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223 results

Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2013)
Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space. Digital Creativity, 24(1), 75-87.
This article explores approaches to envisionment in the field of interaction design. Design fictions are introduced as a method to articulate future possibilities. Three case ...

Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces

Helgason, I. Complex Pleasures: Designing Optional interactions for Public Spaces. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This research aims to contribute to knowledge about the design of interactive systems sited in public spaces. In particular, the study concerns "optional interactions" where s...

Designing interactive systems : people, activities, contexts, technologies

Benyon, D., Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2005)
Designing interactive systems : people, activities, contexts, technologies. Pearson Education
Authoritative in its coverage, the book draws on the authors’ extensive experience in research and teaching. A self-contained introduction to the area is followed by a systema...

Comparative Evaluation of Radio and Audio Logo Sound Designs

Journal Article
McGregor, I., & Cunningham, S. (2015)
Comparative Evaluation of Radio and Audio Logo Sound Designs. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 63(11), 876-888.
This study aims to explore the suitability of capturing designers’ and listeners’ experiences of sound design for a radio drama and audio logos using the repertory grid techni...

ALT text and basic accessibility

Conference Proceeding
McEwan, T., & Weerts, B. (2007)
ALT text and basic accessibility. In D. Ramduny-Ellis, & D. Rachovides (Eds.), People and computers XXI : HCI-- but not as we know it : proceedings of HCI 2007, the 21st British HCI Group Annual Conference, 1-4
Recent surveys have shown that the majority of websites are not accessible. Despite legal obligations and the importance of the internet for disabled people, most websites fai...

Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX

Conference Proceeding
Egan, C., Benyon, D., & Thompson, R. (2017)
Permaculture as a foundation for sustainable interaction design and UX. In Proceedings of British HCI 2017.
The main objective of this work is to gain an understanding of the relationships between UX and permaculture. This will deliver insights as to how digital media development ca...

Advances in designing product-service systems

Journal Article
Vasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., & Corney, J. R. (2015)
Advances in designing product-service systems. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 95, 429-448
Product-Service Systems (PSS) have emerged as a class of hybrid business models that have evolved particular relevance to enterprises operating in a resource-efficient, circul...

Health: RFID makes surgery safer.

Mival, O., Thuemmler, C., Schneider, A., Paulin, A., Kranzfelder, M., & Hasan, A. (2013)
Health: RFID makes surgery safer. In P. Cousin (Ed.), Internet of Things: Success Stories, 54-60. Internet of Things Council
This document presents a novel technique to reduce the risk of forgotten surgical towels in surgery. It is an application of IoT in field of healthcare. Integrating RFID tags ...

EniSpace: Evaluating Navigation in Information Space

Conference Proceeding
McCall, R., & Benyon, D. (1998)
EniSpace: Evaluating Navigation in Information Space. In P. De Bra, & J. J. Leggett (Eds.), Proceedings of WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet 1999, 1344-1345
Traditional methods of evaluating usability such as heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough do not address all issues relating to navigation. This is despite the fact t...

Adaptive systems: A solution to usability problems

Journal Article
Benyon, D. (1993)
Adaptive systems: A solution to usability problems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 3(1), 65-87.
Improving the usability of computer systems is perhaps the most important goal of human-computer interaction research. Current approaches to usability engineering tend to focu...
27 results

Soluis Dome User Interface

2015 - 2015
A digital dome is a large physical object that can fully immerse one or more users and present them digital material via rear projection onto the dome’s surface. Such a system presents unique and curr...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2013 - 2014
UrbanIxD (urban interaction design) is a 2 year European project that will build a research network around the domain of data-rich urban environments, focusing on human activities, experiences and beh...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £297,920

The Invisible Modality: Developing Gaze Input Techniques for the Internet-of-Things

2016 - 2017
The Internet of Things (IoT), a network of physical objects that can communicate, sense and act in the world, is rapidly expanding and is expected to account for nine billion of inter-connected device...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £7,454

KTP Soluis Group Ltd

2015 - 2017
To explore, understand and develop intuitive interaction technologies for simultaneous multi-user collaborative experiences in immersive digital domes
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £169,286

Locus Focus

2012 - 2012
IIDI has been successful in obtaining funding for a new collaborative project with Locus Focus supported by the SFC Innovation Voucher Scheme. The project involves, the ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,647


2014 - 2014
Due to a change in business focus by the client, some anticipated material was not available to the university and so the project was shortened (by 30%) and realigned. A Report was delivered containin...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £2,583


