32 results

Drosophila melanogasterGlutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Is Regulated by a Modifier Subunit with a Mechanism of Action Similar to That of the Mammalian Form

Journal Article
Fraser, J. A., Saunders, R. D. C., & McLellan, L. I. (2002)
Drosophila melanogasterGlutamate-Cysteine Ligase Activity Is Regulated by a Modifier Subunit with a Mechanism of Action Similar to That of the Mammalian Form. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(2), 1158-1165. https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.m106683200
Glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL) plays an important role in regulating glutathione homeostasis. In mammals, it comprises a catalytic (GCLC) and modifier (GCLM) subunit. The exi...

Alternative Splicing of a 51-Nucleotide Exon that Encodes a Putative Protein Kinase C Phosphorylation Site Generates Two Forms of the Chicken γ-Aminobutyric AcidAReceptor β2 Subunit

Journal Article
Harvey, R. J., Chinchetru, M. A., & Darlison, M. G. (1994)
Alternative Splicing of a 51-Nucleotide Exon that Encodes a Putative Protein Kinase C Phosphorylation Site Generates Two Forms of the Chicken γ-Aminobutyric AcidAReceptor β2 Subunit. Journal of Neurochemistry, 62(1), 10-16. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1471-4159.1994.62010010.x
Complementary DNAs that encode two forms of the chicken -γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor β2 subunit have been isolated. These polypeptides differ by the presence (...

The Production of a Stably Transformed Insect Cell Line Expressing An Invertebrate GABA A Receptor β-Subunit

Journal Article
Smith, L. A., Amar, M., Harvey, R. J., Darlison, M. G., Earley, F. G. P., Beadle, D. J., …Bermudez, I. (1995)
The Production of a Stably Transformed Insect Cell Line Expressing An Invertebrate GABA A Receptor β-Subunit. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, 15(1-4), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.3109/10799899509045205
We have produced a stable insect cell line derived from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells expressing a cDNA encoding a β-subunit of the Lymnaea stagnalis GABAA receptor. The c...

Chicken GABAA receptor β4 subunits form robust homomeric GABA-gated channels in Xenopus oocytes

Journal Article
Liu, S., Parent, L., Harvey, R. J., Darlison, M. G., & Eugene, J. M. B. (1998)
Chicken GABAA receptor β4 subunits form robust homomeric GABA-gated channels in Xenopus oocytes. European Journal of Pharmacology, 354(2-3), 253-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0014-2999%2898%2900453-1
Chicken {GABAA} receptor β4L and β4S subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes by cRNA injection. Oocytes expressing either β4 subunit alone or in combination with the chicke...

Distinct regional expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes in chick brain

Journal Article
Morris, B. J., Hicks, A. A., Wisden, W., Darlison, M. G., Hunt, S. P., & Barnard, E. A. (1990)
Distinct regional expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor genes in chick brain. Molecular Brain Research, 7(4), 305-315. https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-328x%2890%2990081-n
Four genes (α2, α3, α4 and β2) have been reported as encoding subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in chicken brain. The mRNAs transcribed from these genes...

The chicken immediate-early gene ZENK is expressed in the medio-rostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale, a brain region involved in acoustic imprinting, and is up-regulated after exposure to an auditory stimulus

Journal Article
Thode, C., Bock, J., Braun, K., & Darlison, M. (2005)
The chicken immediate-early gene ZENK is expressed in the medio-rostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale, a brain region involved in acoustic imprinting, and is up-regulated after exposure to an auditory stimulus. Neuroscience, 130(3), 611-617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2004.10.015
The immediate-early gene zenk (an acronym for the avian orthologue of the mammalian genes zif-268, egr-1, ngfi-a and krox-24) has been extensively employed, in studies on osci...

Reliable and accurate sequencing of lambda, cosmid and P1 DNAs using modified dye terminator reaction parameters

Journal Article
Harvey, R. J., Harder, S., & Darlison, M. G. (1998)
Reliable and accurate sequencing of lambda, cosmid and P1 DNAs using modified dye terminator reaction parameters. Technical tips online, 3(1), 150-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1366-2120%2808%2970126-0
Many laboratories still find the direct sequencing of large DNA templates (i.e. lambda, cosmid and bacteriophage P1 clones) problematic. To date, only limited amounts of seque...

Fine mapping of the human biglycan (BGN) gene within the Xq28 region employing a hybrid cell panel

Journal Article
Traupe, H., Ouweland, A. M. V. D., Oost, B. A. V., Vogel, W., Vetter, U., Warren, S. T., …Ropers, H. (1992)
Fine mapping of the human biglycan (BGN) gene within the Xq28 region employing a hybrid cell panel. Genomics, 13(2), 481-483. https://doi.org/10.1016/0888-7543%2892%2990279-2
Human biglycan is a small proteoglycan that is expressed at high levels in the growing skeleton and in human skin at the cell surface of differentiating keratinocytes. The hum...

Chromosomal localization of GABAA receptor subunit genes: relationship to human genetic disease

Journal Article
Buckle, V. J., Fujita, N., Ryder-Cook, A. S., Derry, J. M., Barnard, P. J., Lebo, R. V., …Barnard, E. A. (1989)
Chromosomal localization of GABAA receptor subunit genes: relationship to human genetic disease. Neuron, 3(5), 647-654. https://doi.org/10.1016/0896-6273%2889%2990275-4
Hybridization of {GABAA} receptor probes to human chromosomes in situ and to {DNA} from sorted human chromosomes has localized the genes encoding a β subunit and three isoform...

Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Rowat, A. M., Chalmers, C., & Rennie, D. (2007, January)
Determining nursing staffing levels for stroke beds in Scotland. Paper presented at Scottish Stroke Nurses Forum
Background: National guidelines suggest that at the very least there should be one whole time equivalent (WTE) nurse per stroke bed with a skill mix ratio of two registered nu...

