Ingi Helgason
Ingi Helgason

Dr Ingi Helgason



Ingi Helgason is a lecturer in the Applied Informatics subject group and a member of the Interaction Design research group. Research interests include: Digital storytelling and narrative, creativity, interacting with archives and exhibitions, speculative and critical design.

Recent publications:
Elsden, C., Jones, V., Helgason, I., Abernethy, L., & Brown, W. (2023). FestForward: Participatory Design Futuring and World-Building for Equitable Digital Futures in Performing Arts Festivals. In DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (1424–1437).

Helgason, I., Smyth, M., Panneels, I., Lechelt, S., Frich, J., Rawn, E., & McCarthy, B. (2023). Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity. In CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Panneels, I., Helgason, I., Smyth, M., Darzentas, . D., Hocking, L., & Shillito, A. (2023). Distance: digital immersive technologies and craft engagement. In Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict: Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023

Encinas, E., Helgason, I., Auger, J., Mitrović, I., & Hanna, J. (2023). Speculative designs in educational settings: Tension-patterns from a (mostly) European perspective. .

Recent projects:
Creative Informatics - delivered by the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase and Creative Edinburgh. Funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme and managed by the Arts & Humanities Research Council as part of the Industrial Strategy.
SpeculativeEdu - an educational, project funded by ERASMUS+, the European Union programme for education, training, youth, and sport, with the aim of strengthening speculative design education by collecting and exchanging existing knowledge and experience whilst developing new methods in the field of speculative design.



Conference Organising Activity

  • Invited to join programme committee for UbiComp15 workshop: 1st Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience in Ubiquitous Interaction
  • Committee member for British HCI conference 2012


Editorial Activity

  • Scientific committee member: User Experience & Urban Creativity
  • Editorial Board of Journal of Interaction Science (JoIS)


Invited Speaker

  • Speculative Design: Echoes of Futures Past
  • Invited panelist for Primer 21 conference



  • Reviewer for Cumulus Conference, Budapest 2024
  • Review for 2024 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
  • Review for ACM Designing Interactive Systems conference 2023 Papers and Pictorials
  • Review for ACM CHI conference 2023
  • Review papers for ACM CHI 2021 conference
  • Review papers for ACM DIS 2021 conference
  • Review papers for ACM CHI 2020 papers
  • Review for ACM CHI 2019 conference
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM DIS 2018
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM CHI 2018
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM DIS 2016



42 results

Digital and data literacy

Book Chapter
Osborne, N., Helgason, I., Lechelt, S., Michielin, L., Panneels, I., Parkinson, C., …Warren, K. (2024)
Digital and data literacy. In Data Driven Innovation in the Creative Industries (71-100). London, UK: Routledge.
In this chapter we explore models for training and upskilling people in the creative industries in data, technology and entrepreneurial skills, situating this in the wider ski...

Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainable Creative Practice

Conference Proceeding
Lechelt, S., Panneels, I., & Helgason, I. (in press)
Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainable Creative Practice. In Proceedings of the 35th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference
Lechelt, S, Panneels, I & Helgason, I. 2022, Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainable Creative Practice. in Proceedings of the 35th International BCS Human Computer Interaction ...

Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education

Journal Article
Helgason, I., Encinas, E., Mitrovic, I., & Smyth, M. (2022)
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 5-7.
As guest editors of this special edition we are delighted to present this selection of papers responding to our call about Speculative and Critical Design in education. The re...

A hefty dose of lemons: the importance of rituals for audiences and performers at the online Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2020

Journal Article
Piccio, B., Helgason, I., Elsden, C., & Terras, M. (2022)
A hefty dose of lemons: the importance of rituals for audiences and performers at the online Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2020. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 18(1), 154-175.
When the pandemic began to affect the performance world, both festival artists and producers started to adopt creative approaches to moving their work online. In the study pre...

The Tree and The Room: Co-Designing DIY WiFi Networks with Emergent Local Metaphors

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Lapidge, L., & Hausel, K. (2021)
The Tree and The Room: Co-Designing DIY WiFi Networks with Emergent Local Metaphors. In Design Culture(s) | Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 (3823-3837
The use of metaphor for communicating conceptual models of interactive systems has a well-documented history in Interaction Design practice. Although metaphors can pri...

Recorded performance as digital content: Perspectives from Fringe 2020

Book Chapter
Elsden, C., Yu, D., Piccio, B., Helgason, I., & Terras, M. (2021)
Recorded performance as digital content: Perspectives from Fringe 2020. In L. Bissell, & L. Weir (Eds.), Performance in a Pandemic. London: Routledge.
Within days of performance venues being forced to close their doors in 2020, the National Theatre began broadcasting high-quality recordings of the best of London’s West End. ...

Echoes of Futures Past - Speculations and Fictions from History

Book Chapter
Smyth, M., Auger, J., & Helgason, I. (2021)
Echoes of Futures Past - Speculations and Fictions from History. In I. Mitrović, J. Auger, J. Hanna, & I. Helgason (Eds.), Beyond Speculative Design: Past-Present-Future (24-67). Split, Croatia: SpeculativeEDU, Arts Academy, University of Split

Beyond Speculative Design: Past – Present – Future

Mitrović, I., Auger, J., Hanna, J., & Helgason, I. (Eds.)
(2021). Beyond Speculative Design: Past – Present – Future. Split: SpeculativeEdu; Arts Academy, University of Split
The book Beyond Speculative Design: Past – Present – Future consists of six main sections. After the introduction, there is a brief history of speculation in radically differe...

Learning from the 2020 Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Recommendations for Festivals and Performing Arts in Navigating Covid-19 and New Digital Contexts

Elsden, C., Piccio, B., Helgason, I., & Terras, M. (2021)
Learning from the 2020 Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Recommendations for Festivals and Performing Arts in Navigating Covid-19 and New Digital Contexts. AHRC
When it happened, the announcement that the Edinburgh Festivals would not go ahead was both predictable and shocking. Cruelly, so many aspects of what makes the Edinburgh Fest...

Speculative Design in Education: Mapping the Landscape

Conference Proceeding
Helgason, I., Mitrović, I., Hanna, J., Auger, J., Encinas, E., & Smyth, M. (2021)
Speculative Design in Education: Mapping the Landscape. In Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #2
This paper presents findings from a recent European-wide study on the use of Speculative Design approaches within education. The study included a survey of design educators an...

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