2013 - 2014
A report for a start-up company on the categories of potential customers, their requirements and expectations, and a rationale for development priorities to ensure maximum commercialisation and moneti...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,950
11 results

Adaptive video game sound based on inherent skill level utilising selective attention

2022 - 2025
In video games, selective attention can be utilised to increase a player’s engagement by adapting the sound design ...
Mr. Ethan Robson | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Dr Balandino Di Donato

Learning to cope with non-discretionary use of digital technologies

0 - 2016
The thesis describes an investigation into how people learn to cope with non-discretionary use of digital technologies. This includes...
Dr Emilia Sobolewska | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

UrbanIxD: Exploring human interactions for the hybrid city

2015 - 2022
With the vision of ubiquitous computing becoming increasingly realized, a new technological layer in the form of sensors, urban screens, smart...
Shenando Stals | Director of Studies: Dr Michael Smyth | Second Supervisor: Dr Oli Mival

A multidimensional sketching interface for visual interaction with corpus-based concatenative sound synthesis

2009 - 2016
The present research sought to investigate the correspondence between auditory and visual f...
Dr Augoustinos Tsiros | Director of Studies: Dr Gregory Leplatre | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Real-time 3D graphic augmentation of music therapy sessions for people on the autism spectrum

2015 - 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect people in a number...
Dr John McGowan | Director of Studies: Dr Gregory Leplatre | Second Supervisor: Dr Iain McGregor

Complex pleasures: designing optional interactions for public spaces

2008 - 2017
This research will investigate the nature of interactions between people and experience-oriented technologies such as new-media artw...
Dr Ingi Helgason | Director of Studies: Dr Michael Smyth

In search of the cybermuse: Exploring the potential for, and obstacles to, the use of suport technologies in the creative process

1999 - 2006
Dr Oli Mival | Director of Studies: Dr Michael Smyth | Second Supervisor: Prof David Benyon

Understanding user experience in blended spaces

2010 - 2018
Serkan Ayan | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Sonification of exosolar planetary systems

2015 - 2021
Michael Quinton | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Prof David Benyon

Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences

0 - 2011
The perceived auditory environment is an increasingly important part of people’s everyday interactive experiences. While sound design is an establish...
Dr Iain McGregor | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Phil Turner
16 results

Dr Tom Flint awarded prestigious R&D funding

16 November 2020
Dr Tom Flint from the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University has been named as a member of one of the groups in the funded R&D phase of Festival UK 2022.

MEmorial Project awarded prestigious residency

19 October 2018
The MEMorial Project, has been awarded a residency at the Museum of Loss and Renewal Collomachia Italy.

Tom Flint to talk at Edinburgh Informatics HCI Group

20 February 2018
Tom Flint will be discussing his work with Jupiter Artland in a talk titled An infrastructure for exploring the mixed reality continuum with children: Minecraft, Mixed Reality, and Jupiter Artland. T...

Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft Invited talk by Tom Flint

24 November 2017
Tom Flint gave a seminar for The Centre for Research in Digital Education titled Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft: What the methods people use to navigate Minecraft tell us about approaches to t...

Augusto Esteves will be delivering a seminar at the University of Bath

22 November 2017
Augusto Esteves has been invited by the HCI group at the University of Bath to deliver a seminar on his work on motion matching input for the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Abstract: Motion matching is a...

WaveTrace awarded by Design United and the Dutch Design Week

20 October 2017
WaveTrace, a project that was internally funded, was awarded with an additional 5000€ from Design United, to prepare an exhibition at the acclaimed Dutch Design Week. This work was done in collaborati...

Augusto Esteves has been accepted as Fellow of the RSA

17 August 2017
The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) is a London-based, British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to social challenges. Founded in 1754 ...

Tom Flint to demonstrate VR application at The National Gallery London

28 July 2017
Tom Flint will be accompanying weavers from Dovecot Tapestry Studio at a workshop held at the National Gallery London.

Emilia Sobolewska - Best Paper Award at British HCI 2017

4 July 2017
Work titled "Tailoring Methodological Bricolage to Investigate Non-Discretionary use of digital technology" by Emilia Sobolewska awarded Best Paper at British HCI 2017 Conference

Android Mixed Reality Game for Jupiter Artland launched at Edinburgh International Science Festival.

31 March 2017
A bespoke Android game based on the Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience was launched at a special event today.