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94 results

Ontology-Driven Automated Generation of Data Entry Interfaces to Databases

Conference Proceeding
Cannon, A., Kennedy, J. B., Paterson, T., & Watson, M. F. (2004)
Ontology-Driven Automated Generation of Data Entry Interfaces to Databases. In H. Williams, & L. Mackinnon (Eds.), Key Technologies for Data Management; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 150-164. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27811-5_15
This paper discusses an ontology based approach for the automatic generation of data entry interfaces to databases. An existing domain ontology is mapped to a system domain mo...

Visual Exploration of Alternative Taxonomies through Concepts

Journal Article
Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2007)
Visual Exploration of Alternative Taxonomies through Concepts. Ecological Informatics, 2, 248-261.
A graphical user interface is presented that allows users of taxonomic data to explore concept relationships between conflicting but related taxonomic classifications. Ecolog...

Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy]

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Graham, M., & Kennedy, J. (2002)
Two approaches to representing multiple overlapping classifications: a comparison [plant taxonomy]. In L. Kerschberg, & M. Kafatos (Eds.), Proceedings [of the] Thirteenth International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM 2001, 239-244.
Plant taxonomy is the science of classification of plants. One of the tasks of plant taxonomy is the creation of classifications of organisms that allows the understanding of ...

Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2019)
Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1666-1680.
We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion....

Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases

Journal Article
Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., Paton, N. W., McKirdy, J., Kennedy, J., Gray, P., …Pinherio da Silva, P. (2001)
Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. Interacting with Computers, 14(1), 31-68.
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the productivity of user-interface developers and possibly for improving the quality of develope...

Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Koonen, A. M. J., Liotta, A., & Famaey, J. (2018)
Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7(2), 278-281.
In light of the extreme radio congestion, the time has come to consider the upper parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical beam-steered wireless communications offer gre...

Developing a core ontology for taxonomic data.

Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, J., Gales, R., Hyam, R., Kukla, R., Wieczorek, J., Hagedorn, G., …Vieglais, D. (2006)
Developing a core ontology for taxonomic data. In L. Belbin, A. Rissoné, & A. Weitzman (Eds.), Proceedings of TDWG (2006), St Louis, MI
Over recent years several sub-groups within the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG) have developed models and exchange standards to facilitate data sharing within the tax...

Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting

Conference Proceeding
Casas, L., Fauconneau, M., Kosek, M., Mclister, K., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2018
We introduce Shadow Retargeting which maps real shadow appearance to virtual shadows given a corresponding deformation of scene geometry, such that appearance is seamlessly ma...

Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Exarchakos, G., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1),
Almost all the natural or human made systems can be understood and controlled using complex networks. This is a difficult problem due to the very large number of elements in s...

The efficacy of Euler diagrams and linear diagrams for visualizing set cardinality using proportions and numbers

Journal Article
Stapleton, G., Chapman, P., Rodgers, P., Touloumis, A., Blake, A., & Delaney, A. (2019)
The efficacy of Euler diagrams and linear diagrams for visualizing set cardinality using proportions and numbers. PLOS ONE, 14(3),
This paper presents the first empirical investigation that compares Euler and linear diagrams when they are used to represent set cardinality. A common approach is to use area...
14 results

Rigorous Graphical Explainable AI for Higher-Risk Applications

2020 - 2021
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are common in many areas, such as human‐robot interaction (HRI), natural language processing, and planning tasks, however, their use in high-risk industrial applications is...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £49,088

Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation

2019 - 2023
Language generation (LG) is a crucial technology if machines are to communicate with humans seamlessly using human natural language. A great number of different tasks within Natural Language Processin...
Funder: European Commission

Security Visualisation

2018 - 2022
To optimise the ZoneFox product through the development and incorporation of effective information visualisation tools for generating insight through visual exploration and discovery of relationships ...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £184,993


2014 - 2014
The creation of a ‘software-as-a-service’ product to allow Client companies, or their agents, to improve their ‘Propositions’ – their own commercial offers; this is done by removing the need for ‘twea...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,962

Scottish Woodlands KTP

2013 - 2014
Scottish Woodlands Ltd is Scotland's leading independent full-service forest management company. It is also the second largest operator in the UK, with a network of 17 offices operating throughout Sco...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £110,222


2014 - 2014
A prototype visualisation which demonstrated the advantages of dynamic representations of genomes over standard static diagrams was developed. This used the d3 library to allow interactive layering of...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2014 - 2014
A prototype visualisation was built using D3-based libraries on top of a supplied data set (which in essence was a data cube). This was then connected to an R-based statistical service which allowed a...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Biological Visualisation Network - BioVisNet

2014 - 2017
Biology is a visually grounded scientific discipline-from the way data is collected and analysed to the manner in which the results are communicated to others. Traditionally pictures in scientific pub...
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £151,201

KTP Delta DNA (Games Analytics)

2014 - 2016
To analyse in game communications to predict engagement of players.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £133,098

Visual Justifications for Ontologies

2015 - 2016
Ontologies are a way of reasoning about data in an efficient manner. Ontologies are increasingly prevalent in a range of applications, including the Semantic Web, medicine and law. The development and...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £9,320
8 results

Visualising Multiple Overlapping Classification Hierarchies

1998 - 2002
The revision or reorganisation of hierarchical data sets can result in many possible hierarchical classifications composed of the same or ove...
Dr Martin Graham | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Prof David Benyon

Intermediated Reality

2016 - 2020
Real-time solutions to reducing the gap between virtual and physical worlds for photorealistic interactive Augmented Reality (AR) are presented. First, a method of texture deforma...
Dr Llogari Casas Cambra | Director of Studies: Prof Kenny Mitchell | Second Supervisor: Dr Kevin Chalmers

Investigating communicating sequential processes for Java to support ubiquitous computing

2005 - 2009
Ubiquitous Computing promises to enrich our everyday lives by enabling the environment to be enhanced via compu...
Dr Kevin Chalmers | Director of Studies: Prof Jon Kerridge | Second Supervisor: Dr Imed Romdhani

Visualisation support for biological Bayesian network inference

2015 - 2019
Network models are often created to describe interactions between components in biological systems. At a molecular level the involved com...
Thanasis Vogogias | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy

Interactive Visualisation Tools for Supporting Taxonomists Working Practice

2001 - 2006
The necessity for scientists and others to use consistent terminology has recently been regarded as fundamental to advancing ...
Dr Alan Cannon | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy

The evaluation of data filtering criterial in wind turbine power performance assessment

2012 - 2019
Dr Brian Davison | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

Tasks and visual techniques for exploration of temporal graph data

2010 - 2017
Dr Natalie Kerracher | Director of Studies: Dr Kevin Chalmers | Second Supervisor: Prof Jessie Kennedy

1994 - 1997
Prof Kenny Mitchell | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Peter Barclay