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Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2015)
Life at the local scale: an alternative perspective on the urban. In Hybrid Cities - data to the peoplehttps://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3740.2083
The study of cities has risen to the top of research agendas in the last decade, raising the question of how to study something as vast and eclectic as cities. This paper prop...

Requirements for Computer-Aided Product-Service Systems Modeling and Simulation

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G., Hussain, R., Roy, R., & Corney, J. (2013)
Requirements for Computer-Aided Product-Service Systems Modeling and Simulation. In ICoRD'13: Global Product Development. , (773-784). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-1050-4_61
The design of product-service systems (PSS) is a co-production process which involves the manufacturer, customer and suppliers as well as any other stakeholders. This multi-or...

Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences

McGregor, I. Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4284
The perceived auditory environment is an increasingly important part of people’s everyday interactive experiences. While sound design is an established discipline in media suc...

Challenges and opportunities in transforming laser system industry to deliver integrated product and service offers

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G., Roy, R., & Corney, J. (2014)
Challenges and opportunities in transforming laser system industry to deliver integrated product and service offers. In H. Afsarmanesh, & L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Eds.), Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments, 127-134. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_12
Laser system industry is a complex network entity that includes laser component manufacturer, laser manufacturer, system integrator, laser job shop, laser process developer an...

Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Kresin, F., Balestrini, M., Unteidig, A. B., Lawson, S., …Dourish, P. (2018)
Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research. In CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1145/3170427.3170604
Falling costs and the wider availability of computational components, platforms and ecosystems have enabled the expansion of maker movements and DIY cultures. This can be cons...

Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2019)
Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1666-1680. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvcg.2018.2818156
We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion....

The impact of cultural aspects on the design process

Conference Proceeding
Felgen, L., Grieb, J., Lindemann, U., Pulm, U., Chakrabati, A., & Vijaykumar, G. (2004)
The impact of cultural aspects on the design process. In D. Marjanović (Ed.), DS 32: Proceedings of DESIGN 2004, the 8th International Design Conference. , (1475-1480
Due to increasing globalisation, the development of products is no longer restricted to one place, it is more and more characterised by distributed design teams, who work in d...

Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report

Conference Proceeding
Al-Dubai, A., & Ould-Khaoua, M. (2002)
Coded path routing: a new approach to broadcasting in 3-D meshes, Technical Report. In Conference Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (Cat. No.01CH37210), 155-162. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPCCC.2001.918648
Broadcast is an important collective communication operation required by many real-world parallel applications. This paper proposes the Coded Path Routing (or CPR for short) a...

Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2017)
Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S3966-S3974. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352899
The diffusion and democratisation of computing technologies and physical prototyping systems has supported the rise of Do-It-Yourself culture. In the context of design innovat...

A novel hybrid intelligence approach for 2D packing through internet crowdsourcing

Conference Proceeding
Agrawal, A., Yadav, P., Upadhyay, C. K., Corney, J. R., Vasantha, G. A., Jagadeesan, A., & Lynn, A. (2015)
A novel hybrid intelligence approach for 2D packing through internet crowdsourcing. In Technological Innovation in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR), 2015 IEEE, 33-39. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIAR.2015.7358527
Packing problems on its current state are being utilized for wide area of industrial applications. The aim of present research is to create and implement an intelligent system...


40 results


18 results
16 results

Dr Tom Flint awarded prestigious R&D funding

16 November 2020
Dr Tom Flint from the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University has been named as a member of one of the groups in the funded R&D phase of Festival UK 2022.

MEmorial Project awarded prestigious residency

19 October 2018
The MEMorial Project, has been awarded a residency at the Museum of Loss and Renewal Collomachia Italy.

Tom Flint to talk at Edinburgh Informatics HCI Group

20 February 2018
Tom Flint will be discussing his work with Jupiter Artland in a talk titled An infrastructure for exploring the mixed reality continuum with children: Minecraft, Mixed Reality, and Jupiter Artland. T...

Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft Invited talk by Tom Flint

24 November 2017
Tom Flint gave a seminar for The Centre for Research in Digital Education titled Appropriation Affordance and Minecraft: What the methods people use to navigate Minecraft tell us about approaches to t...

Augusto Esteves will be delivering a seminar at the University of Bath

22 November 2017
Augusto Esteves has been invited by the HCI group at the University of Bath to deliver a seminar on his work on motion matching input for the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Abstract: Motion matching is a...

WaveTrace awarded by Design United and the Dutch Design Week

20 October 2017
WaveTrace, a project that was internally funded, was awarded with an additional 5000€ from Design United, to prepare an exhibition at the acclaimed Dutch Design Week. This work was done in collaborati...

Augusto Esteves has been accepted as Fellow of the RSA

17 August 2017
The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) is a London-based, British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to social challenges. Founded in 1754 ...

Tom Flint to demonstrate VR application at The National Gallery London

28 July 2017
Tom Flint will be accompanying weavers from Dovecot Tapestry Studio at a workshop held at the National Gallery London.

Emilia Sobolewska - Best Paper Award at British HCI 2017

4 July 2017
Work titled "Tailoring Methodological Bricolage to Investigate Non-Discretionary use of digital technology" by Emilia Sobolewska awarded Best Paper at British HCI 2017 Conference

Android Mixed Reality Game for Jupiter Artland launched at Edinburgh International Science Festival.

31 March 2017
A bespoke Android game based on the Jupiter Artland Minecraft Experience was launched at a special event today.