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166 results

Investigating the association of self-regulated learning skills and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese and Scottish adolescents

Journal Article
Pitkethly, A. J., Lau, P. W. C., & Maddison, R. (2019)
Investigating the association of self-regulated learning skills and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese and Scottish adolescents. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17(6), 670-684.
Zimmerman's self-regulated learning (SRL) model focusses on how individuals are able to make improvements through a cyclical and systematic method of learning how to adapt to ...

The intervention effect of SMS delivery on Chinese adolescent's physical activity.

Journal Article
Lau, P. W. C., Pitkethly, A. J., Leung, B. W. C., Lau, E. Y., & Wang, J. (2019)
The intervention effect of SMS delivery on Chinese adolescent's physical activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 787.
To examine the effects of short messaging service (SMS) frequency and timing on the 13 efficacy of an SMS-intervention for Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Sixty nine students a...

Teachers’ and young adolescents’ qualitative opinions of an eight-week, feasibility/pilot, sit-stand desk intervention

Presentation / Conference
Pitkethly, A., Campbell, A., Sproule, J., Booth, J., Fawkner, S., & Hutson, D. (2017, November)
Teachers’ and young adolescents’ qualitative opinions of an eight-week, feasibility/pilot, sit-stand desk intervention. Poster presented at Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections 2017
Aim: Nine sit-stand desks were installed in an Edinburgh Primary 7 class to determine the feasibility of their use and the effects on sedentary, activity, learning outcome var...

Benefits of a worksite or home-based bench stepping intervention for sedentary middle-aged adults - a pilot study

Journal Article
Mair, J. L., Boreham, C. A., Ditroilo, M., McKeown, D., M. Lowery, M., Caulfield, B., & De Vito, G. (2014)
Benefits of a worksite or home-based bench stepping intervention for sedentary middle-aged adults - a pilot study. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 34(1), 10-17.
The aim of this study was to investigate the benefits of a low-volume, vigorous intensity bench stepping programme in sedentary middle-aged adults. Thirty-one healthy but sede...

The effect of exercise intensity and duration on cardiac troponin release

Journal Article
Mills, N., Marshall, L., Lee, K. K., Stewart, S., Wild, A., Fujisawa, T., …Ross, M. (2020)
The effect of exercise intensity and duration on cardiac troponin release. Circulation, 141(1), 83-85.
Abstract not available.

Recruitment to the “Breast—Activity and Healthy Eating After Diagnosis” (B-AHEAD) Randomized Controlled Trial

Journal Article
Pegington, M., Adams, J. E., Bundred, N. J., Harvie, M. N., Campbell, A., Howell, A., …Harvey, M. (2018)
Recruitment to the “Breast—Activity and Healthy Eating After Diagnosis” (B-AHEAD) Randomized Controlled Trial. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 17(1), 131-137.
Excess weight at breast cancer diagnosis and weight gain during treatment are linked to increased breast cancer specific and all-cause mortality. The Breast—Activity and Healt...

Development and validation of self-reported line drawings of the modified Beighton score for the assessment of generalised joint hypermobility

Journal Article
Cooper, D. J., Scammell, B. E., Batt, M. E., & Palmer, D. (2018)
Development and validation of self-reported line drawings of the modified Beighton score for the assessment of generalised joint hypermobility. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(11),
Background: The impracticalities and comparative expense of carrying out a clinical assessment is an obstacle in many large epidemiological studies. The purpose of this study ...

Great Britain's Olympians with generalised joint hypermobility have a higher prevalence of knee osteoarthritis

Journal Article
Cooper, D. J., Scammell, B. E., Batt, M. E., & Palmer-Green, D. (2016)
Great Britain's Olympians with generalised joint hypermobility have a higher prevalence of knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(Sup. 1), S218.
Purpose: Individuals with generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) are reported, in the clinical setting, to be at greater risk of developing musculoskeletal related joint pain, ...

Providing pupils autonomous use of sit-stand desks; behaviour changes and teacher and pupil opinion following an 8 week intervention

Journal Article
Fowler, S., Pitkethly, A., Booth, J., Sproule, J., & Hutson, D. (2018)
Providing pupils autonomous use of sit-stand desks; behaviour changes and teacher and pupil opinion following an 8 week intervention. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15(10 Suppl 1), S74-S74.
Parallel oral session : Wednesday 17th October

A bedtime milk snack does not impact resting metabolic rate, substrate utilisation, and appetite the following morning in mildly overweight males

Journal Article
Lay, A., Crabtree, D., Campbell, T., Tipton, K., Dreczkowski, G., Galloway, S., & Witard, O. (2018)
A bedtime milk snack does not impact resting metabolic rate, substrate utilisation, and appetite the following morning in mildly overweight males. British Journal of Nutrition, 119(12), 1355-1365
Nighttime eating is often associated with a negative impact on weight management and cardiometabolic health. However, data from recent acute metabolic studies have implicated ...
28 results

Assessing the efficacy of a Physical Activity and Health Behaviour Change interventions alongside the use of an activity tracking device and platform to change physical activity behaviour in cancer pa...

