Ingi Helgason
Ingi Helgason

Dr Ingi Helgason



Ingi Helgason is a lecturer in the Applied Informatics subject group and a member of the Interaction Design research group. Research interests include: Digital storytelling and narrative, creativity, interacting with archives and exhibitions, speculative and critical design.

Recent publications:
Elsden, C., Jones, V., Helgason, I., Abernethy, L., & Brown, W. (2023). FestForward: Participatory Design Futuring and World-Building for Equitable Digital Futures in Performing Arts Festivals. In DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (1424–1437).

Helgason, I., Smyth, M., Panneels, I., Lechelt, S., Frich, J., Rawn, E., & McCarthy, B. (2023). Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity. In CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Panneels, I., Helgason, I., Smyth, M., Darzentas, . D., Hocking, L., & Shillito, A. (2023). Distance: digital immersive technologies and craft engagement. In Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict: Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023

Encinas, E., Helgason, I., Auger, J., Mitrović, I., & Hanna, J. (2023). Speculative designs in educational settings: Tension-patterns from a (mostly) European perspective. .

Recent projects:
Creative Informatics - delivered by the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University, Codebase and Creative Edinburgh. Funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme and managed by the Arts & Humanities Research Council as part of the Industrial Strategy.
SpeculativeEdu - an educational, project funded by ERASMUS+, the European Union programme for education, training, youth, and sport, with the aim of strengthening speculative design education by collecting and exchanging existing knowledge and experience whilst developing new methods in the field of speculative design.



Conference Organising Activity

  • Invited to join programme committee for UbiComp15 workshop: 1st Workshop on Full-Body and Multisensory Experience in Ubiquitous Interaction
  • Committee member for British HCI conference 2012


Editorial Activity

  • Scientific committee member: User Experience & Urban Creativity
  • Editorial Board of Journal of Interaction Science (JoIS)


Invited Speaker

  • Speculative Design: Echoes of Futures Past
  • Invited panelist for Primer 21 conference



  • Reviewer for Cumulus Conference, Budapest 2024
  • Review for ACM Designing Interactive Systems conference 2023 Papers and Pictorials
  • Review for 2024 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
  • Review for ACM CHI conference 2023
  • Review papers for ACM DIS 2021 conference
  • Review papers for ACM CHI 2021 conference
  • Review papers for ACM CHI 2020 papers
  • Review for ACM CHI 2019 conference
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM DIS 2018
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM CHI 2018
  • Awarded Special Recognition for Reviewing for ACM DIS 2016



42 results

This pervasive day: creative Interactive methods for encouraging public engagement with FET research

Journal Article
Helgason, I., Bradley, J., Egan, C., Paechter, B., & Hart, E. (2011)
This pervasive day: creative Interactive methods for encouraging public engagement with FET research. Procedia Computer Science, 7, 207-208.
This paper describes a case study of a programme of interactive public engagement activities presented by the PerAda Co-ordination Action project (FET Proactive Initiative on ...

Demo Hour: Anthony Otten, Daniel Schulze, Mie Sorensen, Di Mainstone, Tim Murray-Browne

Journal Article
Helgason, I. (2011)
Demo Hour: Anthony Otten, Daniel Schulze, Mie Sorensen, Di Mainstone, Tim Murray-Browne. Interactions, 18, 8-9.
These Demo Hour projects were curated by Ingi Helgason, a researcher and design lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University and the Open University. The projects were presented at...

This pervasive day: design and development case study.

Presentation / Conference
Helgason, I., Bradley, J., & Egan, C. (2011, March)
This pervasive day: design and development case study. Paper presented at i-Docs, A Symposium on Interactive Documentary, Watershed Media Centre Bristol, UK
This presentation will describe the development process, and the underpinning rationale, behind a multi-format, interactive exhibition and online documentary. This project, to...

Informing the design of the future urban landscape.

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2010)
Informing the design of the future urban landscape. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 438-440. doi:10.1145/1858171.1858259
The urban spaces of the future will be saturated with both visible and hidden media that gather and transmit information. How we as physical beings connect with, interpret and...

Interaction design: learning from new-media art.

Presentation / Conference
Helgason, I. (2010, September)
Interaction design: learning from new-media art. Paper presented at Irish Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference, Dublin
The aim of this PhD research project is to increase knowledge about the nature of what can be termed “optional interactions” with installations and systems found in public or ...

Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research.

Smyth, M. (2009)
D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.). Presence for everyone - a short guide to presence research. Centre for Interaction Design
Every day in countless interactions you and I use media to immerse ourselves in virtual environments of information, gaming, video, and social networking. For these moments we...

Presence and consciousness.

Turner, P. (2008)
Presence and consciousness. In D. Benyon, M. Smyth, & I. Helgason (Eds.), Presence for everyone: a short guide to presence research, 21-24. Peach Consortium

Fragments of place : revealing sense of place through shared phone images.

Digital Artefact
Smyth, M. & Helgason, I. (2008)
Fragments of place : revealing sense of place through shared phone images.
Is an interactive new media art installation that explores how the sharing of images, normally hidden on mobile phones, can reveal more about people's sense of place and this ...

From urban space to future place.

Conference Proceeding
Helgason, I., Jensen, L., Rosenbak, S., Skrinjar, L., Smyth, M., Streinzer, A., …Wouters, N. (2012)
From urban space to future place
How the UrbanIxD summer school applied critical design & design fiction to future urban technologies. Produced in collaboration with the Book Sprints for ICT Research FP7 proj...

Aspects of lifelikeness: a framework for optional interactions with public installations

Conference Proceeding
Helgason, I., Smyth, M. & Speed, C. (2011)
Aspects of lifelikeness: a framework for optional interactions with public installations
This poster presents a framework for the design and evaluation of “optional interactions” with publicly sited, non-utilitarian installations. These kinds of encounters, where ...

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