Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?
Conference Proceeding
Wells, S. (2014)
Argument Mining: Was Ist Das?
Argument Mining has become an increasingly popular term over the last
few years but it is unclear to what exactly the term refers. It definitely refers to an
area of endeavour...
Supporting argumentation schemes in argumentative dialogue games.
Journal Article
Wells, S. (2014)
Supporting argumentation schemes in argumentative dialogue games. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 36, 171-191.
This paper reports preliminary work into the exploitation of argu- mentation schemes within dialogue games. We identify a property of dialogue games that we call “scheme aware...
Towards using segmentation-based techniques to personalize mobility behaviour Interventions
Journal Article
Forbes, P., Gabrielli, S., Maimone, R., Masthoff, J., Wells, S., & Jylha, A. (2014)
Towards using segmentation-based techniques to personalize mobility behaviour Interventions. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 14(4),
This paper describes our initial work towards a segmentation-based approach to personalized digital behavior change interventions in the domain of sustainable, multi-modal urb...
Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games.
Conference Proceeding
Yuan, T., Manandhar, S., & Wells, S. (2014)
Using Code Generation to Build a Platform for Developing and Testing Dialogue Games
Despite increasing research into their use as a vehicle for Human-
Computer Dialogue and Inter-Agent Communication, Dialogue Games have not
seen good uptake in industry. One o...
Towards an Applied Gamification Model for Tracking, Managing, & Encouraging Sustainable Travel Behaviours
Journal Article
Wells, S., Kotkanen, H., Schlafli, M., Gabrielli, S., Masthoff, J., Jylhä, A., & Forbes, P. (2014)
Towards an Applied Gamification Model for Tracking, Managing, & Encouraging Sustainable Travel Behaviours. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 1(4),
In this paper we introduce a gamification model for encouraging sustainable multi-modal urban travel in modern European cities. Our aim is to provide a mechanism that encourag...
Towards using Segmentation-based Techniques to Personalize Mobility Behavior Interventions
Conference Proceeding
Forbes, P. J., Gabrielli, S., Maimone, R., Masthoff, J., Wells, S., & Jylha, A. (2014)
Towards using Segmentation-based Techniques to Personalize Mobility Behavior Interventions
This paper describes our initial work towards a segmentation-based approach to personalized digital behavior change interventions in the domain of sustainable, multi-modal urb...
Towards an applied gamification model for tracking, managing, & encouraging sustainable travel behaviours.
Presentation / Conference
Wells, S., Kotkanen, H., Schlafli, M., Gabrielli, S., Masthoff, J., Jylha, A., & Forbes, P. (2014, May)
Towards an applied gamification model for tracking, managing, & encouraging sustainable travel behaviours. Paper presented at First Urban Sustainable, CollaboratIve, and Adaptive MObility (USCIAMO) Workshop, Nice, France
In this paper we introduce a gamification model for encouraging sustainable multi-modal urban travel in modern European cities. Our aim is to provide a mechanism that encourag...