods for ...

AI research to look at student use of ChatGPT at UK universities

9 January 2024
An Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) project investigating the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT in Universities across the UK is set to get underway after being backed by near...

Supervision as External for PhD at University of Maastricht

8 January 2024
In the Netherlands, external supervisions are called 'Promoters'. I am promoter to a Consultant in Public Health in Public Health Scotland who is undertaking her PhD through publication,

Blog for Public Health Scotland

19 December 2023
Blog on 20mph speed limits in settlements across Scotland as a move from 30mph. This follows the Bute House Agreement between the SNP and Green Party so that the Scottish Government has stated that al...

Dr Pat White appointed Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management

19 December 2023
In November 2023 Dr Pat White of the Centre for Conservation & Restoration Science was appointed Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management (FCIEEM), and one of only 16 Fe...

Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health meets staff from University’s Centre for Cardiovascular Health

28 November 2023
Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health, Jenni Minto MSP has received an insight into the work of Edinburgh Napier’s Centre for Cardiovascular Health during a recent visit to the University’s Si...

BBC Scottish Young Jazz Musician 2023

26 November 2023
Professor Haftor Medbøe has been invited to chair the panel of judges for BBC Young Jazz Musician 2023 awards.

ENU Attends Health and Care Professions Research Conference

7 November 2023
Professor Alison Porter-Armstrong presented “Capacity building in the allied health professions: the outcome of a health intervention research study”. 3 Key Messages There is value in diffusing t...


Research Areas
