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491 results

Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace

Presentation / Conference
Paneels, I., & Patrick-Thomson, H. (2024, September)
Creative Informatics: how data driven innovation has transformed the creative workplace. Paper presented at Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference
The creative economy is a workforce with a high proportion of freelancers and SMEs. This paper reflects on new ways of working, accelerated by the digital pivot of the creativ...

Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries

Digital Artefact
Feeney, D. (2024)
Tracking Information Literacy Undercurrents in Public Libraries. [Blog]
Much work within public libraries is required to turn implicit information literacy knowledge into explicit information literacy practice. This blog post discusses this issue...

‘New Clicks’: Developing User-Led Digital Literacies in Older Adults Within Scottish Public Libraries

Conference Proceeding
Feeney, A. J. (2024)
‘New Clicks’: Developing User-Led Digital Literacies in Older Adults Within Scottish Public Libraries. In European Conference on Information Literacy (121-129). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53001-2_11
Background Research details that our present ‘digital-by-default' society structurally supports inequalities, where users without the requisite skills to enable meaningful eng...

Library catalogue’s search interface: Making the most of subject metadata

Journal Article
Golub, K., Gnoli, C., Haynes, D., Salaba, A., Shiri, A., & Slavic, A. (in press)
Library catalogue’s search interface: Making the most of subject metadata. Knowledge Organization,
This article addresses the underutilization of knowledge organization systems (KOS) elements in online library catalogues, hindering effective subject-based search and discove...

Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships

Presentation / Conference
Cecil, M., & Taylor Smith, E. (2023, December)
Addressing gender imbalance in STEM graduate apprenticeships. Paper presented at Society for Research in Higher Education Conference 2023, Birmingham
There is currently significant gender imbalance within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduate apprenticeship (GA) programmes in Scotland. This is a c...

An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2023)
An information literacy lens on community representation for participatory budgeting in Brazil. Journal of Information Literacy, 17(2), 46-68. https://doi.org/10.11645/17.2.5
This paper presents an evaluation of the information literacies used by community representatives when engaging with participatory budgeting in São Paulo City, Brazil. Using q...

Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society

Ryan, B., Cruickshank, P., & Milosheva, M. (2023)
Information literacy and society: A report to present findings from a review of literature on the impact of information literacy on society. Media and Information Literacy Alliance
This report presents findings from a review of literature reporting on the impact of information literacy (IL) on society. It is intended to deliver considerations on how acad...

From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research-practice gap

Journal Article
Hall, H., Ryan, B., Salzano, R., & Stephen, K. (in press)
From a network model to a model network: strategies for network development to narrow the LIS research-practice gap. Journal of Documentation, https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-04-2022-0088
PURPOSE: The purpose of the empirical study was to examine whether strategies shown to work well in one model of network development for Library and Information Science (LIS) ...

Practices related to diabetes information in a group of Finnish adults living with Type 1 diabetes

Journal Article
Eriksson-Backa, K., Widén, G., & Ryan, B. (2022)
Practices related to diabetes information in a group of Finnish adults living with Type 1 diabetes. Informaatiotutkimus, 41(2-3), 29-33. https://doi.org/10.23978/inf.122558

Is the public library included? An analysis of local government documentation on the integration of forced migrants in Scotland

Journal Article
Salzano, R., Hall, H., Webster, G., & Brazier, D. (2022)
Is the public library included? An analysis of local government documentation on the integration of forced migrants in Scotland. Information Research, 27, https://doi.org/10.47989/colis2218
Introduction - Library and information science researchers identify public library roles in the integration of forced migrants into local communities. Here an analysis of form...


57 results

The Library of Inspiration

2024 - 2025
The project's ultimate aim is to empower 12 and 13-year-olds from under-represented groups in engineering to become future leaders. This will be achieved through "The Library of Inspiration," physical...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £99,711

Information literacy and society: a comprehensive review

2023 - 2023
This project will bring out how people learn to understand why and how they need information, and how they gather, process and use information, by reviewing research from 2005 to the present. The word...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,990

Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT

2022 - 2024
Our 2-year interdisciplinary project will investigate how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £94,392

Gendered information landscapes and their impact on routes into and through apprenticeships

2022 - 2025
The aim is to understand the myriad sources of gender stereotyping that impact on young people’s choices around apprenticeships and work-based learning (WBL). First, by a policy and literature review ...
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £57,117

Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and the source of music recommendation

2022 - 2023
Music streaming platforms (MSPs) employ recommender systems to assist listeners with navigating extensive libraries (Petridis et al., 2022), discovery of new content and establishing new audiences (Me...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £5,296

