17 results


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165 results

Culture as culprit: using actor-network theory to unpick power issues of knowledge exchange in corporate environments

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2008, September)
Culture as culprit: using actor-network theory to unpick power issues of knowledge exchange in corporate environments. Paper presented at Developing and sustaining a knowledge sharing culture, Warwick Business School, Warwick
Invited paper presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/HazelHall/2008-hall-cultureasculpritkin

Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies.

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. & Widen-Wulff, G. (2008, June)
Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies. Paper presented at USE-2008: From information provision to knowledge production, Oulu, Finland
This paper covers the themes of exchange theory, social exchange theory and social capital as related to information and knowledge sharing in online environments. It presents ...

Realising the potential of technology tools: expecting the unexpected.

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H. (2007)
Realising the potential of technology tools: expecting the unexpected. In Turner, C. (Ed.). Proceedings of Online Information 2008, 23-25. ISBN 1900239906
With reference to the domain of sociotechnical studies, this paper establishes reasons why expectations of technology implementations are often misguided. Examples from a numb...

Motivating learner engagement in online environments: the relevance of social exchange theory

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2007, November)
Motivating learner engagement in online environments: the relevance of social exchange theory. Paper presented at JISC CETIS Conference, Aston University, Birmingham
Invited paper presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare - https://www.slideshare.net/HazelHall/motivating-learner-engagement-in-online-environments-the-rel...

Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: the value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support.

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Davison, B. (2007)
Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: the value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support. Library and Information Science Research, 29(2), 163-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2007.04.007
This article reports on an investigation of blog technology's potential for encouraging interaction between students, and its consequences in terms of peer learning and peer s...

How should universities prepare information graduates for the working world?

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2007, May)
How should universities prepare information graduates for the working world?. Paper presented at Perfect Information Conference 2007, Bath, UK
Invited paper presentation. Presentation slides can be found on slideshare: https://www.slideshare.net/HazelHall/how-should-universities-prepare-information-graduates-for-the...

KM culture and compromise - interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments.

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Goody, M. (2007)
KM culture and compromise - interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments. Journal of Information Science, 33(2), 181-188. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551506070708
The theme of knowledge sharing is discussed extensively in the knowledge management literature. Such work tends to focus on the barriers that impede knowledge sharing activity...

New role realities: Avenues for extending the reach of information specialists

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Abell, A. (2006)
New role realities: Avenues for extending the reach of information specialists. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 43(1), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/meet.14504301267
As organizations have developed enterprise-wide electronic information environments, a diverse range of job roles has emerged at a variety of levels. Some of these roles are e...

Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users.

Conference Proceeding
Davison, B., & Buckner, K. (2005)
Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. In A. Sloane (Ed.), Home-oriented informatics and telematics : proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.3 HOIT2005 conference. , (277-290). https://doi.org/10.1007/11402985_20
This paper presents preliminary findings on teenagers’ use of instant messaging (IM) as an example of an Internet technology. The results are quantitative, being drawn from th...

Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place.

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H. & Abell, A. (2005)
Who is managing information? Opportunities in the e-information market place. In Jezzard, H. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th International Online Meeting, 39-44
This paper presents a summary of results that derive from research into the emerging information job market. The project was conducted by TFPL between February and June 2006, ...
23 results

Information literacy and society: a comprehensive review

2023 - 2023
This project will bring out how people learn to understand why and how they need information, and how they gather, process and use information, by reviewing research from 2005 to the present. The word...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,990

Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT

2022 - 2024
Our 2-year interdisciplinary project will investigate how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £94,392

Exploring the relationship between listener receptivity and the source of music recommendation

2022 - 2023
Music streaming platforms (MSPs) employ recommender systems to assist listeners with navigating extensive libraries (Petridis et al., 2022), discovery of new content and establishing new audiences (Me...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £5,296

PhD Studentship 2019: Work Based Learning and Firm Performance

2021 - 2024
The PhD studentship project will analyse the benefits and challenges of work-based learning (WBL) in organisations and develop a maturity model for benchmarking and a toolkit for maximising value and ...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £52,661

Super Recognisers: Is bias their Kryptonite?

