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100 results

Scotland's Mental Health and Capacity Law: A Case for Reform

Stavert, J., & McKay, C. (2017)
Scotland's Mental Health and Capacity Law: A Case for Reform. Edinburgh: Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Report of joint Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland and Centre for Mental Health and Capacity Law law reform scoping exercise.

Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Kresin, F., Balestrini, M., Unteidig, A. B., Lawson, S., …Dourish, P. (2018)
Maker Movements, Do-It-Yourself Cultures and Participatory Design: Implications for HCI Research. In CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Falling costs and the wider availability of computational components, platforms and ecosystems have enabled the expansion of maker movements and DIY cultures. This can be cons...

P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?

Journal Article
Brown, G., Hoskins, G., Williams, B., Murray, J., Skar, S., McGhee, J., …Hagen, S. (2014)
P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?. Thorax, 69(Suppl 2), A125-A125.
Background Participation in regular physical activity improves aerobic fitness and well-being. For people with asthma the benefits also include reduced hospital admissions, ab...

The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions at increasing adherence to physical activity in mental health populations: a systematic review

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Peddie, N., & Westbury, T. (2021)
The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions at increasing adherence to physical activity in mental health populations: a systematic review. Advances in Mental Health, 19(1), 94-112.
Objective: There is growing global evidence for stark inequalities in the physical health status and life-expectancy of people with a mental health diagnosis. In most cases, p...

Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks

Journal Article
Torres Vega, M., Koonen, A. M. J., Liotta, A., & Famaey, J. (2018)
Fast Millimeter Wave Assisted Beam-Steering for Passive Indoor Optical Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7(2), 278-281.
In light of the extreme radio congestion, the time has come to consider the upper parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Optical beam-steered wireless communications offer gre...

Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Exarchakos, G., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1),
Almost all the natural or human made systems can be understood and controlled using complex networks. This is a difficult problem due to the very large number of elements in s...

Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks

Journal Article
Savaglio, C., Pace, P., Aloi, G., Liotta, A., & Fortino, G. (2019)
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 29355-29364.
High-density communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) demand for new approaches to meet stringent energy and spectrum requirements. We turn to reinforcement learning,...

Transforming Care After Treatment Partnership, Integration and Co-ordination

Campbell, K., & Johnston, L. (2018)
Transforming Care After Treatment Partnership, Integration and Co-ordination. Macmillan Cancer Support
This Bulletin presents the evidence and learning on the implementation of holistic needs assessment (HNA) within 11 completed local projects from the national evaluative persp...

Are mental health tribunals operating in accordance with international human rights standards? A systematic review of the international literature

Journal Article
Macgregor, A., Brown, M., & Stavert, J. (2019)
Are mental health tribunals operating in accordance with international human rights standards? A systematic review of the international literature. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(4), e494-e513.
Mental health tribunals are responsible for making decisions about compulsory treatment for individuals considered a risk to themselves and others due to mental disorder. They...

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Mocanu, E., Nguyen, P. H., Gibescu, M., & Liotta, A. (2016)
A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines. Machine Learning, 104(2-3), 243-270.
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and models derived from them have been successfully used as basic building blocks in deep artificial neural networks for automatic feature...
9 results

Care Homes Appreciative Inquiry into Retention

2022 - 2024
This proposal is for a programme of work that will involve both research and collaborative appreciative inquiry led quality improvement in Lothian care homes, targeted at improving the retention of hi...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £100,327

Visualisation of Metadata in 2D/3D Digital Cuneiform Artefacts

2022 - 2023
Cuneiform is an ancient writing system that was first used in around 3400 BC (Finkel & Taylor, 2015). Distinguished by its 3D imprinted, wedge-shaped reed marks on clay tablets, cuneiform script is o...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,909

Walks & Waterfalls Innovation Voucher

2018 - 2018
Walks and Waterfalls is a multi-channel interactive project intended to design and roadmap a blended experience between a fine art photography book, a mobile augmented reality app and physical locatio...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

The Sound Beneath Our Feet

2022 - 2022
This project will develop an immersive audio installation in which to experience sonified seismic data from volcanic activity. The environment will foster new ways of experiencing data from both scien...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,915

Co-produced career guidance intervention for people living with dementia

2021 - 2023
Project, led by Dr Louise Ritchie of the University of the West of Scotland and Co-investigators (Prof Debbie Tolson and Emma Bolger of University of the Westof Scotland, Dr Valerie Egdell and Katie B...
Funder: Alzheimer Society

Justice Analytical Services Call For Proposals - Domestic Abuse and Child Welfare Hearings Research

2018 - 2022
This research proposes to specifically examine the points of articulation (and dislocation) between civil and criminal law in domestic abuse cases through a specific focus on child contact proceedings...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £12,200