Subjective orientation in VR audio

2022 - 2023
This project will involve establishing a method for capturing listeners' experiences of spatial audio in VR. Whilst wearing a Head Mounted Display (HMD), sounds will be presented to listeners who wil...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,957

Platform to platform: an investigation into audience engagement with digitised archives and its transformative impact across different online formats

2022 - 2022
This project is closely tied to two goals of the call: unlocking value from digitised heritage content, and online performance. In respect of ‘unlocking value from digitised heritage’, the practical...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,994

Sentinel: Security alert level automation

2021 - 2022
Prototype a SaaS platform for automation of risk assessment, management and associated security alerts as a service in high risk areas of the world. The core will be implementation of a prototype ma...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

PhD Studentship 2019: Work Based Learning and Firm Performance

2021 - 2024
The PhD studentship project will analyse the benefits and challenges of work-based learning (WBL) in organisations and develop a maturity model for benchmarking and a toolkit for maximising value and ...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £52,661

How machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can enhance Labour Market Intelligence (LMI)

2021 - 2025
The success of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) for forecasting is predicated on accurate, reliable, robust, and accessible data that underpins the decision-making process. Developing, processing and ...
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £64,428


Qualification level

20 results

User centred approaches to supporting digital literacies and online information systems use

2022 - date
Drew Feeney | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Gemma Webster

Adaptive video game sound based on inherent skill level utilising selective attention

2022 - 2025
In video games, selective attention can be utilised to increase a player’s engagement by adapting the sound design ...
Mr. Ethan Robson | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Dr Balandino Di Donato

Natural Language Interfaces to support career decision-making of young people

2021 - date
Exploring how natural language interfaces can be used to support young people with career decision making, including ethics...
Marianne Wilson | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Work-based learning environments (WBLE) for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance.

2021 - date
John Marshall | Director of Studies: Dr David Haynes | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Cruickshank

Enhancing Labour Market Intelligence using Machine Learning

2021 - date
Mr Aleksander Bielinski | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Career information literacy and the decision-making behaviours of young people

2020 - date
Marina Milosheva | Director of Studies: Dr Peter Cruickshank | Second Supervisor: Prof Peter Robertson

Internationalisation-at-home for Computing & Engineering: the experience of a non-first-tier Chinese university

2020 - date
Lijuan Luo | Director of Studies: Dr Peter Cruickshank | Second Supervisor: Dr Kendall Richards

Evaluation of engagement with hyperlocal e-participation systems by citizens and representatives

2019 - 2021
This work is concerned with the information practices associated with hyperlocal representation. The fin...
Dr Peter Cruickshank | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Dr Kendall Richards

Metaskills Maturity for future workplaces

2019 - date
Katherine Stephen | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall

The influence of culture on perceived use of public libraries by forced migrants in the United Kingdom

2019 - date
Dr. Rachel Salzano | Director of Studies: Dr Gemma Webster | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall
40 results

Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins wins John Campbell Trust travel bursary

10 July 2017
Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins has won a John Campbell Trust travel bursary.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute nine papers to i3 2017

26 June 2017
Staff and research students from the Centre for Social Informatics presented nine papers at Information: interactions and impact (i3) in June 2017.

Lyndsey Jenkins appointed copy-editor for Information Research

22 May 2017
Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins has been appointed to the team of copy-editors for Information Research, one of the longest-established open access journals in the field of I...

Professor Hazel Hall admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

17 May 2017
Professor Hazel Hall was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh at a ceremony on Monday 15th May.

Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement: project findings

19 March 2017
Researchers in the Centre for Social Informatics have released findings of the Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement (IL-DEM) project.

Professor Hazel Hall visits the University of São Paulo, Brazil

13 March 2017
Professor Hazel Hall is the guest of the University of São Paulo, Brazil in the week beginning 13th March 2017.

Professor Hazel Hall appointed Docent at Åbo Akademi University

21 February 2017
Professor Hazel Hall has been appointed Docent of Information Studies at Åbo Akademi University

Hazel Hall elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

20 February 2017
Professor Hazel Hall of the School of Computing is one of 60 new elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Professor Hazel Hall is appointed Docent at Åbo Akademi, Finland.

17 February 2017
Professor Hazel Hall has been appointed Docent in Information Studies within the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi, Finland.

Florian Cech of the Vienna University of Technology visits the Centre for Social Informatics

5 January 2017
Florian Cech of the Vienna University of Technology visited the Centre for Social Informatics on 30th November 2016
35 results