2020 - 2021
Super-recognisers (SR) have superior facial recognition skills and consistently outperform non-SR in facial recognition experiments. However, as well as performance in experiments, SR in the real-worl...
Funder: British Academy

Career information literacy and decision-making

2019 - 2023
The main aim of this doctoral study is to generate new knowledge on career development learning with reference to decision-making amongst young people in S2-S6 preparing for their lives beyond school ...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £52,279

KTP Standard Life

2017 - 2018
The development of enhanced data analytics capabilities to enable the modelling, analysis and presentation of complex data to improve Group Internal Audit’s assessment and insight into business risks ...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £131,909

Information Literacy for Democratic Engagement (IL-DEM)

2016 - 2016
The findings of this research will contribute to strategies to improve citizen engagement in the democratic process at community level. Community Councillors are a vital link between local communities...
Funder: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | Value: £9,668


2016 - 2016
Analysis of transactional data provided by real time cloud based ordering systems linked within the food supply chain which targets Foodservice sector
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,807

dot.rural Portrait KE

2015 - 2016
Portrait is a software tool developed to help care staff get to know personal and social information about clients that live in residential care facilities. The Portrait system consists of a biography...
Funder: University of Aberdeen | Value: £3,287


Qualification level

14 results

User centred approaches to supporting digital literacies and online information systems use

2022 - date
Drew Feeney | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Gemma Webster

Multi-modal ubiquitous Quantum Self monitoring – a driver of mental health improvements in the prison environment

2022 - date
Tomasz Stupnicki | Director of Studies: Dr Gemma Webster | Second Supervisor: Dr Christine Haddow

Natural Language Interfaces to support career decision-making of young people

2021 - date
Exploring how natural language interfaces can be used to support young people with career decision making, including ethics...
Marianne Wilson | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Work-based learning environments (WBLE) for fostering industry-relevant skills and optimal economic performance.

2021 - date
John Marshall | Director of Studies: Dr David Haynes | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Cruickshank

Evaluation of engagement with hyperlocal e-participation systems by citizens and representatives

2019 - 2021
This work is concerned with the information practices associated with hyperlocal representation. The fin...
Dr Peter Cruickshank | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Dr Kendall Richards

The influence of culture on perceived use of public libraries by forced migrants in the United Kingdom

2019 - date
Dr. Rachel Salzano | Director of Studies: Dr Gemma Webster | Second Supervisor: Prof Hazel Hall

Exploring the development of innovative work behaviour of employees in multiple workplace contexts

2015 - 2020
The Scottish Government and supporting bodies have recognised the importance of innovation for organis...
Mrs Lyndsey Middleton | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Raeside

Social media as facilitators of tacit knowledge sharing practices amongst public sector employees

2014 - 2020
This research explores the role, use and value of social media and tacit knowledge sharing practices. I...
Iris Buunk | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Dr Colin Smith

Reputation management in a digital world: The role of online information in the building, management, and evaluation of personal reputations

2013 - 2019
This PhD is concerned with the role of online information in...
Dr Frances Ryan | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Alistair Lawson

The evaluation of data filtering criterial in wind turbine power performance assessment

2012 - 2019
Dr Brian Davison | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai
36 results

Hazel Hall to receive the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award

11 July 2019
The Association for Information Science and Technology announced Professor Hazel Hall as the winner of the 2019 Clarivate Analytics Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award.

Centre for Social Informatics researchers report on the long-term value of networking grants

15 February 2018
The Journal of Documentation has recently accepted a journal article by Centre for Social Informatics researchers that considers the long-term value and impact of AHRC network grant funding.

Professor Hazel Hall wins SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

12 January 2018
Professor Hazel Hall has won the SICSA PhD Supervisor of the Year Silver Award 2017

Professor Isto Huvila visits the Centre for Social Informatics

26 November 2017
Professor Isto Huvila of Uppsala University, Sweden visited Scotland in November 2017. As part of his programme he spent some time with colleagues in the Centre for Social Informatics at Edinburgh Nap...

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ASIST2017 in Washington DC

30 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics participated at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST2017) in Washington DC on 30th October 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to the ESRC ‘Ways of being in a digital age’ project review conference

9 October 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the the ESRC ‘Ways of being in a digital age’ project review conference in October 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute to ECIL 2017

19 September 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) in St Malo, France, in September 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics contribution to ECKM 2017

7 September 2017
The Centre for Social Informatics made a contribution to the European Conference on Knowledge Management 2017 in Barcelona, Spain in September 2017.

Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins wins John Campbell Trust travel bursary

10 July 2017
Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins has won a John Campbell Trust travel bursary.

Centre for Social Informatics contribute nine papers to i3 2017

26 June 2017
Staff and research students from the Centre for Social Informatics presented nine papers at Information: interactions and impact (i3) in June 2017.