2016 - 2018
This is a research and evaluation of Macmillan Move all project in collaboration with Paths for all partnership.
Funder: Paths for All Partnership | Value: £19,885

MRes with Hibernaian Football Club

2021 - 2023
This research project will be embedded within the daily practices of a professional football club at both senior and academy level. The aim of this project will be to bring objectivity and scientific...
Funder: The Hibernian Football Club Limited | Value: £23,136

Greenock Morton FC Masters by Research project

2021 - 2023
This research project will be embedded within the talent development environment of a professional football club at both senior and academy level. The aim of the project will be to gather data surroun...
Funder: Greenock Morton Football Club Ltd | Value: £21,669

Football Sport Nutrition PhD Studentship

2022 - 2025
Through a funded PhD between the School of Applied Sciences (Edinburgh Napier University) and Soccer PDP, this project aims to develop an applied sport nutrition resource for grass roots and amateur f...
Value: £36,228

BikeSenz: getting to grips with cyclists' comfort.

2019 - 2019
Although the overall benefits of cycling to health and wellbeing are well understood, the prevalence of several painful and debilitating injuries of the wrist, including ulnar neuropathy and carpal tu...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,999

Acceptability and feasibility of using peer-led exercise snacks to increase physical fitness in adolescents

2022 - 2023
Aims. This study aims to carry out a pilot and feasibility study into the use of ‘Exercise snacks’ - short bouts of high-intensity exercise – in adolescents.
Funder: National Institute for Health Research | Value: £5,478

The influence of aerobic exercise training to attenuate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity and vascular dysfunction in breast cancer and leukaemia patients

2018 - 2021
This project will be based in the Sport, Exercise and Health Research theme within the School of Applied Sciences, and is led by Dr. Mark Ross, Miss Karen Campbell and Professor Geraint Florida-James ...
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £58,079

Player Load Monitoring & Performance in Elite Scottish Rugby Union (PhD)

2017 - 2020
Sports team coaching and support staff face a regular challenge to provide optimal player workloads in order to elicit positive development and performance adaptations, while at the same time minimisi...
Funder: Scottish Rugby Union | Value: £58,894

The Significant Ankle Ligament Injury (SALI) Cohort Study

2016 - 2021
This is an Arthritis research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis funded research project collaboration between the University of Nottingham (lead) and Edinburgh Napier University. The s...
Funder: Arthritis Research UK

Capturing the insights of parents of athletes in performance pathways

2019 - 2021
The Project sportscotland is looking to contract a researcher to deliver an online survey and 6 focus groups with parents of performance pathway athletes from 4-6 sports, representing team, individual...
Funder: Sportscotland | Value: £22,768
6 results

A qualitative exploration of the South African cricket development environment

2011 - 2017
Dr Cedric English | Director of Studies: Prof Russell Martindale | Second Supervisor: Christine Nash

Establishing the effectiveness of screening and prehabilitation methods utilised by soccer clubs to identify and reduce lower limb indirect injuries; and the perceptions of these by soccer players, coaches and medical science staff

2020 - 2025
Mr. Colin McLelland | Director of Studies: Dr Susan Brown | Second Supervisor: Dr Alan McCall

All-out sprinting: reliability and sensitivity of testing, and the effects of work-to-rest ratio and exercise modality

2020 - 2022
Dr Mykolas Kavaliauskas | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Lesley Ingram-Sills

The influence of age, aerobic fitness, cardiovascular risk factors and cytomegalovirus on angiogenic T cells and endothelial progenitor cells

2011 - 2016
Dr Mark Ross | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Eva Malone

The trajectory to elite level: an investigation of the individual and environmental features of within career transitions in sport

2013 - 2018
Dr George Andronikos | Director of Studies: Prof Russell Martindale | Second Supervisor: Dr Tony Westbury

Ambulatory physiological assessment: an ergonomic approach to the dynamic work environment and temporal variability in heart rate variability, blood pressure and the cortisol awakening response.

2011 - 2015
Dr Tom Campbell | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Tony Westbury
6 results