Creative Informatics: Data Driven Innovation for the Creative Industries

2018 - 2024
Data Driven Innovation (DDI) is transforming society and the economy. DDI is defined as the challenge to make effective use of data to shape, develop and deliver innovative products and services to co...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £1,046,469

ENSEMBLE Performing Together Apart: Enhancing Immersive Multi-Location Co-Performance in Real Time

2018 - 2018
The feeling of being immersed within a live performance by an ensemble of world class musicians can be a deeply engaging and highly valued cultural experience for audiences as well as for the performe...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £58,268

Information for Action on Climate Change

2017 - 2019
The challenge that climate change poses to humanity and the natural environment is critical and well documented. Faced with such an unprecedented challenge, three responses are needed: drastic cuts in...
Funder: V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation | Value: £3,120


Qualification level

15 results

Adaptive video game sound based on inherent skill level utilising selective attention

2022 - 2025
In video games, selective attention can be utilised to increase a player’s engagement by adapting the sound design ...
Mr. Ethan Robson | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Dr Balandino Di Donato

Learning to cope with non-discretionary use of digital technologies

0 - 2016
The thesis describes an investigation into how people learn to cope with non-discretionary use of digital technologies. This includes...
Dr Emilia Sobolewska | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Michael Smyth

Illuminating the importance of craftsmanship in compassionate caring and facilitating its development in student nurses

2020 - 2021
This thesis provides a critical reflection on my original contributions to knowle...
Dr Liz Adamson | Director of Studies: Prof Kay Sambell | Second Supervisor: Dr Brian Williams

UrbanIxD: Exploring human interactions for the hybrid city

2015 - 2022
With the vision of ubiquitous computing becoming increasingly realized, a new technological layer in the form of sensors, urban screens, smart...
Shenando Stals | Director of Studies: Dr Michael Smyth | Second Supervisor: Dr Oli Mival

Real-time 3D graphic augmentation of music therapy sessions for people on the autism spectrum

2015 - 2019
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect people in a number...
Dr John McGowan | Director of Studies: Dr Gregory Leplatre | Second Supervisor: Dr Iain McGregor

An examination of how meaningful participation by the adult at risk is facilitated by adult protection professionals within the adult protection case conference (APCC)

2021 - date
Mrs Kate Fennell | Director of Studies: Prof Jill Stavert | Second Supervisor: Dr Natasha Spassiani

Complex pleasures: designing optional interactions for public spaces

2008 - 2017
This research will investigate the nature of interactions between people and experience-oriented technologies such as new-media artw...
Dr Ingi Helgason | Director of Studies: Dr Michael Smyth

An adaptive mixing framework for a personalised listening experience.

2021 - date
Ahmed Shalabi | Director of Studies: Dr Iain McGregor | Second Supervisor: Dr Linda Shore

Soundscape mapping: comparing listening experiences

0 - 2011
The perceived auditory environment is an increasingly important part of people’s everyday interactive experiences. While sound design is an establish...
Dr Iain McGregor | Director of Studies: Prof David Benyon | Second Supervisor: Dr Phil Turner

Comfort, health, and wellbeing of teachers and the impact/effect/influence of their work-indoor environment

2019 - date
Natalie Bain-Reguis | Director of Studies: Dr Andrew Smith | Second Supervisor: Prof Caroline Hollins-Martin
7 results

Augusto Esteves will be delivering a seminar at the University of Bath

22 November 2017
Augusto Esteves has been invited by the HCI group at the University of Bath to deliver a seminar on his work on motion matching input for the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Abstract: Motion matching is a...

WaveTrace awarded by Design United and the Dutch Design Week

20 October 2017
WaveTrace, a project that was internally funded, was awarded with an additional 5000€ from Design United, to prepare an exhibition at the acclaimed Dutch Design Week. This work was done in collaborati...

Augusto Esteves was featured in The Conversation and EconoTimes

9 October 2017
The articles cover the work published at ICMI '17, exploring the use of head-mounted displays as opera glasses, with the goal of delivering an egalitarian user experience during live events. Links bel...

Augusto Esteves has been accepted as Fellow of the RSA

17 August 2017
The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) is a London-based, British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to social challenges. Founded in 1754 ...

Emilia Sobolewska - Best Paper Award at British HCI 2017

4 July 2017
Work titled "Tailoring Methodological Bricolage to Investigate Non-Discretionary use of digital technology" by Emilia Sobolewska awarded Best Paper at British HCI 2017 Conference

Augusto presented a demo of his work at the SICSA DEMOfest'16

11 November 2016
SICSA DEMOfest is the annual technology showcase of leading Informatics and Computer Science research from Scottish Universities and it creates an environment for industry partners and academics to co...

Augusto was invited by Prsma to join Lisbon's Web Summit'16

7 November 2016
Augusto joined 53,056 tech CEOs, founders, startups, investors and political leaders driving change across the world in Lisbon for the Web Summit. Over 2,000 of the world’s leading media attended. Tog...