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60 results

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry Research: Update of Health and Social Care research covering the period February 2022 to 31 December 2022

Report commissioned by Scottish COVID-19 Public Inquiry to update previous research into strategic response of Scottish Government to COVID pandemic in relation to health and ...

Efficacy of two Chlamydia abortus subcellular vaccines in a pregnant ewe challenge model for ovine enzootic abortion

Journal Article
Livingstone, M., Ranjan Wattegedera, S., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Aitchison, K., Corbett, C., Sait, M., …Longbottom, D. (2021)
Efficacy of two Chlamydia abortus subcellular vaccines in a pregnant ewe challenge model for ovine enzootic abortion. Vaccines, 9(8), Article 898.
Chlamydia abortus, the aetiological agent of enzootic abortion of ewes, is a major cause of reproductive loss in small ruminants worldwide, accounting for significant economic...

Type 1 diabetes patients increase CXCR4+ and CXCR7+ haematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cells with exercise, but the response is attenuated

Journal Article
Taylor, G. S., Shaw, A., Smith, K., Capper, T. E., Scragg, J. H., Cronin, M., …West, D. J. (2021)
Type 1 diabetes patients increase CXCR4+ and CXCR7+ haematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cells with exercise, but the response is attenuated. Scientific Reports, 11,
Background: Exercise mobilizes angiogenic cells, which stimulate vascular repair. However, limited research suggests exercise-induced increase of endothelial progenitor cell (...

Risk Factors for Leg Ulceration in People Who Inject Drugs: A Cross-Sectional Study

Journal Article
Coull, A. F., Kyle, R. G., Hanson, C. L., & Watterson, A. (2021)
Risk Factors for Leg Ulceration in People Who Inject Drugs: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(11-12), 1623-1632.
Aims and Objectives The aim of this study was to assess, for the first time in a hard-to-reach population, the risk factors for leg ulceration among PWID, with the objective o...

Design of a New Peptide Substrate Probe of the Putative Biomarker Legumain with Potential Application in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ex vivo

Journal Article
Mathur, S., Turnbull, A., Akaev, I., Stevens, C., Agrawal, N., Chopra, M., & Mincher, D. (2020)
Design of a New Peptide Substrate Probe of the Putative Biomarker Legumain with Potential Application in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ex vivo. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 26, 1965-1980.
The lysosomal endoprotease legumain (asparaginyl endoprotease) has been proposed as a putative biomarker in prostate tumours, in which the enzyme is markedly overexpressed. Ov...

The effectiveness of home versus community-based weight control programmes initiated soon after breast cancer diagnosis: a randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
Harvie, M., Pegington, M., McMullan, D., Bundred, N., Livingstone, K., Campbell, A., …Howell, A. (2019)
The effectiveness of home versus community-based weight control programmes initiated soon after breast cancer diagnosis: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Cancer, 121(6), 443–454.
Background Breast cancer diagnosis may be a teachable moment for lifestyle behaviour change and to prevent adjuvant therapy associated weight gain. We assessed the acceptabili...

Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study

Journal Article
Brown, S., Paterson, C., Dougall, N., Cameron, S., & Wheelhouse, N. (2019)
Understanding the attitudes and acceptability of extra-genital Chlamydia testing in young women: evaluation of a feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 19(1),
Background Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK. Recent studies suggest that in addition to the genital...

The inflammatory bowel disease drug azathioprine induces autophagy via mTORC1 and the unfolded protein response sensor PERK

Journal Article
Hooper, K. M., Casanova, V., Kemp, S., Staines, K. A., Satsangi, J., Barlow, P. G., …Stevens, C. (2019)
The inflammatory bowel disease drug azathioprine induces autophagy via mTORC1 and the unfolded protein response sensor PERK. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 25(9), 1481-1496.
Background Genetic studies have strongly linked autophagy to Crohn's disease (CD) and stimulating autophagy in CD patients may be therapeutically beneficial. The aim of this s...

The type III intermediate filament vimentin regulates organelle distribution and modulates autophagy

Journal Article
Biskou, O., Casanova, V., Hooper, K., Kemp, S., Wright, G. P., Satsangi, J., …Stevens, C. (2019)
The type III intermediate filament vimentin regulates organelle distribution and modulates autophagy. PLOS ONE, 14(1),
The cytoskeletal protein vimentin plays a key role in positioning of organelles within the cytosol and has been linked to the regulation of numerous cellular processes includi...

Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction

Journal Article
Wattegedera, S. R., Doull, L. E., Goncheva, M. I., Wheelhouse, N., Watson, D. M., Pearce, J., …Entrican, G. (2019)
Immunological homeostasis at the ovine placenta may reflect the degree of maternal foetal interaction. Frontiers in Immunology, 9,
Successful mammalian pregnancies are a result of complex physiological, endocrinological and immunological processes that combine to create an environment where the mother is ...
29 results

Development of an in vitro suppression assay to assess functionality of therapeutic regulatory T cell for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

2023 - 2024
MRS Summer Studentship for ENU Undergrad student Martin Swapp - 8 weeks in duration over summer 2023
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £3,030

Medical Research Scotland Vacation Scholarship

2022 - 2023
Investigating the anti-metastatic potential of Honokiol by attenuating KISS1/ KISS1R signaling
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £2,160

Exploiting micofluidic devices for physiologically relavent drug screening against human pathogens

2022 - 2022
Undergraduate student summer project (8 weeks)
Funder: Medical Research Scotland | Value: £2,160

Enhancing the stability and the delivery of lactoferrin for prevention and/or treatment of covid-19 respiratory disease.

2022 - 2023
Lactoferrin (LF) is a glycoprotein which is widely contained in many secretory fluids, mainly milk but also saliva, tears, and nasal secretions. Many scientific reports supported an application of thi...
Funder: Royal Society | Value: £17,494

Does Residual Beta Cell Function and Exercise Offer Synergistic Protection Against Hyperglycaemic Induced Circulating Vasoprotective Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetes?

2021 - 2022
For people with T1D, exercise is beneficial, potentially reducing the progression of diabetes-related complications. Many people (up to 80%) with T1D still release small amounts of insulin together wi...
Funder: Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation

TB/COVID-19 co-infections within a 3D in vitro imaging system

2021 - 2022
TB/COVID-19 co-infections within a 3D in vitro imaging system
Funder: Animal Free Research UK | Value: £500

Developing an adoptive regulatory T cell therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

2021 - 2024
The immune system contains a balance of cells that turn responses ‘on’ and those that turn it ‘off’. When this balance breaks down, inappropriate immune responses can attack healthy tissue...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £229,020

Host Defence Peptides as novel modulators of autophagy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

2019 - 2022
Increasing numbers of patients are diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) each year, both in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Most drugs in current use for the treatment of IBD target the im...
Funder: The Daphne Jackson Trust | Value: £83,167

EEID travel award: Understanding transmission dynamics for bacterial zoonoses in humans, goats and camels among pastoral communities in Northern Kenya

2019 - 2019
EEID travel award: Understanding transmission dynamics for bacterial zoonoses in humans, goats and camels among pastoral communities in Northern Kenya
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £1,960

Cathelicidins as Novel Therapeutic Antivirals for Dengue Infection

2019 - 2022
A significant challenge faced by modern society is the lack of therapeutics for a large number of infections, particularly those that are endemic or widely spread in developing countries. Dengue is on...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £269,873