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66 results

Greater pay transparency needed at GLCs and GLICs to improve governance

Minhat, M. (2018)
Greater pay transparency needed at GLCs and GLICs to improve governance
No abstract available. The full article can be viewed at this link:

Has the Islamic finance industry prospered with integrity?

Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2018)
Has the Islamic finance industry prospered with integrity?
No abstract available. The full article can be viewed at this link:

Are executives of GLCs and GLICs paid to improve performance?

Minhat, M. (2018)
Are executives of GLCs and GLICs paid to improve performance?
No abstract available. The full article can be viewed at this link:

Making Boards More Inclusive for All

Presentation / Conference
Weaver, M. (2018, May)
Making Boards More Inclusive for All. Presented at Holyrood Policy "Women on Public Boards: Preparing for Equal Representation", NASUWT, Edinburgh
No abstract available. Conference website -

Public scrutiny of Khazanah's finances needed

Minhat, M. (2018)
Public scrutiny of Khazanah's finances needed
This is a letter and can be viewed at this link:

A year on: which firms use Islamic financing?

Dzolkarnaini, N., & Minhat, M. (2018)
A year on: which firms use Islamic financing?
No abstract available. The full article can be viewed at this link:

Islamic finance: risk sharing as sustainable risk management

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaina, N. (2018)
Islamic finance: risk sharing as sustainable risk management. Islamic Finance News, 15(8),
No abstract available.

The ‘Get on Board’ Competency Pathway

Weaver, M., Brodie, J., & Hutchison, J. (2017)
The ‘Get on Board’ Competency Pathway. Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO
Research shows there is a lack of young trustees, and "a need to engage young people now by creating opportunities and a supportive culture around board governance, to help sh...

Legal Opinion on the Draft Law of Georgia on “Facilitating the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing”

Chhina, R. K., & Bökkerink, M. (2017)
Legal Opinion on the Draft Law of Georgia on “Facilitating the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing”. Georgia: Council of Europe
No abstract available.

Corporate governance in the Islamic finance industry

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2017)
Corporate governance in the Islamic finance industry. Islamic Finance News, 14(49),
No abstract available.


8 results

Napier academic guest edits Special Issue on East-West divisions in Europe

20 February 2024
Dr Cristian Surubaru has guest edited a Special Issue (SI) of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) on the topic of the East-West divide within the European Union (2024, Volume 31, Issue 3). H...

Dr Cristian Surubaru in Romania as an expert for a second European Commission consultancy project

2 October 2023
Last week, Dr Neculai-Cristian Surubaru (The Business School at Edinburgh Napier) was is in Romania, conducting fieldwork as part of a second consultancy project on behalf of the European Commission. ...

Academics moot making GLC execs’ pay public by law

31 October 2018
The assistant director of the International Centre for Management & Governance Research (ICMGR), Dr Marizah Minhat, and Associate Professor Nazam Dzolkarnaini are undertaking a research collaboration ...

Lord Sheikh Represents APPGIF at Edinburgh Forum

25 September 2018
Lord Sheikh, a co-chair of the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance (APPGIF), visited Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September 2018 to participate in the ‘Ethical Finance & Community Develop...

Financing the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

23 August 2017
A research project was launched to explore financing issues in relation to BRI. In collaboration with international researchers, this research is led by Dr Marizah Minhat, the Assistant Director of th...

Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking, Risk-Sharing and One Belt One Road

19 July 2017
Dr Marizah Minhat and Dr Nazam Dzolkarnaini were invited by the Treasury Markets Association (TMA) to deliver a talk to TMA members and market participants on “Islamic Finance/Investment: Rent-Seeking...

Perspectives on ethical finance and investment

18 May 2017
IMS member, Dr Marizah Minhat, Assistant Director of ICMGR, recently led an event on ethical finance and investment; here she reflects on its findings.

New Edinburgh centre will develop Business School research projects

23 November 2016
The International Centre for Management and Governance Research (ICMGR) aims to bring together academic and professional knowledge on international management and governance. The Centre’s Director, P...