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3420 results

Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Polla, G., & Heidl, B. (2017)
Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(7), 578-592.
Purpose This paper seeks to unlock the career transitions of hospitality managers through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. It seeks to understand how Schein’s Career ...

Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia

Stewart, H., Smith, S., Baxter, R., Ali-Knight, J., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University
Unlock & Revive is a multi-disciplinary action-research project that involves multiple partners. It is a highly collaborative project aimed at supporting the wellbeing of peop...

Air Connectivity after the Extra Long Range Aircraft

Conference Proceeding
Arvanitis, P. (2022)
Air Connectivity after the Extra Long Range Aircraft. .
Tourism and mobility feed one another, and the same principle applies on air travel. International tourism arrivals by air account for almost 60%. While it can be argued that ...

Type A/B personality, work–family, and family–work conflict: The moderating effects of emotional intelligence

Journal Article
Garavan, T., Srivastava, S., Madan, P., O’Brien, F., & Matthews-Smith, G. (2022)
Type A/B personality, work–family, and family–work conflict: The moderating effects of emotional intelligence. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 33(3), 223-247.
Many employees experience work-family conflict (WFC) and family-work conflict (FWC), multidimensional states of resource depletion. In this paper, we conceptualize Type A and ...

The Zhabdrung’s Legacy: Buddhism and Constitutional Transformation in Bhutan

Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. W. (2022)
The Zhabdrung’s Legacy: Buddhism and Constitutional Transformation in Bhutan. In T. Ginsburg, & B. Schonthal (Eds.), Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law (73-98). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The charismatic Tibetan religious hierarch, the Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal unified Bhutan in the second quarter of the seventeenth century. The Zhabdrung introduced a “dual sys...

The use of data mining to identify indicators of health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Journal Article
Penny, K. I., & Smith, G. D. (2012)
The use of data mining to identify indicators of health-related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 2761-2771.
Aim.  To examine the health-related quality of life in a cohort of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome and to explore the use of several data-mining methods to identify ...

Strategic Talent Management In The Hospitality Industry

Book Chapter
Garavan, T., Matthews-Smith, G., Marie Gill, A., & O’Brien, F. (2021)
Strategic Talent Management In The Hospitality Industry. In S. Jooss, R. Burbach, & H. Ruël (Eds.), Talent Management Innovations in the International Hospitality Industry (9-29). Emerald.
Purpose: Talent management and in particular strategic talent management (STM) has emerged as an important issue for hospitality organisations worldwide. In this chapter, we a...

Hokkien Chinese diaspora visitors’ image construction of their ancestral hometown: the role of the tourist gaze

Journal Article
Wang, Q., & Witte, A. (2023)
Hokkien Chinese diaspora visitors’ image construction of their ancestral hometown: the role of the tourist gaze. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 18(6), 768-784.
This study examines how diaspora tourists’ secondary and primary image of their ancestral home is constructed and how the tourist gaze is implied within. The study focuses on ...

Law, “Tradition” and Legitimacy: Contesting Driglam Namzha

Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. W. (2017)
Law, “Tradition” and Legitimacy: Contesting Driglam Namzha. In J. D. Schmidt (Ed.), Development Challenges in Bhutan: Perspectives on Inequality and Gross National Happiness (115-134). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
During the 1990s, the High Court of Justice played a significant role in the promotion of Bhutanese culture, intertwining the development of the Bhutanese legal system with Bh...

Separating Religions and Politics? Buddhism and the Bhutanese Constitution

Book Chapter
Whitecross, R. (2013)
Separating Religions and Politics? Buddhism and the Bhutanese Constitution. In A. K. Thiruvengadam, V. Raghavan, & S. Khilnani (Eds.), Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia (116-144). Oxford University Press
This chapter investigates Bhutan's constitutional history up to the 2008 Constitution. It specifically reflects on the relationship between Buddhism, the new Constitution, and...



142 results

Santander Staff Mobility Grant

2016 - 2017
"The Birth of a Nation: Exploring the Values-Based Leadership of Lee Kuan Yew in the Development of the Republic of Singapore" Yew was Singapore’s first Prime Minister from 1965 to 1990 and is regarde...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £400

Twenty Years of the Scottish Parliament: Critical Reflection on the Development of Child and Family Law

2018 - 2020
2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament. This project involves the creation of a workshop series about law-making for children and their families by the Sco...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £9,400

Armed forces communities support project

2023 - 2025
This project is to support ex military personel in societal challenge, as follows:- Develop a clear pathway to benefit serving and veteran parents and their children with additional support needs, whe...
Funder: The Armed Forces Covenant Trust | Value: £91,792


2020 - 2023
This project is a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University to improve significantly the understanding of transition to civilian life within Scotland. By provid...
Funder: Forces in Mind Trust | Value: £226,260

Evaluation of the impact of BRAVEHOUND on Veteran Mental Health

2023 - 2024
The grant will be used to fund an evaluation, led by Napier University (Centre for Military Research) which will provide an evidence base report for Bravehound.
Funder: The Veterans Foundation | Value: £11,928

An exploration of attitudes and perceptions of Irish freight operators toward adopting Bio-Methane fuelled vehicles

