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19 results

Public policy for career guidance: Imagining a more ambitious agenda

Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2020)
Public policy for career guidance: Imagining a more ambitious agenda. [Blog]
This short article argues that career development services are relevant to a wider range of public policy objectives than have previously been considered.

Workplaces and policy spaces: insights from third sector internships Scotland

Journal Article
Pegg, A., & Caddell, M. (2016)
Workplaces and policy spaces: insights from third sector internships Scotland. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 6(2), 162-177.
Purpose – Understanding the relationship between learning and work is a key concern for educational researchers and policy makers at the local, national and international leve...

Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N. C., & Chen, T. (2019)
Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 31(5), 445-466.
Many governments are seeking to encourage the extension of working lives to counteract potential labor market shortages that might result from population aging. Nevertheless, ...

Third sector experiences of work programme delivery

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Dutton, M., & McQuaid, R. W. (2016)
Third sector experiences of work programme delivery. Journal of Social Policy, 45(4), 729-746.
This paper explores the organisational experiences of governmental policy change and implementation on the third sector. Using a four-year longitudinal study of 13 third secto...

Supporting Disadvantaged Young People into Work: Insights from the Capability Approach.

Journal Article
Egdell, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2015)
Supporting Disadvantaged Young People into Work: Insights from the Capability Approach. Social Policy and Administration, 50(1), 1-18.
The Capability Approach (CA) offers a perspective on the employment activation of young people that is concerned with their freedom to make choices that they value rather than...

Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Maclean, G., Raeside, R., & Chen, T. (2020)
Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice. Ageing and society, 40(4), 784-804.
The impact of an ageing workforce on the workplace is a concern internationally. Governments are increasingly encouraging the continued labour market participation of older wo...

Integrating young people into society: perceptions of enabling agents

Raeside, R., Egdell, V., & Graham, H. (2017)
Integrating young people into society: perceptions of enabling agents. In H. Otto, V. Egdell, J. Bonvin, & R. Atzmüller (Eds.), Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented PolicyCheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
No abstract available.

Private schools as battlefields: contested visions of learning and livelihood in Nepal.

Journal Article
Caddell, M. (2006)
Private schools as battlefields: contested visions of learning and livelihood in Nepal. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 36(4), 463-479.
Current policy and programme considerations of the role of the private sector in the promotion of schooling reform and the achievement of Education For All encompass a somewha...

The challenges facing freelancers in Scottish Film and TV: an analysis of 45 years of data from the Film Bang directory 1976-2020

Scott, A., & Davidson, N. (2021)
The challenges facing freelancers in Scottish Film and TV: an analysis of 45 years of data from the Film Bang directory 1976-2020. London: Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre
This Discussion Paper investigates freelance working in the Scottish film and television sector. The Industrial Strategy and the Bazalgette Report into the Creative Industries...

From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices

Conference Proceeding
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C., & Varey, A. (2018)
From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices. In Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, Stuttgart, Germany (199-207
Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) degrees bring new collaborations between universities and employers and new opportunities for apprentices—to gain a university degree, while also ...
12 results

Journal of Social Policy

Value: £2,300

Work-life Balance in the UK and Japan

2004 - 2005
Pressures for economic growth coupled with sociological changes in the workforce have led many industrialized countries to adopt measures to facilitate balance between work and domestic responsibiliti...
Value: £1,000

Policy & Gender Occupational Segregation Scotland

Value: £6,816

RSE Workshop

2016 - 2018
In a series of four workshops, academics from a range of disciplines, policy-makers, and representatives from health and education authorities, local authorities and Third Sector organizations will be...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £6,883

Edinburgh, Road Pricing and the Boundary Problem: Issues of Equity and Efficiency

2004 - 2004
Discussions of road user charging in Scotland had been confined to the proposed introduction of road user charging in Edinburgh. This report summarised the findings of a research study into the effici...
Value: £1,000

Employee Demand for Skills Development

2008 - 2009
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills commissioned the ERI and WM Enterprise to undertake a review of research evidence and policy around individuals’ demand for (and participation in) skills de...
Value: £1,000

Transport and The Scottish Economy

2001 - 2002
The report pulled together evidence on the role of transport in the development of the Scottish economy. It particularly sought to identify key issues where existing and potential academic research co...
Value: £1,000

Parents and Recurrent Poverty

2008 - 2008
A major reason for recurrent poverty is leaving the workforce due to childbirth and childcare and returning to low paid, insecure work. However, there are relatively few studies that give qualitative ...
Value: £1,000

Educational Migration and Non Return

2007 - 2008
The Employment Research Institute (ERI) at Napier University was commissioned by the Equalities Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) to carry out research to examine the impact of educational migrat...
Funder: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland | Value: £1,000

An Evaluation of the Mentally Healthy Workplace Training Programme

2008 - 2009
The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL) and NHS Health Scotland commissioned an evaluation of the mentally healthy workplaces training programme. This research was conducted in partnersh...
Funder: NHS Health Scotland | Value: £1,000