2022 - 2023
Aim and objectives Evaluate attitudes and antecedents toward adoption of vehicle technology for biomethane systems. Identify drivers, barriers, and potential policy support mechanisms. Develop a fr...
Funder: The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

“Empowering Indonesian women in STEM: Building resilience through network, advisers and role models

2024 - 2024
Strengthening pathways into employment for women graduates: Affirming their major choices Championing female role models in STEM Facilitating networking of STEM career choices Providing support system...
Funder: British Council | Value: £24,828

One Regional Employability Framework Evaluation

2009 - 2011
The North East’s Regional Employability Framework (REF) provided an over-arching strategic focus for partnership-working on employability across the region. This research had been commissioned by One ...
Value: £46,126

RSE Workshop

2016 - 2018
In a series of four workshops, academics from a range of disciplines, policy-makers, and representatives from health and education authorities, local authorities and Third Sector organizations will be...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £6,883

The influence of hegemonic masculinity on dietary preferences for meat. A cross-sectional study of adult men in Scotland.

2018 - 2019
The aim of this research is to examine the effects of hegemonic masculinity on meat consumption and willingness to adopt a more plant based diet. Hegemonic masculinity refers to socially prescribed no...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £4,674




Qualification level

132 results

Monitoring and evaluation indicators for just transition to net zero in tourism and events

2024 - date
Sebastian Lattekamp | Director of Studies: Dr Constantia Anastasiadou | Second Supervisor: Dr Alexandra Witte

Public charging infrastructure as the key enabler for electric mobility in Germany: The future electric vehicle charging point and the provision of parameters for a sustainable business model concept

2017 - 2021
Judith Karl | Director of Studies: Dr Kenny Crossan

The relationship between demographic variables and consumer confidence levels in the rationales for regulation: A quantitative study of Scottish retail banking consumers

2013 - 2020
Claire McCafferty | Director of Studies: Malcolm Pettigrew | Second Supervisor: Dr David White

Organisational change management: challenges for senior academic leaders of Higher Education institutions in Ontario amidst public policy reforms in Ontario amidst public policy reform

2016 - date
Phillip Liberakos | Director of Studies: Dr Patrick Harte | Second Supervisor: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith

Exploring a social selling framework to support the acquisition process of customers and partners within a multilevel marketing environment

2017 - 2022
Florian Kaufmann | Director of Studies: Dr Christine Band | Second Supervisor: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith

Ethical funds and risk: Evidence from the United Kingdom

2017 - 2021
Shaikh Hasan | Director of Studies: Dr Marizah Minhat | Second Supervisor: Prof Richard Whitecross

An investigation of factors associated with traffic accident and casualty risk in Scotland

1998 - 2002
Dr David White | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Raeside

Age of Marriage and Civil Partnership in Scotland

2023 - date
Ego Chidinma Ezeokoli | Director of Studies: Dr Rob Clucas | Second Supervisor: Prof Richard Whitecross

Forecasting in fast moving consumer goods organisations

2002 - 2006
Dr Jesus Canduela | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Raeside | Second Supervisor: Dr David White

Exploring the experience of military veterans involved in the Scottish criminal justice system

2023 - date
Lucy Williams | Director of Studies: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr Jennifer O'Neil


36 results

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Napier academic guest edits Special Issue on East-West divisions in Europe

20 February 2024
Dr Cristian Surubaru has guest edited a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) on the topic of the East-West divide within the European Union (2024, Volume 31, Issue 3). H...

Dr Cristian Surubaru in Romania as an expert for a second European Commission consultancy project

2 October 2023
Last week, Dr Neculai-Cristian Surubaru (The Business School at Edinburgh Napier) was is in Romania, conducting fieldwork as part of a second consultancy project on behalf of the European Commission. ...

Edinburgh Napier joins Turing University Network

1 October 2023
We are excited to announce that Edinburgh Napier University joins an elite group of 65 UK universities as part of the Turing University Network. As a member, ENU will have the opportunity to engage wi...

Domestic abuse information ‘not adequately captured’ in child contact cases

6 February 2023
tudy: Scottish Legal News 6 Feb

Child contact hearings failing to take account of domestic abuse, study finds

2 February 2023
The Courier - 02/02/2023 Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers. (Note: this story originated from Press Assoc...

Call for papers: Special issue of Utilities Policy (CABS 1, Impact Factor 3.247, SSCI). “Impact of Geopolitical Climate on Energy Security of Utilities–International Challenges and Local Solutions”

5 December 2022
Impact of Geopolitical Climate on Energy Security of Utilities–International Challenges and Local Solutions The endowment with energy resources is an essential factor that has configured and reconfig...

Family: Case management rules made for 2023

14 November 2022
Implementation of recommendations of 2017 report prepared for the Scottish Civil Justice Committee.

Dr Louise Todd's research-informed tourist gaze artwork featured in The Smart Leisure Guide (October 2022)

31 October 2022
'Louise Todd specialises in visual culture, Festivals, events and tourism as Associate Professor at Napier University. This academic research informs her artwork through the observation of people and ...

Craig Wight speaks to the New York Times about Dark Tourism Trends

27 October 2022
This article explores recent trends and examples of global travel that is recognisable as dark tourism, the attraction of death and disaster. Craig Wight specialises in genocide themed tourism attrac...
